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475 Results
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Result 251 to 300

News Headlines

Magnets, vacuums and tiny nets: the new fight against microplastics

When it comes to microplastics, there’s rarely good news. Researchers continue to find the tiny plastic fragments everywhere they look.

News Headlines

Saharan dust expected to hit Europe again this weekend

Dust and sand particles whipped up from the Sahara will once again blanket skies over Europe this weekend, impacting air quality, the European Union's Copernicus satellite monitoring service said Friday.

News Headlines

Kenya: Call for Ban on Plastic Bottles as Oceans Choke on Pollution

Ban plastic bottles to save people and aquatic life , researchers have told the government. The researchers warned that as plastic pollution increases in the country, Kenyans will suffer from health complications related to pollution.

News Headlines

188 Environmental Groups Call For An End To Single Use Products

Disposable products have a detrimental impact on the natural environment, wildlife, human health, and vulnerable communities. Single use products, from packaging to food containers, to disposable cups and cutlery, are a key contributor to the 2 billion tons of waste that humans produce every year.

News Headlines

Mauritius - a Fisherman's Life Amid Covid-19 and an Oil-Polluted Ocean

"From where we live, we could see that the MV Wakashio had run aground on the reefs," - 39-year-old Bimsen Beeharry.Life was going well for 39-year-old Mauritian fisherman Bimsen Beeharry when COVID-19 hit in early 2020, prompting authorities to impose a lockdown and suspend fishing. The COVID-1 ...

News Headlines

Sea turtle: Sentinels and victims of plastic pollution in the Adriatic Sea

Sea turtles are witnesses and victims of the high level of plastic pollution of the Adriatic Sea. A group of researchers at the University of Bologna analyzed 45 turtles hospitalized at Fondazione Cetacea in Riccione and found plastic debris in their feces.

News Headlines

With a pinch of salt: How reliable are existing studies on microplastics in table salt?

Just as environmentally conscious scientists predicted, our excessive use of plastics is coming back to bite us. Microplastics (MPs), plastic particles smaller than a few millimeters, can now be found everywhere, but more so in seawater. As expected, MPs are harmful to both environment and healt ...

News Headlines

It's not just oceans: scientists find plastic is also polluting the air

Plastic waste in our oceans is now a well-known issue but new data shows that plastic is adding to air pollution in Indian cities too.

News Headlines

Declaring key ocean habitats off-limits to human activities protects biodiversity and guards against climate change

Ocean life is increasingly threatened: offshore drilling has polluted ocean waters while overfishing has stripped fish populations of their abundance, pushing stocks to the point of collapse.

News Headlines

Pesticide imidacloprid threatens future for key pollinator

An insecticide used to control pest infestations on squash and pumpkins significantly hinders the reproduction of ground-nesting bees—valuable pollinators for many food crops, a new University of Guelph study has revealed.

News Headlines

How does plastic debris make its way into ocean garbage patches?

Tons of plastic debris get released into the ocean every day, and most of it accumulates within the middle of garbage patches, which tend to float on the oceans' surface in the center of each of their regions. The most infamous one, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is in the North Pacif ...

News Headlines

'Bee-killing' pesticide now will not be used on UK sugar beet fields

A pesticide which reduces bee populations and was to be used in England’s sugar beet fields this year will not be used after recent cold weather killed off virus-transmitting aphids.

News Headlines

Air pollution fell sharply during lockdown

The far-reaching mobility restrictions at the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March 2020 created a unique situation for atmospheric sciences: "During the 2020 lockdown, we were able to directly investigate the actual effects of drastic traffic restrictions on the distribution of air pollutant ...

News Headlines

Plastic Pollution: What Happens To The Plastic After It Enters The Ocean?

Of the hundreds of millions of tonnes of plastic waste we produce each year, it’s estimated that around ten million tonnes enter the ocean. Roughly half of the plastics produced are less dense than water, and so they float. But scientists estimate that there are only about 0.3 million tonnes of ...

News Headlines

'Biodegradable' plastic will soon be banned in Australia—that's a big win for the environment

To start dealing with Australia's mounting plastic crisis, the federal government last week launched its first National Plastics Plan.The plan will fight plastic on various fronts, such as banning plastic on beaches, ending polystyrene packaging for takeaway containers, and phasing in microplast ...

News Headlines

'Lost' ocean nanoplastic might be getting trapped on coasts

As plastic debris weathers in aquatic environments, it can shed tiny nanoplastics. Although scientists have a good understanding of how these particles form, they still don't have a good grasp of where all the fragments end up.

News Headlines

Plastic bags recycled into fabric to fight pollution

Scientists have made fabrics from polythene in a move they say could reduce plastic pollution and make the fashion industry more sustainable. Polythene is a ubiquitous plastic, found in everything from plastic bags to food packaging.

News Headlines

Air pollution returning to pre-COVID levels

In early 2020, data from satellites were used to show a decline in air pollution coinciding with nationwide lockdowns put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. One year later, as lockdown restrictions loosen in some countries and regular activity resumes, nitrogen dioxide levels are bouncing ...

News Headlines

Noise impact on whales and dolphins to be measured off west Cork

The coast off Baltimore in west Cork will serve as the scientific hotspot for a major project monitoring how noise impacts whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

News Headlines

Canada rejects outright ban on bee-killing pesticides

Canada's health agency announced Wednesday restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture to protect aquatic insects, backtracking on a proposed outright ban prompted by a massive bee die-off.

News Headlines

Plastic pollution disproportionately hitting marginalized groups

Vulnerable communities disproportionately bear the brunt of environmental degradation caused by plastics pollution, and action is urgently needed to address the issue and restore access to human rights, health and well-being, according to a new UN report published on Tuesday.

News Headlines

64% of global agricultural land at risk of pesticide pollution

Researchers from the University of Sydney examined the impact that pesticides are having on soil, the atmosphere and surface and groundwater across 168 countries.The data revealed that Asia houses the largest land areas at high risk of pollution, with China, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines ...

News Headlines

No second breach at Florida reservoir but pollution and flood threat remains

Reports of a second breach at a wastewater reservoir in central Florida are “unsubstantiated”, a state agency said, as workers nonetheless battled to prevent hundreds of millions of gallons of contaminated water causing a catastrophic flood.

News Headlines

New technology will identify sources of plastic in the ocean

Worldwide, eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year, despite greater awareness of recycling and the use of disposable plastic.

News Headlines

Country diary 1921: deadly impact of upstream pollution

There has been a wretched mishap in the vale which runs down to the sea between the great caverned rocks. Through this vale, celebrated for its beautiful nestling village, its old church and nunnery, its plume-like elms housing a rookery, its banks of primroses and violets and ferns, there runs ...

News Headlines

The eco-entrepreneurs waging war on plastic pollution in oceans

Plastic is in pretty much everything that we use, and it’s become a major source of pollution, particularly in the world’s oceans. Money Mind looks at how some organisations are helping to stem the tide.

News Headlines

Carbon emissions to soar in 2021 by second highest rate in history

Carbon dioxide emissions are forecast to jump this year by the second biggest annual rise in history, as global economies pour stimulus cash into fossil fuels in the recovery from the Covid-19 recession.

News Headlines

Exposure to microplastics may alter cellular function

Pollution from miniscule pieces of plastic, or microplastics, have been a growing concern for scientists, public health advocates and environmentalists as these nondegradable items have increasingly made their way into waterways and even the air we breathe.

News Headlines

The majority of global farmland is at risk of pesticide pollution

A new study from the University of Sydney has revealed that 64 percent of the world’s farmland is at risk of pesticide pollution. The researchers also found that more than 30 percent of global agricultural land has a “high risk” of pollution from pesticide chemicals.

News Headlines

Study reveals the complexity of microplastic pollution

Microplastics—small plastic pieces less than 5 millimeters in length—are ubiquitous in the environment, and they can have significant effects on wildlife. A new study published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry reveals that there are multiple impacts of different microplastics—with varyi ...

News Headlines

Lower UK air pollution limits to prevent deaths, says coroner

Legally binding maximum levels of particulate air pollution should be lowered in the UK to be in line with World Health Organization limits, a coroner has said. UK levels for two particularly harmful kinds of pollution are currently twice as high as the WHO recommends.

News Headlines

Four in 10 Americans live in counties with unhealthy air pollution levels

New research from the American Lung Association find that more than four in 10 people – a whopping 135 million in the US – live in counties with unhealthy levels of particle or ozone pollution.

News Headlines

Plantwatch: the trees that feed on metal

A magnificent tall tree called Pycnandra acuminata grows on the island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific, and it does something strange – when its bark is cut it bleeds a bright blue-green latex that contains up to 25% nickel, a metal highly poisonous to most plants in more than tiny amounts.

News Headlines

Cameroon’s Mangrove Forests Are Choking on Plastics

Large amounts of plastic—bottles, cups, bags, plates, and other debris of various shapes and colors—washed up on the nearby boat ramp as we sat down to breakfast at a waterfront restaurant on our first morning in Youpwe, a neighborhood on the Wouri Estuary in Douala, Cameroon.

News Headlines

Solving the nitrogen puzzle: Measuring groundwater pollution from agriculture

For years it's been relatively easy to measure pollution from, say, a factory. At a factory, there might be just one pipe of waste to measure. Easy enough.

News Headlines

Ozone pollution in Germany falls thanks to lower nitrogen oxide emissions

Summer is the ozone season: The harmful gas forms at ground level on hot, sunny days. In recent years, however, the rise in ozone levels over the summer months has not been as pronounced in Germany as it was previously. According to a new study, this is primarily due to a reduction in nitrogen o ...

News Headlines

Regulators missing pollution’s effect on marine life, study finds

Increasing chemical and plastic pollution are “significant” contributors to the decline of fish and other aquatic organisms, yet their impact is being missed by regulators, according to a report by environmentalists.

News Headlines

Thousands of barrels of toxic DDT found dumped in California ocean

Marine scientists say they have found what they believe to be as many as 25,000 barrels possibly containing DDT dumped off the southern California coast near Catalina Island, where a massive underwater toxic waste site dating back to the second world war has long been suspected.

News Headlines

Wall of sand engulfs Chinese town

A towering wall of sand rushed over factories and apartment blocks in northwestern China's Gansu province as seasonal sandstorms barrelled across the country, causing air pollution and traffic accidents.

News Headlines

Over 47 tons of plastic found at US marine reserve – and an entangled seal

In a span of just over three weeks, more than 47 tons of plastic waste were removed from America’s largest protected marine reserve, sometimes directly off animals, a stark reminder of the scourge of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.

News Headlines

Account For Nearly 80 Percent Of Plastic Carried Into Oceans: Study

A new study has found nearly 80 percent of the plastic pollution in the oceans come from 1,000 rivers around the world. While it was first thought that a handful of large continental rivers were the main culprits, contributing the most in terms of plastic emissions, a new model has shown a mix o ...

News Headlines

Without commuter traffic, pandemic-era drivers are speeding up, increasing noise pollution

As pandemic lockdowns went into effect in March 2020 and millions of Americans began working from home rather than commuting to offices, heavy traffic in America's most congested urban centers—like Boston—suddenly ceased to exist. Soon afterwards, the air was noticeably cleaner.

News Headlines

Light pollution at night affects the calls of migratory birds

When investigators in the UK recorded the calls of migratory birds called thrushes at night, they found that call rates were up to five times higher over the brightest urban areas compared with darker villages.

News Headlines

Ancient Mesopotamian marshes threatened by Iraqi sewage, pollutants

In southern Iraq, putrid water gushes out of waste pipes into marshes reputed to be home to the biblical Garden of Eden, threatening an already fragile world heritage site.

News Headlines

Revealing the impact of 70 years of pesticide use on European soils

Pesticides have been used in European agriculture for more than 70 years, so monitoring their presence, levels and their effects in European soils quality and services is needed to establish protocols for the use and the approval of new plant protection products.

News Headlines

How to fix pollution, noise, and stress in cities using only plants

Turning existing city infrastructure green by installing plants can filter out fine dust and noise, reduce urban heat island effects, and even reduce stress. All it takes is regreening 20 percent of façades and rooftops for every fifth building in a city.

News Headlines

Air Pollution From Raising Livestock Accounts for Most of the 16,000 US Deaths Each Year Tied to Food Production, Study Finds

Food production, primarily the raising of livestock, causes poor air quality that is responsible for about 16,000 deaths a year in the United States, roughly the same number from other sources of air pollution, including transportation and electricity generation, according to research published ...

News Headlines

Report urges California to act to protect marine ecosystems against microplastics

Roughly 8 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year, and the U.S. is one of the top contributors to plastic pollution. It's been found in the seafloor and surface water, on beaches and shorelines. Microplastics—tiny plastics less than 5 millimeters in size —are pervasive worldwide ...

News Headlines

UK plastic waste being dumped and burned in Turkey, says Greenpeace

UK plastic waste is being exported to Turkey and then illegally dumped and burned, according to a report. Greenpeace said about 40% - or 210,000 tonnes - of the UK's plastic waste exports were sent to Turkey last year.

News Headlines

Noise pollution reduces the reproductive success of the house sparrow

The study presents a new line of research, since so far there have been very few studies that have focused on loud and intermittent noises of a recreational nature, as is the case of traditional festivals, and the effects they cause on urban fauna.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 251 to 300
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Chemicals and Pollution")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme