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Second global biodiversity outlook report: Draft outline
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants, and fish species of major socio-economic importance
Indicators for accessing progress towards the 2010 target: Coverage of protected areas
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 targets: Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats-trends in the coverage of living coral tissue on coral reefs
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Change in status of threatened species
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Official development assistance provided in support of the convention
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Status and trends of linguistic diversity and numbers of speakers of indigenous languages
Indicators for accessing progress towards the 2010 target: Water quality in aquatic ecosystems
Using existing processes as building blocks in reporting on the 2010 target
Proposed biodiversity indicators relevant to the 2010 target
The report of the London meeting
Monitoring and indicators
Proposed global indicators
Indicators for assessing progress towards 2010 target: Possible indicators for development
Indicators for assessing progress towards 2010 target: Marine trophic index
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Nitrogen deposition
Ad hoc technical expert group on indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 biodiversity target: List of selected experts
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Indicators for immediate testing
Indicators for accessing progress towards the 2010 targets: Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species
Indications for accessing progress towards the 2000 target: trend in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats-forests
Information for Participants
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/va/44977 (2004-075)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Ad hoc technical expert group on indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 biodiversity target – 19 to 22 October 2004
Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/43533 (2004-063)
To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points
Pursuant to <a href='/decisions/?dec=VII/30'>decision VII/30</a>, Parties are invited to review documents on indicators for assessing progress towards and communicating the 2010 biodiversity target
Reference: SCBD/STTM/RH/va/43296 (2004-044)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group meeting on indicators for assessing progress on, and communicating the 2010 biodiversity target (Montreal, Canada, 19 - 22 October 2004)
EnglishProvisional global indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 biodiversity target
Implementation of the Strategic Plan: Evaluation of progress towards the 2010 biodiversity target: development of specific targets, indicators and a reporting framework
Monitoring and indicators: designing national-level monitoring programmes and indicators
Integration of outcome-oriented targets into the programmes of work of the Convention, taking into account the 2010 biodiversity target, the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, and relevant targets set by the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Incentive measures: Proposals for the application of ways and means to remove or mitigate perverse incentives<br>Perverse incentives in biodiversity loss: submission by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Proposed biodiversity indicators relevant to the 2010 target
Report of the Expert meeting on indicators of biological diversity including indicators for rapid assessment of inland water ecosystems
Biodiversity indicators for national use: Preliminary lessons from the gef project<br>Progress report by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP-WCMC) and the National Institute for Public Health and Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM)
Integration of outcome-oriented targets into the programmes of work of the Convention, taking into account the 2010 biodiversity target, the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, and relevant targets set by the World Summit on Sustainable Development
Monitoring and indicators: Designing national-level monitoring programmes and indicators
Assessment, monitoring and indicators for biological diversity: Methods from a perspective of tropical ecosystems
Submissions received by the Executive Secretary concerning identification, monitoring and assessment of biological diversity
26 - 27 June 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Indicators and environmental impact assessment<br>Designing national level monitoring programmes and indicators <br>(UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/7/12)
Ecosystem approach; sustainable use; and incentive measures Reports of the regional workshops on the sustainable use of biological diversity <br>(UNEP/COP/6/INF/24)
Developing indicators for national-level monitoring of biodiversity
24 - 27 February 2003, Castries, Saint Lucia
20 - 21 February 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Designing national level monitoring programmes and indicators
10 - 12 February 2003, Montreal, Canada
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/dh/33047 (2003-012)
To: CBD and SBSTTA National Focal Points
The Executive Secretary conveys the composition of the group of selected experts and the list of invited organizations to the Expert Meeting on Indicators of Biological Diversity including indicators for rapid assessment of inland water ecosystems (Montreal, Canada, 10 - 12 February 2003)
EnglishRecommendations for a Core set of Indicators on Biological Diversity <br>(UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/3/INF/13)
Exploring biodiversity indicators and targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity<br>(UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/3/INF/14)
Exploring biodiversity indicators and targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity