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The 2010 biodiversity target makes efforts on synergy and harmonization among biodiversity related agreements important and urgent. Since different MEAs often relate to common issues, UNEP is developing issue-based modules on four crosscutting issues: Inland Water, Sustainable Use, Invasive Alie ...
Implementation of the CBD in a large and diverse nation such as Canada involves numerous government and private sector actors, and a variety of approaches. Biodiversity conservation has emerged as an important consideration for Canada’s natural resource-dependent economy. Sub-national governme ...
This side event will provide an overview of the Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge initiative, which is a multistakeholder initiative that aims to more effectively engage business in the implementation of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. A presentation on the o ...
The aim of this side event is to open the floor to the participants of the CBD-WGRI meeting and discuss a consultative process to assess the need for and feasibility of an international mechanism of scientific expertise on biodiversity. This consultative process is one of the follow up of the Pa ...
Presentation of outcome of workshop held in May 2005 with support from: the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (France); the Ministry of the Environment, Denmark, Danish Forest and Nature Agency; and BirdLife Nether ...
Short pesentation on Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)from Poland and others countries affords to meet the obligation in the CBD. Some of the results of audit on the implementation of CBD in Poland.
Presentation and discussion of the ‘Mountains to the Sea’ plan. The ‘Mountains to the Sea’ plan proposes a simple, integrated and cost-effective way to implement the CBD’s thematic programmes of work. The draft plan has condensed the six CBD thematic programmes of work into a simplified standa ...