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The purpose of the event is to exchange views about the national strategies and Action Plans 2010-2020 of the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean, also to Promote discussion about suggested indicators for the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi biodiversity targets, ...
New mechanisms for financing biodiversity such as biodiversity offsets are being promoted by some governments both nationally and internationally, among them the UK. The experience from carbon offset markets to date suggests this is risky. Issues include the problems around derivative markets, t ...
This event will present the background and provide an update on IPBES, and its potential role for supporting the CBD SBSTTA in providing scientific advice to the CBD.
This side event will: 1. Update progress on funding matches, donor partners and submissions of Expressions of interest from recipient partners 2. Convey the instrument of financing roundtables and progress made 3. Profile key successes since COP10 4. Introduce version 2.0 of the carbon/biodive ...
The IUCN Environmental Law Centre and the IUCN Global Policy Unit are currently developing an Explanatory Guide to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This ...
Biodiversity and ecosystem resilience and integrity are crucial to efforts to stabilise climate, but some proposed solutions to climate change could undermine them still further. Key issues include: biomass for energy, biofuels and biochar, genetically engineered trees and crops, geoengineering ...
By 2020, restoration of at least 15% of the world's degraded ecosystems should contribute to climate change mitigation and to combating desertification. A challenging target, but what and where are these degraded ecosystems, and what is their extent? What has been already lost in terms of biodiv ...
The rate of increase in the number of protected areas (PAs) in China has been accelerating in in recent years. Despite the increasing number of PAs, the capacity of staff to effectively monitoring and assess biodiversity has failed to keep pace. The Wildlife Institute at Beijing Forestry Univers ...
Forest-related knowledge and practices have supported the livelihoods and cultures of local and indigenous communities for centuries, while sustaining and enhancing biological diversity in forests and associated agro-ecosystems. In 2005, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations ( ...
The conversations on health and biodiversity linkages are expanding and new ideas and conversations are rapidly emerging internationally and regionally. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 – 2020 and the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets is one possible platform for discussing health and biodiv ...
Presentation of a biodiversity assessment methodology designed to assess the biodiversity performance of any land-owning entity. The methodology is based on the 'pristineness' of an organisation's land. The methodology can be applied to companies, nations, regions, or any organisation which ow ...
Following the Aichi Biodiversity targets set after the 10th Conference of the Parties in Nagoya, Japan, this side event to the SBSTTA 15 meeting aims to explore coordination and cooperation mechanisms to help Parties to CBD achieve their commitments to Target 9, related to invasive species and t ...
The Arctic environment is experiencing unprecedented and rapid change from a variety of stressors that often interact in unpredictable ways. Understanding and responding to current and emerging concerns facing Arctic biodiversity requires coordinated circumpolar scientific information. Panelists ...
This will consist of a series of presentations to introduce the audience to two publications developed by the ECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section: the State of Europe’s Forests 2011 (SoEF 2011), prepared jointly with FOREST EUROPE and the European Forest Sector Outlook Study 2011 (EFSOS II). The ...
Forest restoration has the potential to support both climate change mitigation and adaptation and is increasingly considered an element of national climate change strategies. The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is working with the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the W ...
The side event will present key findings of the protected area analyses underpinning the Protected Planet Report 2012 and discuss how protected areas are key to meeting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The report, the first in a new series of regular reports prepared by UNEP-WCMC and a wide range ...
In the framework of the UNESCO - SCBD Joint Programme on Biological and Cultural Diversity, the event will focus on the current work on indicators on the interface between biological and cultural diversity The event will also provide an update on initial progress and next steps in the implemen ...
This side event is a consultation on climate-related geo-engineering and its impacts on the achievement of the objectives of the CBD, as per decision X/33 on biodiversity and climate change and the ongoing work of the Liaison Group on Climate-related Geo-engineering as it relates to the CBD.
The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) will present its “Assessment of the Adequacy of Existing Observation Capabilities for the CBD 2020 Targets, which was produced at the request of the CBD. The report constitutes the first attempt to assess the adequacy of ...
A Side Event at CBD/SBSTTA-15 organized by the Global Environmental Change and Human Health (GECHH) Joint Project, the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the UNECE/FAO Forestry and ...
This side event examines the role of protected areas as natural solutions for countries to adapt to a changing climate. Integrated landscape planning includes well designed and effectively managed protected areas, that are connected thru well managed production landscapes. These are the key so ...
The side event will include a presentation of the Nature Index of Norway, to be made by Dr Signe Nybø, scientific coordinator in the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). There will also be a discussion on how the index may be used by the CBD community in providing information on the ...
Sustainable management of Europe’s forests requires a stable and efficient platform for coherent policy development and implementation. Therefore, European ministers responsible for forests has made the historical decision to launch negotiations for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests. They a ...
This side-event will present the joint work programme to strengthen information services on invasive alien species as a contribution towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 further to the Informatics Expert Meeting on Invasive Alien Species held on 5-6 September 2011 in Copenhagen. It will also pres ...
A Genetically engineered salmon is nearing final approval in the U.S. for human consumption, the first genetically engineered animal ever considered for human consumption. The current proposal is to rear the fish eggs in Canada and grow the fish in Panama - raising many concerns around the impac ...
A combination of informal discussion and presentations around the theme of the renewed Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) - specifically on the role of the BIP in: 1) Capacity Strengthening the role of indicators in NBSAP implementation 2) Supporting the continued development of suita ...
ESABII(East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative) was established by 14 countries in East and Southeast Asia and relevant organizations including the Secretariat of CBD. The goal of ESABII is to implement the CBD through contribution to GTI.
Challenges and hopes will be presented regarding restoration of the tsunami-damaged paddy fields in Tohoku, Japan; reclamation of oil sand mining areas; and rebuilding of ecosystems after oil spills. Based on its experience particularly in protected areas, Canada will highlight ingredients of su ...
Generic regulatory framework applicable for minimizing the risks associated with introduction of alien species and more specific guidance to fill the gaps of regulatory framework will be discussed.
COP 10’s request for SBSTTA to provide guidance and clarity on synthetic biology’s impact on biodiversity provides a unique opportunity to assess the risks of this emerging technology before many of the potential harms are actualized. From the creation of novel invasive species, synthetic geneti ...
It is estimated that ecosystems deliver essential services worth between $21 trillion and up to $72 trillion a year, comparable to the 2008 World Gross National Income of $58 trillion. Yet in 2010, nearly two-thirds of the globe’s ecosystems are considered degraded as a result of damage, mismana ...
IUCN will invite experts representing different constituencies and views to discuss the key issues behind the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity in the next decade. Why is it urgent to go back to the science and facts behind the Aichi Targets' rationales? What are the specific ...
COP 10's decision on geoengineering has provoked an overdue international discussion on the impacts on climate techno-fixes for biodiversity. While it is now broadly recognized that the protection of biodiversity is key to fostering more climate resilience, geoengineers propose large-scale tec ...
At CBD COP 10, 15 new indicators for implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization were adopted. This side event will share the results of a scoping study to review the feasibility of the adopted indicators. Specific emphasis will be placed on current data availability and capacitie ...
The GTI capacity building strategy for 2011-2020 and examples of activities that provide capacity building and the implementation of the CBD
Information concerning initiatives under taken by the pet industry both by themselves and in co-operation with governments and international organisations across the globe will be described an highlighted. These will include public awareness raising, recommendations not to sell certain species ...