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IMCAM and the CBD<br>An analysis of Integrated Marine and Coastal Area Management documents in relation to CBD objectives<br>(submitted by the Government of The Netherlands)
Annotations to the Briefing Programme
Submission by the Philippines
Submission by Russia
Submission by WWF Russia
Submission 1 by BirdLife International
Submission 2 by BirdLife International
Brazil Response to CBD Notification 2009-021
Submission by Canada
CCAMLR Response to CBD Notification 2009-021
Compilation of Submissions to the Electronic Forum
EU Response to CBD Notification 2009-021
Submission 1 by FAO
Submission 2 by FAO
Submission 3 by FAO
Submission by Global Forum of Oceans, Coasts and Islands
Submission by Greenpeace
Submission by WCPA, IUCN and MCBI
Submission by International Seabed Authority
Submission by IUCN MedRAS
Submission by IUCN, MGEL-DUKE, Census of Marine Life, UNEP-WCMC, OBIS, MCBI, and Group of Experts
Submission by OSPAR
UNDOALOS Response to CBD Notification 2009-021
Submission 1 by UNEP-WCMC
Submission 2 by UNEP-WCMC
Submission 1 by WWF
Submission 2 by WWF
Submission 3 by WWF
Submission 4 by WWF
Environmental Impact Assessments in International Law
Ardron, J. (2007). Overview of Existing High Seas Spatial Measures and Proposals with Relevance to High Seas Conservation. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
An Update on Work Related to Biogeographic Criteria for the Classification of Open and Deep Ocean Areas (A joint expert effort under the co-sponsorship of UNESCO, IOC, IUCN, Australia, Canada, Mexico and the J.M. Kaplan Fund). Side Event. United Nations Informal Consultative Process on Eight Mee ...
An Update on Work Related to Biogeographic Criteria for the Classification of Open and Deep Ocean Areas. Presentation. Side Event at ICP 8. 27 June 2007.
Clark, M.R., Tittensor D., Rogers A.D., Brewin, P., Schlacher, T., Rowden, A., Stocks, K., Consalvey, M. (2006). Seamounts, deep-sea corals and fisheries: vulnerability of deep-sea corals to fishing on seamounts beyond areas of national jurisdiction. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK
Establishing Criteria for the Identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas on the High Seas
Report and Documentation of the Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management: Review of Issues and Considerations. Rome, 12-14 June 2006. FAO Fisheries Report No. 825 FIEP/R825
Gjerde, K. M. (Draft: 2007). High Seas MPAs and Deep-Sea Fishing.
Grant, S., Constable, A., Raymond, B. and S. Doust. (2006). Bioregionalization of the Southern Ocean: Report of Experts Workshop. WWF-Australia and ACE CRC.
International Maritime Organization (IMO). Assembly 24th Session, agenda item 11. 6 Feb. 2006. Resolution A. 982 (24), Adopted on 1 December 2005 (Agenda item 11). Revised guidelines for the identification and designation of particularly sensitive sea areas.
Information Notes for Participants
Ivanov, A. N. and V.A. Spiridonov. An approach to marine bioregionalization in the Russian Arctic for the purposes of planning marine protected areas and other areas in need of protection
Leathwick, J., Julian, K., and M. Francis (2006). Exploration of the use of reserve planning software to identify potential Marine Protected Areas in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Prepared for the Department of Conservation, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Ltd.
Roberts, C.M. et al. Roadmap to Recovery: A global network of marine reserves. Greenpeace International. Environmental Department, University of York, York, U.K.
Snelder, T. H. et al. (2006). Development of an Ecologic Marine Classification in the New Zealand Region, Environmental Management, Vol. 39, No. 1. pp. 12-29.
Spalding, M.D. et al. (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: A Bioregionalization of Coastal and Shelf Areas, BioScience, Vol.57, No. 7. pp. 573-583.
UNEP-WCMC (2007). Working towards a High Seas Marine Protected Areas Network: Development of an Interactive Map (IMap) and review of spatial databases containing information on marine areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. A report of the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNE ...
Vierros, M. (2007). Approaches to biogeographic classification of the world’s oceans. Presented as a background document at the CCAMLR Biroegionalisation Workshop (Brussels, Belgium, 13-17 August 2007). United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
Vierros, M. (2007). Approaches to biogeographic classification of the world’s oceans. Presentation.
Christiansen, S. for WWF NEAME. Marine Protected Areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Proposed High Seas MPAs in the North East Atlantic by WWF 1998-2006