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1388 Results
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Result 251 to 300

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Forest conservation crucial for bee preservation: ministry

The Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Forestry has said that forest conservation is an important part of efforts to preserve bees, which play an important role in pollination and preserving biodiversity.

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Tropical Carbon and Water Observed from Above

Satellite observations of carbon balance and water fluxes are changing the role of tropical forests in local and global climate. A recent article in Reviews of Geophysics focuses on satellite-derived information on terrestrial carbon, and water storage and fluxes, with specific reference tropica ...

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Reforestation Is Great! But We're Running Out of Seeds

DEAN SWIFT HAS gotten really good at spotting where squirrels hide their seeds. In the forests of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and South Dakota, he looks for a moist shaded area with a small grove of trees, sometimes near a ravine.

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The world deforested the equivalent of all of Switzerland in the year of the pandemic

In the year of the pandemic, the world stopped, & mldr; but not deforestation. In 2020 tropical forests decreased by 12%, despite the fact that human activity had slowed down considerably. In addition, at various times of the year the demand for items that promote deforestation, such as palm oil ...

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Tobago wildlife park boosts food security with 'fruiting forest'

Before covid19, vendors in Tobago would often donate fruits and vegetables to help feed the animals at the Corbin Local Wildlife Park in Mason Hall.

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Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being

Forests and trees contribute to food security and well-being through provision of ecosystem services, foods, income generation and habitat for wildlife.

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Deforestation: Consumption habits of person in rich country drives loss of ‘four trees each year’

Each person living in a G7 country causes nearly four trees to be lost each year through their consumption of goods such as coffee, cocoa and meat, a new study estimates.


8th technical assessment of REDD+ forest reference (emission) levels (UNFCCC)

22 - 26 March 2021, Online/ virtual, Bonn, Germany

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Africa’s vast forest potential untapped, circular bioeconomy could help

Africa has enormous potential to derive more value from its forests without producing more wood, and could thus provide a good example of the possibilities of the circular bioeconomy, says Lauri Hetemäki, assistant director, European Forest Institute (EFI).


International Day of Forests

21 March 2021, Online, New York, United States of America

News Headlines

How Starting Brush Fires Could Save Africa’s Disappearing Lions

In 2012 a villager walking through the forest in Mozambique’s Niassa Reserve came across a young male lion caught in a poacher’s snare. The lion lay on the ground, a noose of thick wire squeezing its lower torso. Conservation workers later freed the animal, but most lions are not so lucky.

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Pig nest-building promotes tree diversity in tropical forest: Study

Wild pigs have reputation as a destructive lot. Farmers and scientists alike know that, when they’re too numerous, their constant rooting and wallowing can run roughshod over crops and regenerating ecosystems. The predators that hunt them may have disappeared, or logging or agriculture may have ...

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How global sustainable development will affect forests

Global targets to improve the welfare of people across the planet will have mixed impacts on the world's forests, according to new research.

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Growing support for valuing ecosystems will help conserve the planet

Sierra de Manantlán is a 140,000-hectare biosphere reserve in west central Mexico. It is home to 3,000 plant species and a forest whose soils and limestone mountains enable purified water to reach the nearby town of Colima.

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Seeing the forest for the shrubs in southern Appalachia

As ecosystems respond to human activity, what species will emerge as new trailblazers, shaping the diversity and resilience of these changing environments? And how can land managers identify these species early on to better prepare for the future?

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Is this the end of forests as we've known them?

Trees lost to drought and wildfires are not returning. Climate change is taking a toll on the world’s forests - and radically changing the environment before our eyes

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The collapse of Northern California kelp forests will be hard to reverse

Satellite imagery shows that the area covered by kelp forests off the coast of Northern California has dropped by more than 95 percent, with just a few small, isolated patches of bull kelp remaining. Species-rich kelp forests have been replaced by "urchin barrens," where purple sea urchins cover ...

News Headlines

How do forests function in persistent organic pollutant cycling?

Forests can regulate the global dispersion of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In theory, the forest plays as a "sink" and delays the transport of POPs to remote/cold regions.

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5 facts you might not know about why forest biodiversity matters

The Earth’s forests are some of the richest and most biodiverse habitats we have. The Earth’s forests are some of the richest and most biodiverse habitats we have. Not only do they serve as important carbon sinks, but up to 350 million people living in or near them rely on their ecosystems for a ...

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Camera traps reveal newly discovered biodiversity relationship

In one of the first studies of its kind, an analysis of camera-trap data from 15 wildlife preserves in tropical rainforests has revealed a previously unknown relationship between the biodiversity of mammals and the forests in which they live.

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In the Himalayas, land-use change is driving the loss of forest birds

Land-use changes in the western Himalayan forests, a global biodiversity hotspot with huge numbers of endemic species, have resulted in a massive decline in forest birds in the region, new research shows.

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Over 80% of Atlantic Rainforest remnants have been impacted by human activity

A Brazilian study published in Nature Communications shows that human activities have directly or indirectly caused biodiversity and biomass losses in over 80% of the remaining Atlantic Rainforest fragments.

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Land use changes are driving Himalayan forest bird loss

Land-use changes in the western Himalayan forests, a global biodiversity hotspot with huge numbers of endemic species, have resulted in a massive decline in forest birds in the region, new research shows.

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‘A quiet conservation success story, the likes of which aren’t told enough’

“Honey is money! And to have honey, you must have forest!” Emmanuel Binyuy is shouting to me down a truly terrible connection from his NGO’s office in the far west of Cameroon. He’s raising his voice because the line is bad, but also to make himself heard over a group of kids playing noisily in ...

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Forest patches amid agriculture are key to orangutan survival: Study

Over the past two decades, orangutan researcher Marc Ancrenaz watched as a tidal wave of oil palm has engulfed his once-forested research sites in northern Borneo. When he would find an orangutan in a patch of forest surrounded by planted palms, he said he figured the animal would soon disappear.

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Earth Today | A move towards social forestry

Department is looking to communities as a part of the answer to realising expanded forest cover for the island while also reaping climate change risk reduction benefits, such as carbon capture, which has helped to cool global temperatures.

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Black-browed babbler found in Borneo 180 years after last sighting

In the 1840s, a mystery bird was caught on an expedition to the East Indies. Charles Lucien Bonaparte, the nephew of Napoleon, described it to science and named it the black-browed babbler (Malacocincla perspicillata).

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Public-private partnerships could play key role in combatting deforestation

As environmental leaders and change makers meet virtually for the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in February 2021, the issue of deforestation has been central to their discussions.

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Over 80% of Atlantic Rainforest remnants have been impacted by human activity

A Brazilian study published in Nature Communications shows that human activities have directly or indirectly caused biodiversity and biomass losses in over 80% of the remaining Atlantic Rainforest fragments.

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More than half of Europe's forests vulnerable to climate-related hazards

Climate change has made Europe's forests more vulnerable to hazards like fires, insect outbreaks, windthrows, or a combination of these three, according to a new JRC study.More than 60% of the biomass in these forests is exposed to these risks- over 33 billion tons in total—putting the future ro ...

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Mangrove forests store more carbon when they're more diverse

Mangrove forests with greater species diversity can store more carbon, according to new research published in the British Ecological Society journal Functional Ecology.

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Climate impacts drive east-west divide in forest seed production

Younger, smaller trees that comprise much of North America's eastern forests have increased their seed production under climate change, but older, larger trees that dominate forests in much of the West have been less responsive, a new Duke University-led study finds.

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Row over UK tree-planting drive: 'We want the right trees in the right place'

The natural bowl in the Northumberland hills studded with dumpy young conifers looks innocuous enough. But the English borders are the scene of an increasingly bitter battle as ambitious government tree-planting targets collide with concerns for rare plants and birds.

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500+ experts call on world’s nations to not burn forests to make energy

More than 500 scientists and economists implored world leaders last week to stop treating as emissions-free the burning of wood from forests to make energy and heat, and to end subsidies now driving the explosive demand for wood pellets. Both actions, they write, are causing escalating deforesta ...

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To keep forests intact, we must use them

Forests are my passion. I grew up on forestland in the U.S. South and am a conservationist to the core. But those who assert that trees used for bioenergy simply “release carbon that would otherwise stay locked up in forests” misunderstand science, economics, history and the motivations of priva ...

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The mysterious existence of a leafless kauri stump, kept alive by its forest neighbours

Plants use their leaves to make food from the sun’s energy and carbon dioxide. With very few exceptions of parasitic plants, no tree is known to grow without green foliage — or to be more precise, no tree can start life without leaves or some sort of green tissue containing chlorophyll.

News Headlines

Gurugram: Aravali forest’s avian flock both rich and diverse, shows first survey

The first survey to map the avian wealth of Delhi-NCR’s sole ‘forest’, Mangar bani, has revealed that the Aravali grove isn’t just rich in the number of species it sees or hosts but also especially diverse. The survey found 219 species of birds in a 17.1sqkm area. Mangar bani is also an importan ...

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Alberta plans massive expansion of Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland area

The Alberta government plans to create the largest contiguous protected boreal forest area in the world by expanding the Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland in the northeast part of the province. Under the plan, the wildland area would be expanded by 143,800 hectares, Premier Jason Kenney said Thursday ...

News Headlines

Deforestation: A Threat To The Heart Of Borneo

From the air we breathe, the wood we use, to being home to most of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity – forests are essential to every living creature. The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) describe forests as the “lifeblood of our economies and our health.”

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Deforestation is stressing mammals out

Lots of us are feeling pretty anxious about the destruction of the natural world. It turns out, humans aren't the only ones stressing out—by analyzing hormones that accumulate in fur, researchers found that rodents and marsupials living in smaller patches of South America's Atlantic Forest are u ...

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What Is Deforestation?

Forests cover about 31% of the earth’s total land surface and provide many environmental benefits including the preservation of biodiversity, conservation of soil, and mitigation of climate change.

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Why keeping one mature street tree is far better for humans and nature than planting lots of new ones

Thanks to Victorian street planners, many British streets were designed to be full of big trees and, with 84% of the population living in urban areas, most people are more likely to encounter trees in the streets than they are in forests.

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INTERVIEW-From gene sequencing to chocolate, Brazil's Amazon looks for a new development model

Instead of expanding destructive farming and logging, Brazil should "develop" the Amazon region by producing high-value products from its indigenous biodiversity, from nuts and fruits to medicinal plants, a top forest researcher said.

News Headlines

Philippine forest trees threatened by deforestation and climate change

The tree species in the Dipterocarpaceae family dominate many tropical forest formations in Southeast Asia (see Figure 1). The Philippines is home to more than 50 dipterocarp tree species, of which 25 cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. About 97% of the Philippines' tropical forest have been ...

News Headlines

Ten "golden rules" for reforestation have been set out by scientists as they warned poorly executed tree planting schemes can harm the environment.

Planting trees to reduce carbon emissions can be presented as an "easy answer" to tackling the climate crisis, but it can cause more problems than benefits, experts have said.

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Oxford 'tiny forests' planted to promote biodiversity

Two "tiny forests" are being planted in Oxford to create wildlife havens and help city-goers connect with nature. About 600 densely planted trees will fill each tennis court-sized plot at Meadow Lane Nature Reserve and Foxwell Drive.

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Why forest-based carbon trading is poised to go mainstream

Ten years after it dropped off the sustainability radar, forest-based carbon trading is finally poised to get off the ground for real.

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Forests go into growth 'overdrive' to recover from drought

One in 12 people could face severe drought every year by 2100, according to a recent study. And water stored on two-thirds of the Earth's land surface will shrink as the climate warms. As plant ecologists, we're concerned with what that means for forests—one of the largest carbon sinks and bigge ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 251 to 300
Results for: ("Forest Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme