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Press Release

Citizens of the world invited to participate in virtual conference and help to sustain life on earth THE VIRTUAL CURITIBA BIODIVERSITY CONFERENCE January - March 2006 - <a href=http://2010.biodiv.org>http://2010.biodiv.org</a> ACHIEVING THE 2010 TARGET!

CURITIBA – 19 January 2006. Never before in human history has the rate of biodiversity loss been so great. The rate of loss of biodiversity now exceeds 100 times natural rates. For some experts we are on the eve of the greatest extinction crisis. Humans are changing environments to the point that no single species will be spared. <br><br> Faced with this frightening reality, 110 Heads of States and Governments committed themselves, in 2002, at the second earth summit in Johannesburg, to “achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth.” This was reconfirmed by 154 Heads of States at the 2005 Summit in New York. <br><br> <table width=150> <tr><b>Other languages:</b></tr> <tr><td> Spanish </td><td><a href="/doc/press/2006/pr-2006-01-17-vc-es.pdf "><img src='/images/ico-fmt-pdf.gif' border='0' width='20' height='22'></a>&nbsp; <a href="/doc/press/2006/pr-2006-01-17-vc-es.doc "><img src='/images/ico-fmt-doc.gif' border='0' width='20' height='22'></a></td></tr> <tr><td> French </td><td><a href="/doc/press/2006/pr-2006-01-17-vc-fr.pdf "><img src='/images/ico-fmt-pdf.gif' border='0' width='20' height='22'></a>&nbsp; <a href="/doc/press/2006/pr-2006-01-17-vc-fr.doc "><img src='/images/ico-fmt-doc.gif' border='0' width='20' height='22'></a></td></tr> </table>

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