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News Headlines

The oceans absorbed an unfathomable amount of heat this decade

That's because the sprawling seas — some 321,003,000 cubic miles of them — soak up over 90 percent of the heat trapped on Earth by human-created carbon emissions, which are still growing. This colossal heat absorption tempers the continued atmospheric warming of the remote, pale blue dot we inh ...

News Headlines

Conservationists call for three-mile coastal fishing limit in Scotland

Marine conservation campaigners have called for trawlers to be banned from fishing within three miles of Scotland’s shoreline to help depleted fish stocks and seabeds to recover.

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Ocean Acidification Don't Affect the Behavior of Coral Reef Fishes

Over the previous decade, numerous high-profile scientific studies claim that tropical fish residing in coral reefs adversely influenced ocean acidification brought about through climate change.

News Headlines

Antarctic Waters are Now Warmer with Higher Acidity and Less Oxygen

A new study revealed that the increased freshwater resulting from melting ice sheets in Antarctica, combined with the added Antarctic wind, has reduced the oxygen level inside the Southern Ocean. This has made the ocean warmer and more acidic.

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Turks and Caicos Corals: Disease Threatens Barrier Reef

From the air, the turquoise hues of the Turks and Caicos Islands’ vast barrier reef appear as an expanse of blistering beauty. One of the largest reef systems on Earth, it teems with wildlife like friendly wild dolphins, and attracts more than a million tourists a year.

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About 300 sea turtles die in Mexico from red tide

Mexican environmental authorities said Thursday that 292 sea turtles found dead on the country's southern Pacific coast since Christmas died as a result of a red tide algae bloom.

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Mudflats, mangroves and marshes — the great coastal protectors

More than a third of the global population lives within 100 kilometers of the world's coastline. But one stretch of coast can vary greatly from the next, and as such, each faces different challenges as sea levels rise in our warming world. Widely understood to protect the land from the water, th ...

News Headlines

Understanding Material Movement in the Ocean’s Upper Layer

The upper layer of the ocean is known as the “ocean mixed layer” (OML). Although usually just a few tens of meters deep, it’s very influential in mediating the exchange of gases, momentum, and energy between the interior of the ocean and the atmosphere.

News Headlines

Is there going to be a meagre future for animals living on seafloor of Baltic Sea?

In the future, climate change and diminishing nutrient loads may reduce the amount of animals living on the seafloor in the Baltic Sea. This benthic fauna has so far been increasing in shallow waters during past eutrophication, and this has more than compensated for the hypoxia-driven loss of fa ...

News Headlines

Ocean warming forcing leatherback turtles to travel further for food

New research tracking the migrations of leatherback turtles after leaving their nesting grounds in French Guiana shows that they must travel almost twice as far as groups previously observed to reach feeding grounds.

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What do record ocean temperatures tell us about climate change?

In 2019, the oceans reached higher temperatures than at any other point in recorded human history, according to a new analysis published on 13 January in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (1). The new record demonstrates, unequivocally, the reality of global warming

News Headlines

Seychelles: Soft Coral Around 2 Seychelles Islands Suffered Less Than Feared in 2015-17 Warming, Study Finds

Robust fish populations and a thriving marine ecosystem around two of Seychelles' islands could help the bleached coral reefs there, a new study found.

News Headlines

Malaysia plans to do more to protect our coral reefs and marine life

Malaysia has an extensive coastline of 4,675km in total and is hemmed in on all sides by seas – the Straits of Malacca, the Sulu Sea, the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea. And all these waters are located within the Coral Triangle, a rich marine ecosystem with nearly 600 species of corals and ...

News Headlines

Bending with Wind, Coral Spawning linked to Ocean Environment

During the early summer, corals simultaneously release tiny balls composed of sperms and eggs, known as bundles, that float to the ocean surface. Here the bundles open, allowing the sperm to fertilize the eggs where they eventually settle on the seafloor and become new coral on the reef.

News Headlines

Deep diving scientists discover bubbling CO2 hotspot

Hydrologists diving off the coast of the Philippines have discovered volcanic seeps with some of the highest natural levels of C02 ever recorded. The scientists were working in Verde Island Passage, one of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world and is home to thriving coral reefs.

News Headlines

Coral in Crisis: Can Replanting Efforts Halt Reefs’ Death Spiral?

Visit a coral reef off the coast of Miami or the Maldives and you may see fields of bleached white instead of a burst of colors.Coral reefs are in a death spiral. Many of the world’s major reefs — which give the oceans life, support fisheries, prevent storm damage, provide medicine and create oc ...

News Headlines

What Are Ocean Dead Zones?

The sea. Windy, calming, exhilarating. Even a brief visit to the beach can reinvigorate you with new life.

News Headlines

Ten years to save the #Ocean

Today (28 January), 102 environmental organizations, led by Seas At Risk, BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Surfrider Foundation Europe and WWF are launching the ‘Blue Manifesto’. The rescue plan lays out concrete actions which must be delivered by set dates in order to turn the tide on the ...

News Headlines

The Pacific Ocean's Acidification Is So Severe, Dungeness Crabs' Shells Are Dissolving

With the Pacific turning acidic in nature, Dungeness crabs residing in the coastal areas of the ocean are reportedly first to be affected by the ocean's acidification. The Dungeness crab is important to the source of income for fisheries located in the Pacific Northwest but low pH levels in the ...

News Headlines

The Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published their findings from extensive coral reef surveys conducted in the Kingdom of Tonga.Released today, the Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report contains critical information on the health and resiliency of coral reef ecosy ...

News Headlines


Much more oxygen than previously thought is transported deep into the ocean interior through a 'trap door" in the Labrador Sea that some researchers say could be closing as a result of climate change.

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Ocean Conference has potential to be a ‘global game-changer’

The second global Ocean Conference taking place in Portugal in a few months’ time promises to be “a critical moment” for the health of life under water and on land, the President of the UN General Assembly said on Tuesday, as preparations got underway.

News Headlines

What is sea foam? What to know about when oceans get rough

When storms kick up normally tranquil seas, don't be surprised if water resembles a frothy substance. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea foam forms when the organic and artificial matter in the ocean is agitated by wind and waves.

News Headlines

Failing to protect oceans could cause irreversible damage, experts say

Failure to protect the oceans, which regulate climate and weather patterns, could cause irreversible damage to the world's ecosystems, according to experts.

News Headlines

Monaco’s Prince Albert II: Oceans are a ‘family heritage,’ with little time to save them

When you think of Monaco, it’s hard not to envision opulent resorts, Formula 1 racing, classic cars, luxury casinos, and harbors lined with private yachts, against the glitzy backdrop of the French Riviera.

News Headlines

World’s largest subterranean fish discovered in Indian cave – and it's blind

Scientists have discovered the world’s largest known subterranean fish in a cave in northeastern India. The “troglomorphic fish” was discovered last year, according to recently released research. “The largest individual seen in the cave was in excess of 400 mm [15.8 inches] in standard length ma ...

News Headlines

Helping to support threatened marine life

As a marine ecologist at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia, I make about 150 dives a year, looking for threatened marine species. I focus on animals and plants that go largely unnoticed: small crustaceans and fish species such as gobies and blennies that grow 3 or 4 centimetres long.

News Headlines

Great Barrier Reef on brink of third major coral bleaching in five years, scientists warn

The Great Barrier Reef could be heading for a third major coral bleaching outbreak in the space of five years if high ocean temperatures in the region do not drop in the next two weeks, scientists and conservationists have warned.

News Headlines

WWF recovery plan to save the world’s freshwaters from collapse

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has published an emergency recovery plan to prevent the collapse of biodiversity in the world’s freshwater rivers, lakes and wetlands. Freshwater covers approximately 1% of the earth’s surface but is home to around 10% of all species and they contain more fish than ...

News Headlines

Sweden becomes latest nation to join Global Ocean Alliance

Sweden has become the newest member of the UK’s Global Ocean Alliance, which looks to help drive urgent action towards the 30by30 target, which would safeguard 30% of the ocean by 2030 and so helping to protect marine wildlife.

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A plan to save Earth's oceans

At least 26 per cent of our oceans need urgent conservation attention to preserve Earth's marine biodiversity, a University of Queensland-led international study has found.

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'Astonishing' blue whale numbers at South Georgia

Scientists say they have seen a remarkable collection of blue whales in the coastal waters around the UK sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Their 23-day survey counted 55 animals - a total that is unprecedented in the decades since commercial whaling ended.

News Headlines

Study shows Akumal coral reefs deteriorating rapidly

Akumal, Q.R. — A new study released by the Centro Ecológico Akumal (CEA) says that approximately half of the coral reef specimens in Akumal are infected with white syndrome disease, which in the past year, has created a mortality rate equivalent to that of the past 10.

News Headlines

Great Barrier Reef Shows Early Signs Of Another Major Bleaching Event

Parts of the Great Barrier Reef are showing signs of heat stress, raising the risk of another major coral bleaching event, scientists from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority have announced. Eastern Australia has experienced a long period of warmer than usual ocean currents, which has i ...

News Headlines

How a no-take zone revived a Scottish fishery devastated by dredgers

After the government allowed trawlers to come closer to Scottish shores in 1984, the marine ecosystem around the Isle of Arran steadily collapsed, as bottom-trawlers and dredgers intensively combed the seabed with their vibrating spikes.

News Headlines

Saving Mozambique’s seagrass

Creating the conditions for sustainable seagrass restoration in Maputo and Inhambane bays “People can’t think of Inhaca without thinking about seagrass,” says Salamao Bandeira of Maputo’s Eduardo Mondlane University, knee-deep in the shallow waters on the seaward side of Maputo Bay, as he points ...

News Headlines

One scientist's mission to save the 'super weird' snails under the sea

It takes an hour from the surface of the Indian Ocean, descending 3,000 metres in a submersible research pod, to reach the bizarre creatures that cluster around hydrothermal vents on the seabed. “You’re in a titanium sphere that is about two metres in diameter,” says evolutionary biologist Julia ...

News Headlines

Billions lost as illicit fisheries trade hurting nations who can afford it least

More than eight million to 14 million tonnes of unreported fish catches are traded illicitly every year, costing the legitimate market between $9 billion and $17 billion in trade each year, according to new UBC research.

News Headlines

Peatlands are under threat. Here's why we must act now to save them

Wetlands are known by many names such as peatlands, marshes, bogs, fens or mires. What they all have in common is that their landscape is temporarily or permanently saturated with water.

News Headlines

Tranquil setting and a seafood meal plan: the retirement home for whales

Group of ageing beluga whales and orcas from marine entertainment parks will live out their post-showbiz days in a sheltered bay off Canada. More than 300 beluga whales and 60 orcas remain captive in aquariums around the world, with recent films such as Blackfish highlighting the ethics of breed ...

News Headlines

Marine Conservation Methods Paying Dividends In Oracabessa Bay

On Jamaica’s north coast, Oracabessa Bay’s biodiversity sustains its natural beauty and bounty, in addition to a sustainable source of income for those who learn how to dwell in harmony with nature. Ahead of tomorrow’s World Wildlife Day, Oracabessa Bay sits as a nesting site for the endangered ...

News Headlines

Deep-Sea Coral Gardens Discovered in Mysterious Canyons

Scientists have discovered stunning "gardens" of deep-sea corals in the mysterious Bremer Canyon Marine Park off southwestern Australia during an oceanographic expedition.

News Headlines

East Africa’s reefs being fished at unsustainable rates, study finds

Fish populations in coral reefs off Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are being harvested at unsustainable rates, new research has found.In the study published in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series, researchers calculate that 70% of the region’s coral reefs have fish stocks below levels nee ...

News Headlines

Saving The World’s Coral Reefs By Speeding Up Evolution

Vividly coloured coral reefs are a beautiful backdrop in tropical scenes, like living sculptures designed for the jewel-toned fish that glide over and around them.

News Headlines

East Africa’s reefs being fished at unsustainable rates, study finds

Fish populations in coral reefs off Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are being harvested at unsustainable rates, new research has found.

News Headlines

Storms wreak havoc on land. We’re only beginning to understand what they do underwater.

You’ve likely heard about broad trends that scientists are certain will occur as a result of climate change: Plants and animals will be pushed out of their native habitats. Ice sheets will melt, and sea level will rise. Extreme weather events, like droughts and storms, will become more common an ...

News Headlines

Snapping Shrimp Make More Noise in Warmer Oceans

As oceans heat up, the ubiquitous noise of snapping shrimp should increase, posing issues for other species and human seagoing ventures.

News Headlines

Enough is Enough. African nations must unite against illegal fishing

As the continent arguably most affected by the problem of ‘stolen fish’, Africa could secure food for its people while providing the blueprint for victory, according to the findings of a Blue Paper commissioned by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy and launched this February at ...

News Headlines

Our Vanishing World: Oceans

As the human onslaught against life on Earth accelerates, no part of the biosphere is left pristine. The simple act of consuming more than we actually need drives the world’s governments and corporations to endlessly destroy more and more of the Earth to extract the resources necessary to satisf ...

News Headlines

Seychelles: Deep-Sea Expedition in Seychelles' Waters to Launch Tuesday

A joint Nekton deep sea expedition in the waters of Seychelles and Maldives will start on Tuesday to establish a baseline of marine life and the state of the ocean in both jurisdictions. The 35-day mission will be led by a team of 50 international scientists from Nekton and the University of Oxf ...

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Result 251 to 300
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme