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  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (624)

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624 Results
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Result 251 to 300

News Headlines

In the Atlantic’s far south, cameras reveal biodiversity gem

From the ship’s deck, there nothing to see but deep blue water, not the remotest sign of a marine paradise that lies just a few metres below the waves.

News Headlines

Incredible Footage Reveals Orcas Chasing Off The Ocean's Most Terrifying Predator

The great white shark is often viewed as the most hardcore thing in the ocean. The top of the food chain. The silent slayer in the dark. But evidence is increasingly emerging that even the great white isn't safe. In fact, these fish too are prey.

News Headlines

Incredibly Rare Footage Shows a Newborn Humpback Whale Less Than 20 Minutes After Birth

A researcher studying whales and dolphins was treated to an extremely rare sight in January: a baby humpback whale swimming with its mum, less than 20 minutes after being born.

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Industrial fishing behind plummeting shark numbers

Research finds marine predators are significantly smaller and much rarer in areas closer to people

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Inner Mongolia reports increasing biodiversity in major lakes

North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region said three major lakes in the region have seen improved ecological environment and increased biodiversity in recent years.

News Headlines

Inside the Mediterranean sea's 'animal forests': An encounter with the gorgonian corals

Gorgonians are an order of soft corals that belong to the large group of Cnidaria, which also includes hard corals, sea anemones, jellyfish and many other species. Gorgonians colonize the seabed all over the world, from shallow coastal areas to deep sea canyons, temperate and tropical areas to p ...

News Headlines

International team maps world's giant kelp forests

The world's giant kelp forests—vital marine wildernesses as important to Earth's ecology as rainforests and coral reefs—are being mapped by a team of international scientists.

News Headlines

Is it a girl?

A newborn calf spotted among a population of critically endangered killer whales will survive into maturity, scientists say. Researchers are hoping that the juvenile whale is a female, as this will give the group the best chance of producing more offspring.

News Headlines

Is there going to be a meagre future for animals living on seafloor of Baltic Sea?

In the future, climate change and diminishing nutrient loads may reduce the amount of animals living on the seafloor in the Baltic Sea. This benthic fauna has so far been increasing in shallow waters during past eutrophication, and this has more than compensated for the hypoxia-driven loss of fa ...

News Headlines

Israel moves pristine corals after restricted beach reopens

For 50 years an Israeli oil company kept bathers and scuba divers away from a prime strip of beach in the Red Sea resort of Eilat. But it couldn’t stop the sea life.

News Headlines

It stores pollution 30 times faster than forest. What is blue carbon?

At Australia’s westernmost point lies the Coral Coast, a land of strange extremities. Marine megafauna is more accessible than ever before. Tourists swim with humpbacks and manta rays and whale sharks. They hand-feed playful dolphins that obligingly stick out scarred and blemished dorsal fins sc ...

News Headlines

It's Not Just Us: Corals Also Thrive Best in Diverse Company

From a young age, marine ecologist Cody Clements knew he wanted to dedicate his life to studying coral reefs. But he never imagined his graduate career would require so many soda bottles.

News Headlines

Italy’s first coral reef has been discovered

In an exciting scientific discovery, researchers in the Italian Adriatic coast have found the country’s very first coral reef and one which they believe may be unique to the entirety of Europe.

News Headlines

Japanese ships to kill hundreds of whales as ban ends

Japan resumed commercial whaling for the first time in 31 years, and a fleet of vessels began catching its first whales on Monday.

News Headlines

Jellyfish sting more than 5,000 holidaymakers on Queensland's coast

More than 5,000 people were stung by bluebottles on Queensland’s Gold and Sunshine coasts over the weekend as weather drove a wall of jellyfish onto the shore.

News Headlines

Jordan scrambles to save rare Red Sea corals that can withstand climate change

Dozens of tiny, dazzlingly colorful fish swim around a maze of layer upon layer of corals. When divers approach, they hide near a dome-shaped colony.

News Headlines

Jordan’s Aqaba Reefs: Hard Corals Present Simple Solution

The solution to dying coral reefs may be lurking just under the surface of Red Sea waters. New studies reveal that Gulf of Aqaba coral reefs show resistance to climate change.

News Headlines

Keep fish in the sea - and off our plates

During April, people across the world celebrated the Christian holiday of Easter. For many, this involves days of fasting or moderation as part of tradition or religious observance. In the UK and many other countries, this takes the form of abstention from red meat on Good Friday.

News Headlines

Keep your head: the self-decapitating sea slugs that regrow their bodies – hearts and all

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then it’s unlikely that you are a sacoglossan sea slug (apologies to Rudyard Kipling).

News Headlines

Keeping a Close Eye on the Ocean—from Afar

Upwelling regions account for just 1% of the world’s oceans, yet they are responsible for producing roughly half of the global fishing industry’s annual harvest—worth an estimated $362 billion as of 2016. These nutrient-dense, cool-water regions play a vital role in global ecosystems, supporting ...

News Headlines

Keeping a Watch on Seaweeds: The Forests of the World’s Coasts

Macroalgal assemblages are highly productive and biodiverse ecosystems providing important functions and services, including provision of nursery areas, human food resources, and protection from coastal erosion.

News Headlines

Killer whale that swam up France's River Seine in 'life-threatening condition'

A killer whale - orca - that strayed from the ocean and began swimming up the River Seine in France earlier this month is now at risk of dying, a researcher monitoring the mammal told local media.

News Headlines

Lake habitats are disappearing as the climate changes

Global warming is increasing the temperatures of lakes worldwide—are species finding the temperatures they need to survive? Researchers led by scientists at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) have quantified the long-term temperature changes in 139 lakes world ...

News Headlines

Latest Discovery: Fish & Quid Found in the Central Arctic Ocean

Small fish are abundant in the 200-600 m deep Atlantic water layer of the Amundsen Basin, according to a unique hydroacoustic dataset collected by the EFICA Consortium, which revealed a "deep scattering layer" (DSL) consisting of zooplanktion and fish along the MOSAiC expedition's 3170 km long t ...

News Headlines

Let's build on the plastics revolution – and save our marine habitats

If people knew the wonder of the UK’s marine habitats they would want to protect them – TV shows like Blue Planet can help. The life of a conservationist often feels like one long struggle, taking little-known challenges and trying to make them mainstream. How do environmental issues move from n ...

News Headlines

Life in the abyss, a spectacular and fragile struggle for survival

Cloaked in darkness and mystery, the creatures of the deep oceans exist in a world of unlikely profusion, surviving on scant food and under pressure that would crush human lungs.

News Headlines

Light, in addition to ocean temperature, plays role in coral bleaching

A study by University of Guam researchers has found that shade can mitigate the effects of heat stress on corals. The study, which was funded by the university's National Science Foundation EPSCoR grant, was published in February in the peer-reviewed Marine Biology Research journal.

News Headlines

Literature sheds light on the history and mystery of the Southern Ocean

If you look at a globe, you'll see that the Southern Hemisphere is bluer than the Northern Hemisphere. A huge 80% of it is ocean compared to 60% of the North.

News Headlines

Longest coral reef survey to date reveals major changes in Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Coral reefs around the world are under increasing stress due to a combination of local and global factors. As such, long-term investigation is becoming increasingly important to understanding ecosystem responses.

News Headlines

Lord Howe Island coral bleaching 'most severe we've ever seen', scientists say

Researchers have documented what they are describing as the most severe coral bleaching to hit the world’s southern-most reef at Lord Howe Island.

News Headlines

Major discovery helps explain coral bleaching

An EPFL scientist has made a major breakthrough in the understanding of coral bleaching – a process that causes corals to lose their color and eventually leads to their death. The process is triggered by warmer ocean temperatures, and, according to the study, it begins much earlier than previous ...

News Headlines

Malaysia plans to do more to protect our coral reefs and marine life

Malaysia has an extensive coastline of 4,675km in total and is hemmed in on all sides by seas – the Straits of Malacca, the Sulu Sea, the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea. And all these waters are located within the Coral Triangle, a rich marine ecosystem with nearly 600 species of corals and ...

News Headlines

Maldives coral reefs show signs of resilience and recovery

Corals reefs in the Maldives are showing signs of resilience, adaptation and recovery from the effects of climate change, an annual survey has found. The survey was conducted in a 250km area in the central atolls by Biosphere Expeditions, Marine Conservation Society, Reef Check Maldives and loca ...

News Headlines

Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems

In July 2021, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced that 866 West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) had died in the state of Florida in the first seven months of the year alone. The news shocked and saddened many Floridians, for whom the gentle, slow-moving mammal is a statewide mascot, ...

News Headlines

Mangrove conservation more valuable than ever thanks to carbon trading

When a proven ecosystem restoration method also helps reduce poverty and build economic resilience, governments will often back them as a win-win solution.

News Headlines

Mangroves: a Super Solution

Mangroves are an amazing #ClimateAction Super Solution, they are effective carbon sinks, storing four times more CO2 than rainforests.

News Headlines

Manmade coral reefs and Seabins: The best green innovations to mark the World Ocean Summit

Leaders from around the world have convened for the sixth World Ocean Summit in Abu Dhabi (5-7 March). The three-day conference has seen more than 75 influential speakers implore more than 400 guests from business, government and technology spheres to alleviate some of the key strains damaging t ...

News Headlines

Marine Biologists are Making Efforts to Save Coral Reefs in Mariana Islands

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' southern islands include some of the archipelago's oldest and most developed reefs, while the island of Saipan has one of the most diversified kinds of coral reefs and relate ...

News Headlines

Marine Conservation Methods Paying Dividends In Oracabessa Bay

On Jamaica’s north coast, Oracabessa Bay’s biodiversity sustains its natural beauty and bounty, in addition to a sustainable source of income for those who learn how to dwell in harmony with nature. Ahead of tomorrow’s World Wildlife Day, Oracabessa Bay sits as a nesting site for the endangered ...

News Headlines

Marine Virus Survey Reveals Biodiversity Hot Spots

Ocean samples collected from around the world produced a twelvefold increase in the number of marine viruses known.

News Headlines

Marine biodiversity: Enormous variety of animal life in the deep sea revealed

Ecologists at the University of Cologne's Institute of Zoology have for the first time demonstrated the enormously high and also very specific species diversity of the deep sea in a comparison of 20 deep-sea basins in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Over a period of 20 years, a research team le ...

News Headlines

Marine biologist says keeping oceans healthy more critical than ever

SYDNEY, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- U.S. marine biologist and ocean explorer Sylvia Earle told Australian audiences that keeping the oceans healthy is more critical now than ever.

News Headlines

Marine biologists scramble to stop a deadly epidemic decimating coral reefs

Coral reefs around the world are in growing danger due to rising temperatures connected with climate change. But in Florida and the Caribbean, marine biologists are racing to fight a new deadly threat. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien reports.

News Headlines

Marine experts flag new Peru marine reserve that allows industrial fishing

When Peru declared the creation of the Nazca Ridge National Reserve in the country’s southern waters this past June, it also increased — in one fell swoop — the proportion of its maritime area under protection from less than 1% to nearly 8%. But the move has sparked an outcry from conservationis ...

News Headlines

Marine heatwaves in a changing climate

Heatwaves in the ocean can rapidly disrupt marine ecosystems and the economies that depend on them.

News Headlines

Marine ranching helps restore biodiversity in south China island

When Wang Aimin, then a professor of oceanic science at Hainan University, started helping with marine ranching by dropping artificial reefs into seawater in 2011, he was ridiculed by local divers.

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Marine reserves work as they protect the oldest and largest animals

After centuries of fishing we do not know what natural conditions are. Only marine reserves will give us such insights

News Headlines

Marine scientists keep their ears to the ocean

Scientists are collecting the sounds of the sea to help get a picture of the biodiversity challenges marine life in New Zealand faces. The ocean is louder than you think.

News Headlines

Massive Drought Leaves Over One Million Dead Fish Carcasses Reeking And Rotting In 'Major Ecological Event

Drought has killed up to one million fish in Australia, leaving the country’s government grappling with how to deal with what have been described as apocalyptic scenes. Rotten fish are lining the banks of the Murray-Darling Basin in New South Wales, with the regional government saying that the s ...

News Headlines

Massive Swarm of Eels Is The Most Fish Ever Recorded at The Bottom of The Ocean

Before we start mining for precious metals in the darkness of the deep sea, we might try switching on the light first and observing our surroundings. In this seemingly isolated abyss, at deeper than 3,000 metres (9,800 ft) below sea level, scientists were able to coax a massive swarm of 115 cutt ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 251 to 300
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme