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  • Recommendations (7)




  • Ecosystem Approach (7)

SBSTTA Recommendation

. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: review of the draft reports, in particular the draft synthesis report prepared for the Convention on Biological Diversity

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: review of the draft reports, in particular the draft synthesis report prepared for the Convention on Biological Diversity

    The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,

    Recalling decision VII/6, in which the Conference of the Parties, inter alia, requested the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to review the findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment including the synthesis report on biodiversity, to be taken into account by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in finalizing its reports,

    1.      Congratulates the authors of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, its Board and Secretariat on the progress made in the Assessment;

    2.      Welcomes the opportunity to review the draft synthesis report on biodiversity and its Summary for Decision Makers;

    3.      Requests the Executive Secretary to transmit to the Secretariat of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment the comments made by delegations during the tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;

    4.      Invites the writing team of the synthesis report on biodiversity and the Panel of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment to take into account these comments when finalizing the synthesis report on biodiversity and its Summary for Decision Makers;

    5.      Notes that the final version of the Synthesis Report on Biodiversity will be launched on International Biodiversity Day, 22 May 2005;

    6.      Further notes that the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, at its eleventh meeting, will consider the final products of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment including the synthesis report on biodiversity in order to prepare recommendations to the Conference of the Parties concerning the implications of the findings of the Assessment for the future work of the Convention;

    7.      Emphasizes the need for follow-up communication and public-awareness activities to ensure that the findings of the Assessment are widely and effectively disseminated and used by decision makers.