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  • News Headlines (6)


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  • Ecosystem Approach (6)

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6 Results
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 6

News Headlines

Africa's growing road network may affect ecosystems: we reviewed the evidence

Many researchers claim large-scale road developments will have detrimental impacts on natural ecosystems. They are concerned about a reduction in habitat availability and connectivity. Roads can also lead to changes in land use, create illegal access into previously inaccessible areas, and resul ...

News Headlines

The road to the strategy on the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030 is expected to be a global call to action, drawing together political support, scientific research and financial muscle to massively scale up restoration. Everyone is invited to help shape the Decade.

News Headlines

Why We Can Still Save The Planet, Tim Christophersen

Interesting and hopeful interview with Tim Christophersen, Head of Nature for Climate for UN Environment Programme, and managing the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030

News Headlines

How to Plant a Trillion Trees and Get Real Climate Results

Natural climate solutions are finally getting the attention they deserve, and everyone, it seems, is scrambling to plan carbon-absorbing trees in an effort to help meet the climate challenge. This is great, but all those trees will mean nothing if they aren’t part of a broader strategy to revive ...

News Headlines

Gray wolves, once nearly extinct, could be coming back to Colorado

The gray wolf, once numbering in the tens of thousands throughout North America, have faced public vilification and extermination programs that drove it to near extinction in the US. Now Colorado will vote on whether to reintroduce them into the wild after an 80-year absence, thanks to an effort ...

News Headlines

EbA Evidence and Policy: Senegal

IIED and IUCN are using evidence from the EPIC Project piloted in Senegal to explore the effectiveness of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation as well as inform and influence national adaptation and mitigation planning processes and policies.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 6
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Ecosystem Approach")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme