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Provisional agenda
Provisional agenda
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Information for participants
Nomination form
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the provisional agenda
Provisional Agenda
Organizational Matters: Annotations to the provisional agenda
Information for Participants
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Report of the Africa regional meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism
Draft elements of a programme of work on technology transfer and cooperation
Technology transfer and cooperation<br>Chair’s report of the Norway/United Nations Conference on Technology Transfer and Capacity-building
Technology transfer and cooperation<br>Indicative list of technologies for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity
Role of the Clearing-House Mechanism in promoting technical cooperation to achieve the 2010 target and facilitating information exchange on progress made
Report of the Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Report of the Clearing-House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the European Community Clearing House Mechanism Joint Regional Meeting for Central and Eastern Europe
Information for Participants
Report of the Informal Meeting on Interoperability among the Three Rio and Other Environmental Conventions
Report of the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism
Report of the Technical Workshop on the Development of Regional Clearing-House Mechanisms
Provisional Agenda
Information Note for Participants
Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Clearing-House Mechanism (Article 18, Paragraph 3) Clearing-house mechanism activities during the inter-sessional period
Elaboration of Relative Roles of the CHM in Dealing with Taxonomic Databases Including: The Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network, BioNET, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Species 2000, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System and Natureserve
Updated Strategic Plan of the Clearing-House Mechanism for the Period 2005-2010
Technology Transfer and Scientific and Technical Cooperation Progress Report on Implementation
Technology Transfer and Cooperation: Proposals for the enhancement of the clearing-house mechanism as a key mechanism in technology transfer and cooperation
Technology Transfer and Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Preparation of proposals on options to apply measures and mechanisms to facilitate access to and adaptation of technologies, and exploration of possibilites and mechanisms of cooperation with processes in other conventions and interna ...
Technology Transfer and Cooperation: Synthesis report of information on national, regional and international information systems
Participatory Mechanisms for Indigenous and Local Communities in the Work of the Convention: The Role of the Thematic Focal Point Under the Clearing-House Mechanism
Technology Transfer and Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Compilation and synthesis of information on institutional, administrative, legilative and policy frameworks that facilitate access to and adaptation of technologies
Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Clearing-House Mechanism - Proposals for the implementation of the strategic plan of the Clearing-House Mechanism
Report of the Brainstorming Workshop on the Identification of A Strategy for the Clearing-House Mechanism Partnership for the Period 2008-2012 (Brussels, 2-3 May 2007)
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Report of the Capacity-Building Workshop on Networking and Information Exchange for National Focal Points and Indigenous and Local Communities in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The concept of indigenous peoples - Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII/2004/WS.1/3)
Report of the Global Forum of Indigenous People and the Information Society (E/C.19/2004/3)
Report of the ad hoc technical expert group on traditional knowledge and the Clearing-house Mechanism (UNEP/CBD/AHTEG/TK-CHM/1/3)
Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Clearing-House Mechanism: Progress report and recommendations for further development
Scientific and Technical Cooperation and the Clearing-House Mechanism: Report on the activities of the programme of work 2006-2010
Report on the Belgian Clearing-House Mechanism Partnership Activities for the Period 2008-2010
Clearing-House Mechanism Establishment and Development Update in the Asean Region
Provisional agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda