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The session will address UNEP-DTIE-IETC's efforts on the Iraqi Marshlands since 2004 to present. UNEP-DTIE-IETC has been working on the restoration of the Iraqi Marshlands since 2004, taking the ecosystem management approaches and community-based approach during the post-conflict period. UNEP-U ...
The main objectives of this side event are to, following the submission of an elaborated Multi-Year Plan of Action for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development to COP 10 under agenda item 4.9, by Yemen on behalf of the G-77, provide Parties, regional agencies, relevant organizatio ...
A 6-minute film will take us through 5 regions where an innovative transboundary approach and multi-stakeholder partnerships have made a difference on the ground for delivering on protected area targets. Key partners will illustrate how this project shook policy into action and how they actually ...
An innovative transboundary approach has proven to be successful for delivering on protected area targets in 5 regions worldwide. Partnership is at the heart of this success. This active working session will bring together new potential partners to explore lessons learned and identify ways forwa ...
This side event aims at sharing the efforts of the Mediterranean region under the aegis of UNEP/MAP in making the Millenium Development Goals with regard to the protection of biodiversity and the creation of marine protected areas a reality in the Mediterranean region. 60 min event, including: ...
1.Explore issues of root causes of Biological Diversity problem
Within the framework of the COP-10 and in presence of HSH the Sovereign Prince, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation organizes a side event entitled “Monaco and Marine Protected Areas”. During this event, a presentation will be given on projects led by the Foundation in the field of biodive ...
This side event will explore how to achieve enhanced implementation of the programme of work on mountain biological diversity by first identifying the constraints and challenges and then providing innovative examples and cases from governments, civil society, IGOs and the private sector which ha ...
During this side event, we will launch a report titled “Moving the needle on Ocean Protection” that has been prepared for COP10 and that focuses on the implementation of the 2012 target of establishing Marine Protected Areas Networks. The report will provide evidence-based advice on improving an ...
This side-event will discuss alternatives and options to secure benefit sharing from access to genetic resources based on new developments in science and technology, including new taxonomic tools (iBOL), due consideration to the informational nature of genetic resources and the implication of th ...
A presentation from South African experience on how national Institutions have positively contributed in the implementation of biodiversity targets.
Accurate extinction risk assessment is vital in determining conservation priorities and establishing biodiversity management plans at all governance levels. By applying the reputed IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria at the regional level, regional and national Red Lists provide the most pract ...
New Models to Share Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
The Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) presents innovative approaches for financing biodiversity conservation. This event will bring together representatives from different working groups to discuss the role of Environmental Funds in scaling up conservation resources; cutting-edge Innovative Fi ...
Over the past two years, The Nature Conservancy and UNDP have collaborated with 18 govts in the Latin America Region to better understand the existing and needed levels of financing for protected area systems to meet the targets of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas. Coupled with econ ...
The human beings live with bio-resources. However, we do not know a proper solution for sustainable use of these bio-resources. The information of ocean biodiversity is still scant. In the term of the land, detailed analysis and prediction on the biodiversity are necessary to understand the conn ...
OISCA International, has approximately 50 years experience as the NGO involves an international cooperation and rural development in the Asia-Pacific region. Among the OISCA experience, especially the rural development of sustainable agriculture and human resources development with training of o ...
Ocean acidification, as a direct consequence of increased carbon dioxide, presents a serious concern for marine and coastal biodiversity and habitats globally. An emerging body of research suggests that the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystems will be variable and co ...
The World Ocean Council is the international, cross-sectoral industry leadership alliance on ocean sustainability that is tackling the single most important factor affecting marine biodiversity - the way business is done in the marine environment. The ocean supports a wide range of uses - shippi ...
Presentation of recent Biopiracy Cases (Pelargonium, Rooibos) and the position of civil society on the ongoing negotiations for an ABS-Protocol
The Queen’s Commissioner, mr. L. Verbeek, of the Dutch Province of Flevoland, will inform you in this side event on the development of Oostvaardersland. Oostvaardersland promotes biodiversity and improves the living and working environment. Part of the last reclamation project in the Netherland ...
Presentation and Interpretation on treatment of invasive alien species in Japan (The first part; Experts tell and interpret participants a story illustrated with picture cards about treatment of invasive alien species in Japan. The second part; Each sector of Experts (ex. mammals, birds, reptile ...
This side event will launch a new publication from UNDP/GEF/CBD that highlights current trends in protected areas, and provides recommendations for managing protected areas to sustain livelihoods, maintain ecosystem services and promote climate adaptation and resilience. The lessons are drawn fr ...
The respectfully requested CBD COP 10 side event aims at informing about the new Pacific Ocean 2020 Challenge Initiative which was kick-started in July 2010. Seven Governments (California, Fiji, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vietnam) participated in the founding meeting. Governo ...
The side event aims at sharing success stories from around the Pacific region and to highlight some of the key challenges in the Pacific with regards to biodiversity conservation. There will be presentations by selected key note speakers as well as an exhibition and display of products from the ...
On July 1, 1973, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) is created through an agreement between IICA and the Costa Rican government. The Center would focus on research and higher education. CATIE’s headquarters were established at IICA’s field office, in Turrialba ...
Study of cases and signal new tendencies in management of agriculture in Brazil.
May 22nd this year provided a unique opportunity for the world to reflect on the particular role biodiversity plays for poverty alleviation. The fact that CBD selected “Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Alleviation” as the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity 2010 was not a me ...
In 2004, the 7th Conference of Parties (COP7) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) drafted the Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) to support the establishment and maintenance of comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national and regional systems ...
The aim of this event will be to highlight progress made worldwide in implementing the GSPC, both through national initiatives and international programmes. A series of short presentations outlining experiences during the first eight years of the strategy will be included, as well as informatio ...
Amazonas state is working on a consistent conservation policy since 2003, which includes the establishment and implementation of new protected areas, the reduction of deforestation levels, climate change related initiatives, among others. Analyses and results will be focused on the progress achi ...
This side event will present IUCN work on 'Protected Areas and the Law' since COP 9, in particular the Guidelines on Protected Areas Legislation, developed to provide information and guidance on key elements of a modern and effective legal framework, attuned to the present roles and correspondi ...
Introduction of the biodiversity and management gap analysis on protected areas in Mongolia for international organizations
The Mesoamerican region is known as one of the biodiversity hotspots of the World. The countries of the region have undertaken multi-year processes to identify the priority areas, strategies, and financing needs required to ensure the ecological representation and effective management of biodiv ...
Événement pour présenter le livre et les fiches sur la "Biodiversité dans le monde francophone", préparé par l'OIF/IEPF et l'IUCN
PwC will be presenting the findings of the new 'Habitat banking in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Feasibility Assessment' report prepared under UNDP guidance. This will be followed by a panel discussion regarding the opportunities, risks and barriers to establishing regulatory habitat bankin ...
The Side Event will promote better understanding of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership and its importance for biodiversity conservation. It will also demonstrate the significant challenges faced in conserving migratory waterbirds and their habitats in this region. The new publicati ...
The purpose of this side event is to inform and assist the Contracting Parties in the implementation of Article 8 (f): ecosystem restoration and species recovery. The distinguished panelists will discuss the socio-economic rationale for restoring ecological infrastructure and how restoration pro ...
Recent OECD work on biodiversity will be presented including on: Enhancing the Cost-effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services; Innovative financing for Biodiversity Conservation; and Green Growth & Biodiversity
The side-event will look at relevant develoments in patent law relevant for ABS and rights ot genetic resources.
This high level event will address how political efforts are needed in order to implement the provisions of two of the most important MEAs. Counting on the participation of developed and developing countries participants, the discussion will include the kind of commitments necessary to reduce th ...
The Regional Action Plan for Amazon Biodiversity is presented as a result of a joint effort between the eight Member Countries of ACTO to strengthen measures of cooperation, communication and coordination thus contributing to improving the livelihoods of their people and generating conditions fo ...
The Friends of the Conservation Commons came into force in January 2010 (www.conservationcommons.net) through signature of the Charter by three founding members. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (U ...
Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa) is a programme of the Brazilian government to protect 60 million hectares of natural ecosystems in the Amazon region of Brazil, aiming to conserve a representative portion of the Brazilian Amazon biodiversity, to maintain important ecosystem services ...
Presentation of the function of rice paddies to preserve biodiversity. Rice paddies can develop peculiar ecosystems, enable sustainable agriculture for several thousand years, and provide ecosystem services such as watershed protection, prevention of soil erosion and local climate stability, as ...
Appropriate use and conservation of Satoyama and its contribution to revitalization of local communities are the theme of this side event, which is one of the events to promote Satoyama initiative. Some governors in Japan will introduce their activities, such as establishment of biodiversity str ...
The objective of this event is to present the outcomes, information generated and technical assistance provided to developing countries by UNEP GEF projects on conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. This side event will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the tools, pra ...
The purpose of the side event is to present the results and outcome of the international workshop scheduled to take place in Nagoya prior to the cop on this issue. This workshop is co sponsored by the IUCN and the CBD with the support mainly from Norway and Japan and possibly others.
The UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), established in 1992, has implemented more than 6,500 biodiversity projects at the community level in 120 countries worldwide. The side event will profile a joint initiative of the SGP and UNDP/GEF to capture and profile the portfolio of biodiversity-bas ...
Indigenous Peoples and their territories are endowed with a wealth of natural and cultural resources. The unique environment, the diversified local culture and the traditional lifestyles represent opportunities and challenges for the sustainable economic activities in those regions. Indigenous a ...