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List of Selected Participants for the International Expert Meeting on Responses to Climate Change for Indigenous and Local Communities and the Impact on their Traditional Knowledge related to Biological Diversity - The Arctic Region, Helsinki, Finland, 25-28 March 2008

Référence :
SCBD/SEL/OJ/ac/62607 (2008-028)

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CBD National Focal Points and Indigenous and Local Communities

Publication Date

Thanks to the generous financial support from the Government of Finland, an international expert meeting for the Arctic region on “responses to climate change for indigenous and local communities, and the impact on their traditional knowledge related to biological diversity”, will be held in Helsinki, Finland, from 25 to 28 March 2008. I am pleased to convey, herewith, the list of experts and representatives of international organizations who were selected on the basis of a fair representation of the Arctic region, expertise and gender consideration, as described in Notification (2007-153) dated 20 December 2007.

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