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1686 Results
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Result 201 to 250

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4 Million Pounds of Microplastics Found in Corals, Causing Tissue Necrosis in Fishes

Harmful to ocean and aquatic life, microplastics make up the nearly three percent toxic pollutants in shallow, tropical waters where corals flourish. These toxic chemicals bring huge detrimental impact on reef health, and a new study reveals 4 million pounds of them may be stored in coral skelet ...

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Nurdles: the worst toxic waste you’ve probably never heard of

Billions of these tiny plastic pellets are floating in the ocean, causing as much damage as oil spills, yet they are still not classified as hazardous

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Nobel-winning stock market theory used to help save coral reefs

Researchers at Australia’s University of Queensland used modern portfolio theory (MPT), a mathematical framework developed by the economist Harry Markowitz in the 1950s to help risk-averse investors maximise returns, to identify the 50 reefs or coral sanctuaries around the world that are most li ...

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Portugal Establishes the Largest Fully Protected Marine Reserve in Europe

Today the government of Portugal expanded a marine protected area around the Selvagens Islands, creating the largest fully protected marine reserve in Europe at 2,677 square kilometers. The Selvagens islands are a small archipelago in the North Atlantic located midway between Madeira and the Can ...

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Seabird conservation: following food from fishing boats

As seabirds’ food security is threatened by human activity, new research in Ireland has found that birds with tracking devices have been follow fishing vessels for food.

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Protecting the Pacific's endangered marine species using artificial intelligence

Using artificial intelligence, scientists are making progress toward protecting endangered species that are not meant to be caught.

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How South Africa can get communities involved in conserving coastal and marine areas

In a recent paper, my colleagues and I explored what prevents and enables community protection of coastal and marine areas in South Africa. We reviewed global and South African literature to identify common factors in these types of initiatives. We then refined this list based on interviews with ...

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Marine Biologists are Making Efforts to Save Coral Reefs in Mariana Islands

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' southern islands include some of the archipelago's oldest and most developed reefs, while the island of Saipan has one of the most diversified kinds of coral reefs and relate ...

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Busy beavers: up close with Cornwall’s furry eco-warriors

Reintroducing beavers is like throwing petrol on to the bonfire when it comes to nature recovery – it really speeds things up,” says Chris Jones, farmer and communities director of the Beaver Trust. We’re on a tour of Woodland Valley Farm, near Ladock, his home and the site of the Cornwall Beave ...

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New insights into future ocean landscapes revealed

Climate change is altering the ocean at an alarming pace. This is nothing new. A new study, however, published in the journal One Earth and conducted by experts at the Oregon State University, has found out more about climate change impact on the oceans and has found concrete examples about how ...

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‘Apocalyptic’: dead crabs litter beaches in north-east England

An investigation is under way into why thousands of dead crabs and lobsters are washing up on the Tees estuary and neighbouring north-east beaches in recent weeks.

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Women show the way as India pushes 'eco-miracle' seaweed

Draped in a colourful saree and shirt, Lakshmi Murgesan dives into the azure waters off India's southern coast to collect seaweed, which is being hailed by scientists as a miracle crop that absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees.

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Goa’s pilot seaweed farm explores viability of this climate-smart algae

Most of the sandy beaches and bays of Goa, India’s smallest state, are dominated by tourism and fishing. Yet in the low tide pools along the a 100 km long coastline, slimy algae, known as seaweed, have been quietly flourishing. In recent years, seaweed has gained global renown as a wonder plant ...

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Waters off French coast in winter may be a deadly trap for small, foraging turtles

The documented habitat boundaries of the loggerhead, Kemp's ridley and green turtles are questioned by a new study suggesting that stranded turtles rescued from European French Atlantic and Channel waters could be visiting the area to forage for food.

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Coral reefs: the fight to save the ocean's food factories

Coral reefs might only cover a tiny fraction of the ocean floor, but they are home to around a quarter of all marine species. Many though are dying due to warming oceans and pollution. In this episode, Ocean looks at what's been done to not only preserve reefs but also bring them back to life.

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Newly discovered coral and nudibranch species reflects Hong Kong's rich marine biodiversity

Biologists from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) have discovered in Hong Kong waters a new species of hard coral and two new species of nudibranch, a type of marine mollusc, that have never been identified anywhere else in the world. The discoveries of new species from these commonly seen ani ...

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Finding Bright Spots in the Global Coral Reef Catastrophe

The first-ever report on the world’s coral reefs presents a grim picture, as losses mount due to global warming. But there are signs of hope — some regions are having coral growth, and researchers found that corals can recover if given a decade of reprieve from hot water.

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St. Lawrence estuary is swimming with abundance of whales

'Spectacular and exceptional' number of humpback whales makes for banner season of whale watching. The captain of the Grand Fleuve is aboard his vessel looking out at the St. Lawrence River off the shores of Tadoussac, Que.


World Maritime Day

30 September 2021, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

News Headlines

Coral Microbiome (Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses) Is Key to Surviving Climate Change

Researchers tease apart contributions of symbiotic bacteria and algae to corals’ heat tolerance and identify genes involved in stress response.

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The secret world of seagrass meadows

Countless marvelous marine critters live in seagrass meadows which are easily seen in places like the Buccoo Reef marine protected area in Tobago. Dr Anjani Ganase encourages us to learn about their connections to reef and mangrove, and to allow the children to explore them.

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The Deep Seas Near New Zealand Have Yielded 6 New Species of Bizarre Sponges

The biodiversity of the deep ocean is difficult to track, given its inhospitality to us – soft, air-breathing land dwellers. Down in the darkness, there's much more life than we have accounted for.

News Headlines

Region of ‘Super Corals’ Discovered

In 2019, a hydrology professor at The University of Texas at Austin set out on a research project to see if he could identify harmful nutrients flowing through groundwater into a delicate coral reef sanctuary in the Philippines.

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The ocean has lost half its coral reef coverage, study finds

A Canadian-led team of scientists has concluded that tropical coral reefs that feed millions around the world have lost about half their ability to support human communities since 1950.

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Marine experts flag new Peru marine reserve that allows industrial fishing

When Peru declared the creation of the Nazca Ridge National Reserve in the country’s southern waters this past June, it also increased — in one fell swoop — the proportion of its maritime area under protection from less than 1% to nearly 8%. But the move has sparked an outcry from conservationis ...

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Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems

In July 2021, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced that 866 West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) had died in the state of Florida in the first seven months of the year alone. The news shocked and saddened many Floridians, for whom the gentle, slow-moving mammal is a statewide mascot, ...

News Headlines

In a First, Scientists Record Blue Whale Songs off the Lakshadweep Islands

One hot 2019 afternoon in Lakshadweep, as marine mammal scientist Divya Panicker sat engrossed in listening to recordings retrieved from underwater sound recorders, she came across low blue-whale moans amid the cacophony of a rooster crow.

News Headlines

Underwater gardeners restore seagrass meadows to keep oceans healthy

A group of researchers is preparing to dive into the shallow waters of Dale Bay in Wales. They’re on a mission to monitor the restoration of the local species of seagrass, Zostera marina, also known as eelgrass, as part of a program spearheaded in 2014 by Project Seagrass, a U.K.-based charity t ...

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Venomous Snake Chasing You Through the Ocean Just Wants to Be Friends

Sea snakes are total nightmare fuel, but new research suggests their frequent “attacks” on scuba divers are in reality botched attempts to get lucky.

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Gigantic 400-Year-Old Coral Is The Widest Ever Seen in The Great Barrier Reef

Towering beneath sparkling waters off the coast of Australia's Palm Islands is an ancient coral community that predates the European settlement of its neighboring continent.

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Great Barrier Reef: accept ‘in danger’ status, there’s more to gain than lose

No one denies the cascade of climate-induced coral bleaching that devastated huge portions of the Great Barrier Reef in 2016, nor the subsequent bleaching. No one questions the Queensland government’s 2019 report (see go.nature.com/3ckg) that the reef’s condition near the shore is poor.

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Highly restricted dispersal in habitat-forming seaweed may impede natural recovery of disturbed populations

Marine forests (i.e. seascapes dominated by habitat-forming seaweeds1) are among the most productive ecosystems in temperate rocky coasts, enhancing biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and habitat complexity2,3.

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Spain prosecutors launch inquiry into mystery fish deaths

Prosecutors in the southern Spanish region of Murcia have launched an investigation after hundreds of dead fish began washing up along the shores of one of Europe’s largest saltwater lagoons.

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11 Fascinating Facts About Eels

Eels are a diverse group of fish that tend to look pretty slender; you might even call them “eel-longated.” Some are big, some are small, and more than a few come with nightmarish jaws. Naturalists have been probing their mysterious habits for millennia, and here are 11 things we’ve learned abou ...

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Podcast: What can seashells tell us about the health of the oceans?

On today’s episode of the Mongabay Newscast we discuss what seashells can tell us about the state of the world’s oceans, and we hear about the challenges facing the Philippines’ marine protected area system.

News Headlines

Bermuda’s coral reefs ‘doing well’ but future is uncertain

Bermuda’s coral reefs could help to protect the island from strengthening storms – if we are able to keep them healthy. Robbie Smith, curator of the Natural History Museum at BAMZ, said at an online round table on the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme that safeguarding the marine environment co ...

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Separate coral reef bureau needed to preserve PH reefs – expert

A marine biology expert said the country needs a dedicated bureau for coral reef management amid the challenges in preserving the marine environment in Philippine waters.

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Protecting Colombia’s shark paradise: Q&A with Sandra Bessudo

500 kilometers (310 miles) off the Pacific coast of Colombia lies Malpelo Island, a barren rock that marks the center of the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary World Heritage Site. While Malpelo is virtually devoid of vegetation larger than a shrub, it is considered a biological treasure for its ...

News Headlines

Sexy secret life of basking sharks uncovered in Hebrides

Fin-to-fin synchronised swimming, thought likely to be part of courtship, has been seen in groups of basking sharks for the first time. Video cameras attached temporarily to the sharks gave scientists an unprecedented view of their hitherto secret underwater world.

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Deadly coral disease sweeping Caribbean linked to wastewater from ships

A virulent and fast-moving coral disease that has swept through the Caribbean could be linked to waste or ballast water from ships, according to research.


167th session of the FAO Council

19 July 2021, Rome, Italy

News Headlines

Undersea volcanoes are home to more life than we know

Bill Chadwick has seen things you wouldn’t believe. He’s observed an undersea volcano oozing carbon dioxide, which turned into an eerie, milky liquid under the intense water pressure. “That was crazy,” Chadwick tells Vox. He witnessed another eject a toxic plume that was killing and stunning fis ...

News Headlines

How Shells Tell Secrets Of The Sea

One hundred thousand years ago, a human cousin walked a rock-​ribbed beach along the Mediterranean Sea, her head lowered and her large eyes scanning the shoreline. Now and again she stopped, bent her strong body, and picked up a seashell.

News Headlines

Deep-Sea Study Records Species Found Nowhere Else on Earth

A new study is shedding light on what lies in the deep. This first-ever deep-sea survey of both ends of the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges has revealed unique and fragile species. It also spurred a call for the protection of deep-sea habitats.

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How oysters and seagrass could help the California coast adapt to rising seas

On a sunny afternoon in April, Katie Nichols crouched over the edges of a small oyster reef in Newport Bay, California, peering into the mud that had been exposed by the receding tide. Where all I saw was a jumble of interchangeable shell fragments, Nichols quickly spotted what she was looking for.

News Headlines

Ocean Microbes Act As ‘Methane Sinks,’ Can Help Tackle Climate Change: Study

Microorganisms found in the ocean may play an important role in the process of mitigating climate change by acting as “methane sinks” on ocean floors, a new study has found.

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Victorian Science’s Great Unsolved Murder Mystery

In the summer of 1893, an unusual volume appeared on the shelves of London booksellers. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia: Its Products and Potentalities, published by

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 201 to 250
Results for: ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme