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Protection of biodiversity in India has a long tradition with some remarkable success when it comes to terrestrial ecosystems. Similar efforts for marine areas along the coast proved to be much more difficult, mainly because of the enormous pressure on natural resources exerted by an ever increa ...
This side event will showcase some progress in West Africa towards Aichi Targets achievement. Species and habitats have been facing increasing pressure in West Africa: Overexploitation, critical habitat destruction, pollution, urbanization, growing extractive industry, and uncontrolled tourism ...
The Roundtable with Donors and Partners will feature the joint initiative of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity and the Partnership for Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia in supporting efforts in South East and East Asia to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity targets through integrated ...
This group of global NGOs will jointly showcase the wealth of instrumental material they have been long developing to contribute on the implementation of the CBD. A variety of valuable policy support tools and methodologies have been developed by the CBD, its Parties and its partners, to help i ...
The event will share information on coral reef planning and management approaches that safeguard or enhance coral reef resilience to increasing threats from climate change. Through presentations and panel discussion the event will review experiences and progress made, and discuss further actions ...
The Japanese NGOs in marine fields(Marine and Coastal Biodiversity network-Japan, Nakatsu Waterfront Conservation Association, Kaimin Network, NPO Omotehama network, and Nature Conservation Society of Japan) would like to hold a side event for information exchange of status of coastal areas of J ...
This side event will highlight the efforts of the GEF partnership to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of coral reef and associated ecosystems and the achievement of the related Aichi Targets and provide an overview of programming opportunities within the GEF-6 biodiversity stra ...
This event will review and consolidate on the experiences, tools and guidance on addressing the impacts of marine debris on marine and coastal biodiversity, and provide inputs to the forthcoming CBD Expert Workshop on this issue in December 2014.
The event links to the Aichi CBD Target 11. The YSESP on-the-ground activities were implemented in Muan Tidal Flat Wetland Protection Area, Korea and Yalu River Estuary Coastal Wetland Natural Reserve, China. Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) and Community Based Management (CBM) approach were app ...
This side event will highlight the importance of coral reefs and associated ecosystems (e.g., mangroves, seagrasses) for sustainable development and the need to enhance action towards Aichi Target 10. The main aspects of the Priority Actions to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 10 for Coral Reef ...