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De conformidad con las reglas 6 y 7 del Reglamento de las Reuniones de la Conferencia de las Partes, las reuniones están abiertas a la participación de cualquier entidad u organismo, sea gubernamental o no-gubernamental, calificado en campos concernientes a la conservación y al uso sostenible de ...
The guests are: Brasil, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico and Guatemala.Experiences interchange about the use and working up of National Data base about Medicinal Plants Traditional Knowledge, in view of the proposal of Ministry of Health on building a Data Base in this context.
Education should be directed by human actions and the path to a more just society. Actions that suggest biodiversity conservation inevitably pass through educational and moral channels at all levels. An informed society values its natural riches and works as an important force in the preserv ...
Summary of outcomes of side events and way forward at the end of COP
Lançamento do Plano Estratégico de Monitoramento e Controle Ambiental para áreas Prioritárias da Mata Atlântica (Plano Mata Atlântica) a ser feita pela Ministra do Meio Ambiente do Brasil e com a presença da Direção do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis e ou ...
Discuss how GAT/WTO created TRIPS and the interests involved; why developed countries impose patent laws in biodiverse countries and how monopolies on seed, plants and medicin are being created, denying life to small farmers, traditional communities and disease victims.
Presentation on the lives and practices of farmers on seed saving, exchange and storage, and how this will be affected by GURTs. Panel discussion with slide/visual presentation
Presentations on the impact of Terminator (GURTS) technology on African culture and agriculture.
Comprehension about nature can be get also trhough art language. By using images and symbols, histories and clay, is possible think and speak about value and responsability needed to work with nature. The activity includes working with pieces of clay, creating biodiversity, and the result wil ...
Experiencias de la Cooperación Española en la Protección de la Biodiversidad: Programa Indígena y Programa Araucaria
List of threatened plant species of Atlantic Forest. Biological contamination by invasive and alien species that threaten ecosystems on forest fragments. Successful experience with conservation of Araucaria araucana in Argentina.
Brazil is the most megadiverse country in the world, and one of the major concerning endemic species. Otherwise, like much of the other nations, it has many species included in Red Lists of animals and plants (~600 animals and xxx plants). Much effort has been made in the last few decades, eithe ...
Since 1991, AMAR has been supporting the marsharab peoples who have been persecuted, murdered and forced to move their home sometimes as many as 15 times over the past 25 years. Saddam Hussein deliberately drained the marshlands which was the largest and most biodiverse wetlands in the Middle Ea ...
Vamos a presentar los resulatados de evaluacion de Ecosistemas Local Indigena de la cuenca Media y Baja del Chirripo, situado en Costa Rica. Esta evalaucion forma parte de las evaluaciones locales impulsadas por Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. LA evaluación fue realizada bajo conocimiento tra ...
Learn how indigenous communities in the Potato Park in Peru are using customary law and local registers in innovative ways to manage and protect traditional resources.
This side event has for objective to promote the synergy between the conventions of Biological Diversity (CDB) and of to the Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It will boarded still the activities foreseen for the International Year of Deserts and Desertification. The main objective of the year is ...
Indigenous people will voice their concerns regarding protection of their human rights in relation to the proposed international regime on ABS, including clips from the documentary film, "The Leech and the Earthworm." Panel participants will share their views about use of genetic material from ...
The event squedulle is: *7 minutes of video projection to show the Atlantic forest, the Native forest, the Pantanal, the Caves of South Pantanal, flora and fauna and the water quality. *Short explanation of the Project, research and academic levels of the information, and final objetives. *Util ...
Indigenous Pacific Peoples will share their stories of self-determination and strategies in relation to island biodiversity, access to genetic resources, indigenous knowledge, sustainable use, recognition of customary law and human rights.
The great apes are heading for extinction, unless loss of habitat and hunting are stopped. The Kinshasa Declaration on the Great Apes was signed last September by 22 countries and most of the NGOs involved in their conservation. It affirms commitment to a global strategy and sets a timetable for ...
The event will show the experience of Honey Bee Network in India in documenting, dissemination and value addition of traditional knowledge and grassroots technologies in different language regions across the country over the last 15 years.
Planning and managing protected areas are complex tasks. A new international Master of Science Programme, launched by the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) in cooperation with international organisations (such as CBD, IUCN, RAMSAR, WWF, EuroParks and MAB) and the Austrian Ministry of Environmen ...
Presentation of case studies prepared by Indigenous Peoples commissioned byt the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
Awareness of the value of traditional knowledge (TK), particularly its potential contribution to sustainable development and poverty alleviation, is growing at a time when such knowledge is being threatened as never before. The causes of this loss are complex and profound. The CBD has proven ...
Realização de um grupo de discussão sobre a organização de um Encontro Internacional de Educação Ambiental em unidades de Conservação, com indicativo de temas a serem abordados. (Working group about the organization of an International Meeting of Environmental Education in Conservation Reserves ...
Presentation of results of an on-going project working with sabedores-sabedoras of indigenous groups in Colombian/Brazilian/Peruvian/Ecuadorian Amazon. Conservation and sustainable Management of the Amazon forest and Varzea. Partially funded by DEFRA (Darwin Initiative).
Presentation of the UNEP Issue-Based Modules to the CBD COP8 Delegates and invite them to participate in the project.
Three recent strategies and assessments-Finland's National Adaptation Strategy, Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Finland Protected Areas, and the Evaluation of the Finnish National Biodiversity Action Plan 1997-2005-will be presented and discussed.
We will present important progress to date related to achievement of PoW goals of financial sustainability, gap analyses of biodiversity conservation and connectivity (Conservation Corridors) in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
This side event has the objective of evaluating international funding mechanisms for biodiversity conservation in indigenous lands. As such, it will discuss the current strategies of the GEF (Global Environment Facility) and other multilateral and bilateral institutions for biodiversity conserva ...
Presentation of a position paper by the brazilian organizations about sustainability of bioenergy, followed by international discussion about how to how to move from "environmental adequation" vision to the debate on how the production and use of bioenergy could impulse sustainable development i ...
Meeting of the cases and experiences of relationships between protected areas and indigenous lands in Pan Amazonian. Cases of Brazil, French Guiana and Bolivia.
Preliminary results of a scientific experts workshop Canada hosted in December 2005 to review and assess existing ecological criteria and biogeographical classification systems and to initiate work on the development of a set of scientifically rigorous ecological criteria that could be used to i ...
DarwinNet is a bi-national, transboundary initiative that aims to gather, repatriate, analyze and disseminate information on the dry forests of the Northwest Peru and Southwest Ecuador. This zone, also known as the Tumbesian Region, is recognized worldwide for its high biological value, especial ...
At this side-event representatives of the San are going to inform about their benefit-sharing agreements regarding the use of Hoodia. Representatives of European NGOs inform about (non)compliance with these agreements in user countries. - Working Group for Indigenous Minorities in Southern Afri ...
To incite the discussion about the theme. Leading to ponder about the importance of Sanitary Watch fulness for the maintenance of port waters and the impact caused by the environment. Round table with the participation of Globallast Program and Brazilian Government.
It will promote the experience interchange, regionally, regarding to medicinal herbs and fitomedical plants national politics and trace united targets for the strengthening of the theme on Americas. Round table with :MERCOSUR, NAFTA, CARICOM and Andean Community and WHO/PAHO
The Ministers of Environment from Mercosur will sign the Project of Additional Protocol to the Environment of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity Framework Agreement for Mercosur. This side event will show the background which led to Mercosur Environmental Area to rely on an ...
At its first meeting, in Montecatini, Italy, June 2005, the ad hoc open-ended working group on protected areas adopted through its subgroup on “Options for mobilizing financial resources for the implementation of the programme of work by developing countries, in particular the least developed an ...
It will discuss the quick large deforestarions of the Cerrado, Chaco and Amazon Forest biomes to turn lands into grains monocultives in huge plantations and to produce coal for steel production. This phenomena is happening mainly in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia but also in Argentina in smaller s ...
Civil society can significantly advance governmental agendas to help preserve the diversity of life and healthy ecosystems as essential components of stable and thriving economies. In this event, donor, governmental and NGO representatives will participate in a moderated, interactive discussion, ...
Seminar. Participation of panelist from Canada, France and Brazil, from government and civil society sectors.
Seminar. Participation of panelist from Canada, France and Brazil, from government and civil society sectors.
IUCN drafted guidelines for the implementation of its private sector engagement strategy. These draft guidelines are currently up for public comments. When completed, these would be one of the first few written guidelines on the subject available in public domain. IUCN wishes to share the info ...
Experts will discuss the links between biodiversity and human health, based on the work done for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and a current report on the links between health and the Rio Conventions
The 11th meeting of the COP to the UNFCCC opened an opportunity to Parties identify actions to promote reduction of emissions from deforestation. We would like to discuss the interlinkages between biodiversity and these possible actions. The event will be organized by the Ministry of Environment ...
To discuss the present situation, challenges and perspectives for a better performance of sanitary and environmental watchfulness in fluvial harbours at Amazon region. Round table – with the participation of: organization for cooperation on the Amazon treaty, amazon region countries (Colombia, ...
Presentations on Darwin projects in South America focused on community participation and indigenous knowledge
This event will showcase the progress made in the consultative process to evaluate the need of an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise for Biodiversity (IMOSEB). The setting up of this consultative process was decided at the International Conference “Biodiversity: Science and Governan ...
Rising levels of the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide (CO2), due to industrial activity and land-use changes, like deforestation, is considered the primary cause of climate change, which has been one of the main drivers of species extinction in the world, along with habitat loss and invasive alie ...
During the event, participants will participate on a discussion regarding national /regional processes on “customary law” and “traditional knowledge” and how these issues can contribute to the negotiation process of the International Regime on ABS. Questions for the discussion: Is it possible t ...
Two similar experiences—one in Chicago, U.S., and one in Curitiba, Brazil—engage city-dwellers in the conservation and restoration of natural remnants of high biological value that survive in large urban centers. In this side-event we will have a round-table presentation of the work of Chicago W ...
This Roundtable seminar attempts to discuss the importance of the satoyama area (traditional rural landscape), its problems and ways in which the satoyama area can be restored and conserved. The satoyama area can encompass at least 3 or 4 major ecosystems, including agro-ecosystems, forestry eco ...
Informal presentations and discussion
It will include main actions implemented since the Chilean Biodiversity Strategy was launched in December 2003, along with a concrete example of its ongoing implementation through a case study on Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.
Civil society representatives and Parties from one Megadiverse country of each region will come together to reaffirm their commitment to the 2010 biodiversity target.
Corporations, governments and NGOs will discuss on the ground experiences that reconcile biological conservation with agricultural production. The group will demonstrate that the innovative use of information technology, legislation and market-based instruments can significantly reduce the costs ...
Angola has recently finished its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) as well as a number of important thematic studies and national reports. During this event the Ministry of Urban Affairs and Environment will launch these resources and share information on the Angolan biodive ...
This event will be a presentation by the Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) of their work both in a national/regional context and in regards to their work with the IWBN internationally
Natura will invite representatives from communities, scientists, corporates and governments, from Brazil and other countries, to debate in its own space, alliances, partnerships and alternatives to reconcile conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity with responsible business, in accordanc ...
The main objective of the event will be to present the experience of introducing the National Commission for the Sustainable Development of Peoples and Traditional Communities in Brazil as an initiative in the creation of spaces for the inclusion of indigenous peoples and local communities in th ...
The side event will be a high level (European Environment Commissioner and Austrian Minister and others likely to attend) event aimed at showcasing progress made - and challenges remaining at achieveing the EU target "to halt biodiversity loss by 2010 and the EU commtiment to strengthen and supp ...
The event will involve a discussion on how to increase the political commitemnt to developing ABS legislation in Central Africa. Participants will include Central African government representatives, NGOs and indigneous peoples and local community organisations from the region.
This event has as objective to present and to debate the interrelated efforts carried out during 20 years to protect an area of great interest to conservation of biological diversity. Despite of of many positive results reached by these efforts, this area is still deficient of a model that app ...
Cross-border cooperation is an excellent opportunity for enabling integrated sustainable development with other South American countries. Natural environment, although crossed by geopolitical borders, functions systemically, in such a way that environmental externalities may influence its indi ...
This side event will include a series of speakers who will present information on the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) established in 2004 to support the achievement of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Presentations will focus on how the GPPCit can be of assistance to ...
Demonstration of Ecoregion Conservation as a means of transboundary implementation of the PoW PA. Presentation of experience from the Dinaric Arc Initiative in the Balkans.
Presentation of experience and progress in implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (China, Kazahstan, Mongolia and the Russian Federation).
Meeting of the states Foruns in Brazil to discuss wich mesures are being taken and to articulate an unite action to solve the issues that concern Climate Changes and the loss of Biodiversity
Presentation of Itaipu's environmental program - with emphasis on biodiversity projects/actions - followed by a panel aimed at discussing Biodiversity Corridors.
The objective is to offer a cocktail to the high level representatives of the eight Amazon countries, the Andean Community, CBD, donors and the programme's partners to discuss further about how regional BioTrade programmes can contribute to development in the Amazon and announce the advisory boa ...
This event will bring together leaders from Islands around the world – small island developing states, archipelagic countries and countries with islands – with donors and NGO partners to announce significant commitments and profile innovative approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of ...
Presentation of 24 h bio-observation marathons and biodiversity lobbying in Germany, Colombia, China, Brazil, USA and Mali. Discussion of outreach approaches, awareness creation and impacts.
Presentation on the successes of the Co-operative Islands Initiative and future directions.
The side-event will assess the different arguments that have been made in favour and against requiring patent applicants to disclose the origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge along with evidence of prior informed consent and benefit-sharing. As a contribution to the ABS negotiati ...
This is a side event on the UNEP/FAO/AU supported Fouta Djallon Highlands project that involves 8 west African nations namely: The project is supported as follows: 1. Implementing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2. Executing Agency: Food and Agricultural Organization of t ...
Launch of a taxonomic needs assessment in Ghana, supported by the UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, in partnership with BioNET International and the UK’s Natural History Museum. The assessment will be based on a new methodology developed by the UK National Focal Point for the ...
To provide portable water from Sanepar water sources, being responsible for quantitative and qualitative aspects. Basin management actions of the water source basins: conservation and protection.
In this event will be shown works for psittacine birds conservation, which are carried out in national parks and surrounding areas in Brazil. The initiatives showed will present the results and the potential of these works to play a significant role in management of official conservation units, ...
This event will provide an opportunity to Parties, government representatives, NGOs, and local community representatives to interact with the CEO and Chairman of the GEF through a series of questions and answers of GEF themes of interest of those attending the side event
Joint presentation by the austrian minister for environment, IUCN, the austrian stateforest about concrete actions to reach the 2010 target
Informal presentations and discussion
Presentation of the results of GEF-UNEP-WWF project: GAP analysis and regional Ecological network design, adopted by the countries of the region as the main base for protected areas system development and sustainable land-use development. Integration of biodiversity conservation into the Regio ...
It has a great distance in the implementations of each one of the UN Conventions of Environment (Biological Diversity, Climate Changes and Desertification), once each regimen is separately negotiated and has its own dynamic. The main objective of this side event is to present perspective and an ...
Side-“Workshop” on Needs and Options for ABS Implementation: (1) Results of the first Regional ABS Capacity-Building Workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa (2.-6.10.2005, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), including brochure launch; (2) Presentation and discussion of an BS capacity-building needs asses ...
The objective of this side event is to stimulate networking in research on biodiversity in wetlands. Lecturers will speak on this theme for about 60 to 90 minutes and will introduce the work of the CPP and UNU-PREP as examples. The remaining time will be devoted to discussion between participant ...
Sponsored by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Presentations will be made by Dr Antonio Nobre, INPA, Brazil and Andrew Mitchell, Director of the Global Canopy Programme, Oxford, UK, on plans to establish 'Whole Forest Observatories' in Brazil, Ghana, Madagascar, India and Malaysia, co-fina ...
In 2004, the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) and the Territorial Development Secretariat (SDT) had signed a cooperation agreement with Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity. The main purpose of this agreement is to promote and support the preservation and valuation of traditional foods, t ...
Meeting of journalists to discuss the broadcasting of “Protected Areas” through media. The main purpose is to bring together problems and faults, and give sugestions to improve diffusion, supporting countries in the construction of a Communication Strategy to Protected Areas. The meeting will b ...
A round table over the history and challenges of the the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA). ARPA has begun in 2003 and has achieved its target for the creation of strict protection protected areas and has almost completed the target for sustainable use protected areas. This round tabl ...
The GTI Coordination Mechanims is an advisory body to the CBD ES on GTI issues. The Meeting of the GTI Coordination Mechanism is open for GTI CM members and interested observers
Multi-sectoral panel presentation and discussion on Landscape Level PLanning
This event will present the latest progress in the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership, the initative which brings together the various organisations working on 2010 indicators at the global level. Covering all focal areas, the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership will deliver the full ...
Bioclimático is a website that covres climate changes and biodiversity. During COP 8 the site will have its official launch event, with a presentation of Fabio Feldmann, former brazilian congressman, the site's coordinator.
Presentacion de experiencias de trabajo de las comunidades locales (riberenos y riberenas, extrativistas,pescadores y pescadoras, afrodescendientes , campesinos y campesinas , comunidades con estilos de vida tradicional )de la parte norte de la cuenca amazonica de los paises : Brasil,Colombia,Gu ...
The event will convene a panel of leaders representing international conservation NGOs, agricultural agencies and community-based organizations to present a range of innovative strategies focused on ecosystem-scale approaches that are jointly addressing the challenges of sustaining agricultural ...
Presentation of progress made at a recent ministerial conference focused on implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas in the Caucasus Ecoregion Conservation.
Round table about 1) the Atlantic Rain Forest biome, its situation and tendencies; and 2) Access to biodiversity, benefit sharing and biopiracy in the Atlantic Rainforest biome Launching of the newest “Atlantic Rainforest NGO Network” book: Atlantic Rainforest: A network for the forest
The goal of the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI), to be completed within 20 years, is to chart and describe every multi-cellular species in Sweden. This includes a major effort in educating new taxonomists, specializing in groups where there is no competence available today. Beside the scientif ...