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  • Agricultural Biodiversity (1014)



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1014 Results
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 251 to 300

News Headlines

Declining biodiversity for food and agriculture needs urgent global action

Conserving biodiversity while meeting the needs of human populations for food, fibre, fuel, timber and other products from the world’s croplands, grasslands, forests and aquatic ecosystems is a major global challenge. Land- and water-use change, pollution, overharvesting and greenhouse gas emiss ...


Deep Sea 2003 Conference

1 - 5 December 2003, Queenstown, New Zealand

News Headlines

Deforestation is driven by global markets

The world is at a crossroads, as humanity tries to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss, while still securing a supply of food for everyone. A recent study in Nature Communications shows that global demands for commodities, especially in connection with agricultural development, ar ...

Side Event
COP 12

Developing biocultural innovations for resilience: Linking biological and cultural diversity in agricultural systems

This side event will discuss the role of biocultural diversity in developing innovations for resilience to climate change, including the conditions that support biocultural innovation systems and how to link TK and science to create tools to strengthen them. Presentation will include 3 case stud ...

News Headlines

Disappearing rice fields threaten more global warming

All over China, a huge change has been taking place without any of us noticing. Rice paddies have been (and are being) converted at an astonishing rate into aquaculture ponds to produce more protein for the worlds growing populations. This change risks creating an unexpected impact on global war ...

Meeting Document


Provisional List of participants

Meeting Document


Information for participants

Meeting Document


Information for participants

Meeting Document


Applying an Ecosystem Approach for Forestry, Fisheries and Agriculture

Meeting Document


A Contribution to the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators: Rapid Assessment of Pollinators’ Status. Submission by FAO

Meeting Document


Decision V/5 - Agricultural biological diversity: review of phase I of the programme of work and adoption of a multi-year work programme

Meeting Document


Decision VI/5 - Agricultural biological diversity

Meeting Document


The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Meeting Document


Potential impacts of genetic use restriction technologies (GURTs) on agricultural biodiversity and agricultural production systems: follow-up to the first session of the Inter-Governmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the sixth Conference of th ...

Meeting Document


The status of the draft code of conduct on biotechnology as it related to genetic resources for food and agriculture: report on surveys of FAO Members and stakeholders

Meeting Document


A global instrument on agrobiodiversity: The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Meeting Document
News Headlines

Drought, overpumping cut Morocco river link to sea

Moroccan environmentalist Mohamed Benata stood taking photos of what should be the mouth of the Moulouya river—but after years of drought and over-pumping, it comes to a halt just short of the sea.

News Headlines

Droughts, extreme weather and empowered consumers mean tough choices for farmers

The National Farmers Federation wants to lift the value of Australian agricultural production to $100 billion by 2030.While that might be possible – on the current trajectory it is forecast to reach $84 billion by 2030 – we should be mindful of the substantial, and sometimes painful, reforms tha ...

News Headlines

Dutch cow farmers face tough climate choices

In the flat expanse of the Dutch countryside, Corne de Rooij nostalgically strokes the muzzles of his calves, wondering how long he will be able to keep them.

News Headlines

EU earmarks €320 million for soil health research to contribute to carbon removal

The European Union is stepping up efforts on soil health research with the announcement of a new Horizon Europe mission, which will also provide key funding for the promotion of carbon farming.

News Headlines

EU endorses sweeping agricultral reforms to bolster greener farming

European Union lawmakers gave the green light to hotly debated farming policy reforms that make up a mammoth one-third of the bloc’s budget. The reforms are seen as a way for the agriculture sector to achieve its 2030 sustainability goals.

News Headlines

EU parliament gives green light to agricultural reforms

The European Parliament has approved reforms to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), after nearly three years of negotiations. This latest round of changes is intended to be more climate-friendly by strengthening biodiversity and adhering to the bloc's latest climate commitments. It also ...

News Headlines

EU project will SHOWCASE the path to biodiversity-friendly farming

SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity (SHOWCASE) is a newly funded EU Horizon 2020 research project, dedicated to the integration of biodiversity into farming practices.

News Headlines

EU soil strategy launched to protect ‘magic carpet’ of the food chain

A soil strategy for Europe has been launched that will aid the health and productivity of the “magic carpet” beneath our feet, helping us achieve climate and biodiversity targets; build a clean and circular (bio)economy; reverse biodiversity loss; and safeguard human health.

News Headlines

EXCLUSIVE Investors warn EU against badging intensive farming as sustainable

A group of global investors representing more than $3.5 trillion in assets has urged the European Commission not to allow intensive farming to be badged as a sustainable activity in upcoming rules, a letter seen by Reuters showed.

Action by

EXTENSION OF DEADLINE: Submission of information regarding the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/SBG/MK/86418 (2017-055)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points and relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

Eat Plants, Save the Planet

While the modern agricultural system has helped stave off famines and feed the world’s 7 billion residents, the way we eat and produce food is posing a threat to future populations’ food security.

News Headlines

Eat like it matters: how your food choices can clean up the planet and feed the world

Food is why we’re all here. It sustains life, spreads joy and brings us together.But if we are to feed 10 billion people in a healthy way within planetary boundaries, the way in which we produce and consume food needs to change.

News Headlines

Eco.business Joins forces with Co-operative Bank to Finance Sustainable Agriculture

The eco.business fund has provided its first investment in Kenya in the amount of Ksh 1 billion to Co-operative Bank of Kenya, one of the leading commercial banks in the country. The subordinated loan will be on-lent to sustainable agribusinesses, contributing to the fund’s mission of conserving ...

News Headlines

Ecological food for thought for Africa from China's mother river

In the last few days, the world has been treated to scenes of Chinese President Xi Jinping inspecting the Yellow River estuary in Dongying city, east China's Shandong Province.

Side Event
COP 11

Effectiveness of Regulatory framework in ensuring farmer’s livelihood security

The discussion will focus on effectiveness of national regulations and bills related to Bio-safety, Bio-diversity and Agriculture etc. in ensuring food security, livelihood returns to farmers, conservation of agricultural bio-diversity, human health and other issues.

News Headlines

Egypt- FAO warns of biodiversity loss, praises biodiversity-friendly practices

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) warned in a recent report that the biodiversity of food and agriculture in the Arab region is under serious danger. This is the first-ever report to analyse the state of plants, animals, and microorganisms that support food and agricultural production ...

Action by

Eighth Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity on "Food systems for a sustainable future: Interlinkages between biodiversity and agriculture" 31 May - 3 June 2016 - Trondheim, Norway

Reference: SCBD/OES/BD/DC/85414 (2016-022)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points and relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

El Niño linked to widespread crop failures

El Niño and other climate patterns cause simultaneous regional crop failures: study

News Headlines

Empowering family farmers is key to achieving Zero Hunger in Southeast Asia

Innovation, access to rural credit – particularly for women – and improvements to rural social protection programmes are important tools to help family farmers in Southeast Asia improve their livelihoods and become more food secure, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FA ...

News Headlines

Enriched environment in aquaculture enhances the survival of fish from bacterial disease

In enriched rearing method structures are added to rearing tanks to increase habitat complexity and resemblance to natural conditions


Establishment of an online repository of biodiversity photographs.

Reference: SCBD/OMG/FDJ/58411 (2007-054)
To: CBD National Focal Points; partner agencies etc.

Due to the growing number of requests from Parties and other partners for biodiversity-related photographs to be used in education, publication, outreach and awareness activities, the CBD Secretariat has decided to establish an album of photos that will be available online.

pdf English 
Side Event
COP 10

Establishment of the Pannon Seed Bank for the long-term ex-situ conservation of Hungarian plants

At the side event we intend to present the so-called Pannon Seed Bank Project started in January 2010. The main goal of the project is the long-term seed preservation of the wild vascular flora of the Pannonian biogeographical region in order to assist and complement in situ species conservation ...


European Agriculture and Rural Development Team Meeting

23 - 25 September 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia

News Headlines

European farms could grow green and still be able to feed population

Research shows loss in yields could be offset by reorienting diets away from grain-fed meat

News Headlines

European wheat is not climate resistant enough, study finds

European wheat lacks climate resistance, says an international team of European scientists. European farmers must take a new course to ensure climate-resilience of vital crops such as wheat.

News Headlines

Even without GMOs, Uganda can beat food insecurity, New FAO boss

Uganda is a country with a huge potential when it comes to agriculture. It’s blessed with a lot of water and fertile soils which can guarantee sustained production and food security. But when we look at the statistics in terms of food and nutrition, we realise that there is still a lot of work t ...

Side Event
COP 12

Event title : Exhibition and Exploration : Uncultivated food plants in rural Bangladesh

Event description : More than 100 uncultivated wild food and medicinal plants will be exhibit in the coming COP-12. Basically we want to exhibit the herbarium sheets with detailed information and show the significance of natural resources to the people.

News Headlines

Evidence mounts that ecofriendly wine tastes better

Consumers have shown that they are willing to pay extra for organic produce grown without pesticides, even if it doesn't taste better.That has not been the case for organic wine. Organic-labeled wines generally sell at prices similar to those of non-organic wines. And that's despite growing evid ...

News Headlines

Exchanges on the field with the delegates of “Shaping the Future of Food in Africa”

The Seed Savers Network is an organization safeguarding plant genetic materials for agro-biodiversity conservation. Through grassroots mobilization it advocates for food and seed sovereignty, encouraging farmers to boycott multinational seed companies. Commercial seeds are very expensive, and th ...

Side Event
COP 12

Exhibition and Exploration : Uncultivated food plants in rural Bangladesh

More than 100 uncultivated wild food and medicinal plants will be exhibit in the coming COP-12. Basically we want to exhibit the herbarium sheets with detailed information and show the significance of natural resources to the people.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 251 to 300
Results for: ("Agricultural Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme