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  • Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing (471)

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471 Results
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Result 401 to 450


Voluntary Trust Fund - List of selected participants to receive funding for participation in the International Indigenous and Local Community Consultation on Access and Benefit Sharing and the Development of an International Regime

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/59641 (2007-108)
To: CBD National Focal Points Indigenous and Local Communitie

As you may know, in Section D-I of Decision VIII/5, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the criteria for the operation of the Voluntary Funding Mechanism to facilitate the participation of indigenous and local communities in the work of the Convention.

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Voluntary Trust Fund - List of selected participants to receive funding for participation in the Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS 5), 8-12 October 2007 and the Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (WG8J-5), 15-19 October 2007 - Montreal, Canada.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/58785 (2007-105)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Indigenous and Local Communities

As you may know, in Section D-I of Decision VIII/5, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the criteria for the operation of the Voluntary Funding Mechanism to facilitate the participation of indigenous and local communities in the work of the Convention.

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Action by

Peer Review of draft documents for the fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS-5), Montreal, Canada, 8-12 October 2007.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/CR/59413 (2007-097)
To: CBD National Focal Points

The above documents can be accessed on the Secretariat website at <a href='/meetings/abswg-05/review.shtml'>http://www.cbd.int/meetings/abswg-05/review.shtml</a>. Please note that the posted documents are unedited drafts for comments only, and not for citation or other use. Your comments would ...

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Nomination of Indigenous and Local Communities Experts for the International Indigenous Expert Consultation on Access and Benefit-sharing, Montreal, Canada, 19-21 September 2007.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/59050 (2007-079)
To: Indigenous and Local Communities

The purpose of this Notification is to invite indigenous and local communities interested in the issue of the negotiation of an international regime on access and benefit-sharing within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to nominate experts for the International Indige ...

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Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WG ABS-6), Geneva, Switzerland, 21 to 25 January 2008.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/58995 (2007-077)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

I am pleased to confirm that the sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WG ABS-6) will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, from 21 to 25 January 2008. <br>(View the notification also <a href='/doc/notifications/2007/ntf-2007-077- ...

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Informal consultations on the preparation of the forthcoming meetings of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit - sharing (ABSWG-5 and 6) with the Co-chairs of the Working Group, 7 July 2007, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/GD/58891 (2007-076)
To: CBD National Focal Points; SBSTTA National Focal Points

I am pleased to inform you that the Co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, Mr. Fernando Casas of Colombia and Mr. Timothy Hodges of Canada, will be holding informal consultations on the preparation of the forthcoming meetings of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Work ...

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Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, Montreal, Canada, 8 to 12 October 2007.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/58410 (2007-069)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

I have the honour to inform you that, pursuant to Decision VIII/4 of the Conference of the Parties, and reference to my earlier Notification dated 28 May 2007, the fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS-5) will be held in Montreal, Canada, from ...

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Action by

Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, Montreal, Canada, 8 to 12 October 2007.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/58410 (2007-070)
To: UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, NGOs and private sector

I have the honour to inform you that, pursuant to Decision VIII/4 of the Conference of the Parties, and reference to my earlier Notification dated 28 May 2007, the Fifth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS-5) will be held in Montreal, Canada, from ...

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Action by

Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, Montreal, Canada, 8 to 12 October 2007.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/58410 (2007-071)
To: Indigenous and Local Community Organizations

I have the honour to inform you that, pursuant to Decision VIII/4 of the Conference of the Parties, and reference to my earlier Notification dated 28 May 2007, the Fifth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS-5) will be held in Montreal, Canada, from ...

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Action by

Reminder - Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/57662 (2007-030)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Pursuant to decision VIII/4 of the Conference of the Parties, through notifications 2006-045, 2006-044, 2006-042 and 2006-041, of 25 May 2006, Parties were invited to provide contributions to the Secretariat in preparation for the fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access an ...

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Access and Benefit-sharing: Report of the Meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/57524 (2007-023)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points

I am pleased to inform you that the report of the Meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance, convened in Lima, Peru, from 22 to 25 January 2007, is now available on the Secretariat website at: <a href='/doc/meeting.as ...

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Access and Benefit-sharing: Meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance.

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/56574 (2006-130)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points

Further to Notification number 2006-104 dated 3 October 2006 in regard to the meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance, to be held from 22 to 25 January 2007 in Lima, Peru, I am pleased to inform you that the followi ...

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Access and Benefit-sharing: Composition of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/56034 (2006-104)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS NFP

In light of the upcoming meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognised certificate of origin/source/legal provenance, this notification provides information regarding the list of selected experts and observers, as well as the full list of nominations received from Pa ...

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Compendium of Side Event

Reference: SCBD/OMG/DA/DN/fd/55064 (2006-058)
To: CBD National Focal Points

I have the pleasure to inform you that the compilation of side events held during the Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, held in ...

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Action by

Capacity-building for access and benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-040)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to make available any new information regarding capacity-building projects as soon as possible but no later than 31 December 2006 by filling out the data entry form in Annex 1. Information regarding future projects should also be provided to the Secretariat as it becomes ava ...

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: Measures, including consideration of their feasibility, practicality and costs, to support compliance with prior informed consent of the Contracting Party providing genetic resources and mutually agreed terms on which access was granted in Contracting Parties with users of such resources under their jurisdiction

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-041)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to submit to the Secretariat, by 31 December 2006, information regarding measures taken to support compliance with prior informed consent and mutually agreed terms on which access was granted, where there is utilization of genetic resources or associated traditional knowledge ...

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: Strategic Plan: Future evaluation of progress – the need and possible options for indicators for access to genetic resources and in particular for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-042)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to provide their views and information to the Secretariat on the need and possible options for indicators for access and benefit-sharing by 31 December 2006.

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: Other approaches, as set out in decision VI/24b, including consideration of an international certificate of origin/source/legal provenance

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-043)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to submit to the Secretariat by 1 September 2006 the results of their research and work on this issue and their views.

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on access and benefit-sharing: Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising out of their Utilization

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-044)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to submit reports on their experiences no later than 1 February 2007.

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: International regime on access and benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-045)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

Parties are invited to submit to the Secretariat by 31 December 2006: 1. further information relevant to the gap analysis;2. information on the legal status of genetic resources in their national law, including their property law where applicable. They are also invited to submit to the Secretar ...

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Action by

Information on access and benefit-sharing measures

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54834 (2006-046)
To: CBD National Focal Points and ABS National Focal Points

In order for the database to provide an accurate overview of existing access and benefit-sharing measures worldwide, Parties and relevant organizations are invited to provide information to the Secretariat on these measures by 31 December 2006 by filling out the data entry form in Annex 1. In a ...

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: International regime on access and benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54835 (2006-047)
To: International organizations, indigenous and local community representatives and all relevant stakeholders

International organizations, indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders are invited to submit to the Secretariat, by 31 December 2006, further information relevant to the gap analysis. They are also invited to submit to the Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than 1 ...

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: Other approaches, as set out in decision VI/24B, including consideration of an international certificate of origin/source/legal provenance

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54835 (2006-048)
To: International organizations, indigenous and local community representatives and all relevant stakeholders

International organizations, indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders are invited to submit to the Secretariat by 1 September 2006 the results of their research and work on this issue and their views.

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Action by

Decision VIII/4 on Access and Benefit-sharing: Strategic Plan: future evaluation of progress – the need and possible options for indicators for access to genetic resources and in particular for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54835 (2006-049)
To: International organizations, indigenous and local community representatives and all relevant stakeholders

International organizations, indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders are invited to provide their views and information to the Secretariat on the need and possible options for indicators for access and benefit-sharing by 31 December 2006.

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Action by

Capacity-building for access and benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54835 (2006-050)
To: International organizations, indigenous and local community representatives and all relevant stakeholders

International organizations, indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders are invited to make available any new information regarding capacity-building projects as soon as possible but no later than 31 December 2006 by filling out the data entry form in Annex 1. Information re ...

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Action by

Nomination of experts for the meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/VP/54749 (2006-030)
To: All CBD and ABS National Focal Points

The purpose of this Notification is to invite Parties to nominate experts for the meeting of the group of technical experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance in the context of decision VIII/4 C of the Conference of the Parties on access and benefit-sh ...

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Action by

Nomination of experts for the meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an internationally recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/54750 (2006-031)
To: Indigenous and local communities and relevant international organizations and stakeholders

The purpose of this Notification is to invite indigenous and local communities, industry, research institutions/academia, botanical gardens, other ex situ collection holders, and representatives from relevant international organisations and agreements interested in the issue of access and benefi ...

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Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/52485 (2005-132)
To: Indigenous and local community organizations

I have the honour to refer to Notification 2005-123, dated 16 November 2005, regarding financial assistance to indigenous and local community participants in the Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Fourth meeting of ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/50935 (2005-125)
To: Comunidades indígenas y locales

Para Comunidades indígenas y locales<br> Tengo el honor de informarle que conforme se establece en las decisiones VII/16 y VII/19 de la Conferencia de las Partes, el Grupo de Trabajo Especial de Composición Abierta entre Períodos de Sessiones sobre el Artículo 8 (j) y Disposiciones Conexas y e ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/50935 (2005-123)
To: Indigenous and Local Community Organizations

To Indigenous and Local Community Organizations <br>I have the honour to inform you that pursuant to decisions VII/16 and VII/19 of the Conference of the Parties, the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter- sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group o ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/51736 (2005-121)
To: NGOs, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs and private sector

To NGOs, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs and private sector<br>I have the honour to inform you that pursuant to decision VII/16 of the Conference of the Parties, the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter- sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Ad Hoc Open-ended ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SG/51682 (2005-120)
To: All CBD and ABS National Focal Points

To All CBD and ABS National Focal Points<br> I have the honour to inform you that the Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter- sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing will be ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/GD/49687 (2005-083)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points

The purpose of this notification is to seek the views of Parties on a proposal by the European Union regarding the organization of work of the fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, to be held in Granada, Spain, from 30 January 2006 to 3 February 2006.

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Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/48920 (2005-059)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points and relevant organisations

The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties and relevant organisations to provide information to the Secretariat with respect to access and benefit-sharing measures adopted by Parties or relevant organisations to assist with the implementation of the access and benefit-sharing provisio ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/48027 (2005-044)
To: CBD NFP, ABS NFP, indigenous and local communities, international organizations and relevant stakeholders

The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties, Governments, international organizations, indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders to contribute to the preparatory work for the fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for th ...

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Reference: SCBD/EDM/HZ/45999 (2005-002)
To: All CBD, SBSTTA and ABS National Focal Points

Further to my earlier Notification of 23 November 2004, I am writing with respect to your country`s participation in the upcoming tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-10) and the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/va/45702 (2004-101)
To: All CBD, SBSTTA and ABS National Focal Points

I am pleased to inform you that the tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-10) and the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS WG-3) will be held back-to-back in Bangkok, Thailand respectively ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43651 (2004-082)
To: All CBD National Focal Points

The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the dissemination of information in accordance with decision VII/19 of the Confe ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43652 (2004-083)
To: All relevant intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organisations

The purpose of this notification is to invite relevant organisations to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the dissemination of information in accordance with decision VII/ ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43652 (2004-084)
To: Indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders

The purpose of this notification is to invite indigenous and local community representatives and relevant stakeholders to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the disseminati ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43651 (2004-034)
To: CBD National Focal Points

The Executive Secretary invites Parties to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the dissemination of information in accordance with decision VII/19 of the Conference of the P ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43652 (2004-035)
To: Relevant intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organisations

The Executive Secretary invites relevant organisations to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the dissemination of information in accordance with decision VII/19 of the Conf ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/43652 (2004-036)
To: Indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders

The Executive Secretary invites indigenous and local community representatives and relevant stakeholders to take specific actions to contribute to the preparatory work for the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and benefit-sharing and for the dissemination of informat ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/37400 (2003-069)
To: CBD and ABS National Focal Points

The Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing will be held in Montreal, Canada, from 1 - 5 December 2003, followed by the Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, from 8 - 12 December 20 ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/37400 (2003-072)

The Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing will be held at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Conference Center in Montreal, Canada from 1 to 5 December 2003. The Executive Secretary invites indigenous and local community organizat ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/37400 (2003-074)
To: NGOs, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, private sector

The Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing will be held at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Conference Center in Montreal, Canada from 1 to 5 December 2003. NGOs, UN Organizations and Specialized Agencies, IGOs, private sector are ...

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Action by

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/36208 (2003-059)
To: Indigenous and local communities and relevant organizations

Indigenous and local communities and relevant organizations are invited to submit to the Executive Secretary their views on the process, nature, scope, elements and modalities of an international regime on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing prior to the second meeting of the Ad Hoc ...

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Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/34378 (2003-040)
To: CBD National Focal Points

Parties are invited to provide information on a number of issues related to access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing. This information will assist the Secretariat in the preparation of relevant background documentation for upcoming meetings and in the dissemination of information for the ...

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Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/34095 (2003-023)
To: CBD National Focal Points

The Executive Secretary reminds Parties about his invitation issued in Notification <a href="/doc/notifications/2002/ntf-2002-057-abs-en.pdf">2002-057</a>

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Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/32245 (2002-096)
To: CBD National Focal Points

The second meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing has been rescheduled and is now to be held from 1 to 5 December 2003, at a venue to be determined<br>(see also Notifications <a href="/doc/notifications/2002/ntf-2002-076-abs-en.pdf">2002-076</a> and <a href= ...

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Results per page: 10 25 50 100
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Results for: (Notifications) AND ("Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme