ICNP Recommendation
. Measures to raise awareness of the importance of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and access and benefit-sharing related issues
1/3.Measures to raise awareness of the importance of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and access and benefit-sharing related issues
The Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising From their Utilization,
1.Invites Parties, other Governments, international organizations, indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders to submit views to the Executive Secretary on the proposed elements of an awareness-raising strategy for the Nagoya Protocol as contained in the annex;
2.Also invites Parties, other Governments, international organizations, indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders to submit information to the Executive Secretary on awareness raising activities regarding the importance of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and related access and benefit-sharing issues, including lessons learned from existing experience in this regard;
3.Requests the Executive Secretary to revise the proposed elements of an awareness raising strategy for the Nagoya Protocol, taking into account views expressed at the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee, as well as the submissions referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, for the consideration of the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee.
Priority Activity 1:
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1.1.Operational objectives
a)Conduct analysis of communications goals, target groups and existing communication products.
b)For target groups, identify desired outcomes of communications efforts.
c)Evaluate effectiveness of existing tools, messages and activities.
d)Provide indicative costs for implementation of different activities.
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1.2.Expected outcomes
a)List of target groups at global, regional and national levels.
b)List of desired communication goals.
c)Gap analysis of tools and identification of required products.
d)Evaluation of possible costs needed.
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a)List of target groups and behaviour changes.
b)List of existing products and their use.
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1.4.Suggested activities
1.4.1Conduct audience analysis, including identification of key target groups and desired outcomes of communication activities. Include a focus on communications with indigenous and local communities.
1.4.2Using online surveys and focus groups, conduct analysis of existing communication tools at global and regional levels.
1.4.3Establish an inter-agency task force for communication on the Nagoya Protocol, and include the participation of relevant agencies
SCBD with input from the department of Public Information of the United Nations as well as other relevant international organizations including UNU, UNEP, CEC of IUCN, representatives of regions, indigenous and local communities and key national actors. Include expertise from media and communication experts.
1.4.4.Circulate results of analysis through the ABS Clearing-house, as well as make methodology available through the ABS Clearing-house, for use and adaptation by regions.
| SCBD |
1.4.5On basis of the established methodology made available through the ABS Clearing-house, Parties will conduct national communication analyses.
| Parties and indigenous and local communities |
1.6.Time frameBegin following COP-MOP 1 and report to COP-MOP 2 | |
1.7.Estimated cost
Establishment of position for a communications officer, and consultancy to support situation analysis 35,000 USD
Priority Activity 2:
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2.1.Operational objectives
a)Develop core messages for different target groups.
b)Develop key principles for the future development of additional messages.
c)Create core suite of communication products to deliver messages.
d)Create media strategy for delivery of messages.
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2.2.Expected outcomes
a)List of core messages developed for different audiences.
b)Information products created including, inter alia brochures, promotional videos, public service announcements, radio scripts, and others.
c)Story ideas and messages created for engagement with the media.
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b)List of messages
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2.4.Suggested activities
2.4.1On basis of Priority Activity 1 create communications and messaging guide, including:
a)Core messages;
b)Communication products for print, television and radio diffusion including a brochure, a video and public service announcement, and a radio spot in United Nations languages; and
c)Media engagement strategy, including story lines for media organizations.
SCBD in collaboration with UNU, UNESCO, CEC of IUCN, Inter Press Services, Biodiversity Media Alliance, and indigenous and local communities
2.4.2Make products available through the ABS Clearing-house.
2.4.3Ensure that products are disseminated to United Nations Information Centres (UNICs).
| SCBD |
2.6.Time FrameBegin following COP-MOP 1 and report to COP-MOP 2 | |
2.7.Estimated costConsultancy to support development of key message, products and media strategy 50,000 USD Development of brochure, video and radio spots 150,000 USD |
Priority Activity 3:
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3.2.Expected outcomes
a)A toolkit is created that allows Parties to develop custom campaigns and communication tools for desired target audiences.
b)Parties have appropriate communication tools and resources.
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a)Downloads of the toolkit from the Clearing-house.
b)Use of the toolkit in workshops.
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3.4.Suggested activities |
3.5.Actors |
3.4.1On basis of all previous messaging experience, create a communications toolkit that contains methodologies, worksheets and ready to use materials for communication activities.
3.4.2Ensure that e-learning modules are available.
3.4.3Develop toolkit as an Open Educational Resource (OER) that allows for creation of custom materials.
3.4.4Create online support mechanisms including a "help desk" and support for building of a community of practice, through the CHM, that allows for follow up and customization of the kit.
a)Global level: SCBD, UNU, UNEP, CEC of IUCN, UNESCO and CI.
b)Regional level: regional organizations, ILCs.
c)National level: governments, academic.
3.4.5Translate toolkit into local languages | National governments. |
3.4.6Create communications toolkit specifically directed to issues involving communication of ABS issues with indigenous and local communities.
3.4.7Ensure that kit is created with appropriate delivery mechanisms for a variety of communities.
| SCBD in collaboration with ILCS from different regions. |
3.6.Time FrameBegin following COP-MOP 2 and report to COP-MOP 3 | |
3.7.Estimated costDevelopment of toolkit in United Nations languages, including e-learning components: 250,000 USD |
Priority Activity 4:
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4.1.Operational objectives
a)Develop capacity for communication at regional levels using the ABS communication toolkit.
b)Develop communications training capacity for Parties using the ABS communication toolkit.
c)Provide opportunities for development of custom ABS communication modules and products.
d)Provide opportunities to brief regional media on the messages of ABS communication
e)Create the basis for a community of practice around ABS communication.
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4.2.Expected outcomes
a)Global communications framework and toolkits are customized for regional experiences.
b)ABS communication practitioners share experiences.
c)Regional media are briefed on the significance of ABS communication
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a)Participation in workshops.
b)Products developed at workshops.
c)Personnel trained at workshops.
d)Media engagement in ABS issues
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4.4Suggested activities |
4.5Actors |
4.4.1Using ABS toolkit, and in collaboration with the ABS Clearing house, hold regional ABS communication workshops, which:
a)Explain and train communicators in the use of the toolkit;
b)Provide opportunities for the creation of custom modules and products for National contexts;
c)In collaboration with UNICs, hold media briefing sessions at regional workshops, and involve local communicators; and
d)Create the basis for communities of practice on ABS communication. Include the participation of indigenous and local communities.
a)Global level: SCBD, UNU, UNEP, CEC of IUCN, UNESCO, CI; UNICs
b)Regional level: regional organizations, ILCs
c)National level: governments, academic
d)Media representatives
4.6Time FrameBegin following COP-MOP 2 and complete one workshop in each region in advance of COP-MOP 3. | |
4.7Estimated cost100,000 USD per workshop - 5 regions |