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  • Recommendations (435)




SBSTTA Recommendation

. Global Taxonomy Initiative

Global Taxonomy Initiative

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,

Recalling decision VI/8 of the Conference of the Parties on the Global Taxonomy Initiative and its programme of work, including the development of a Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative,

Recalling also the recommendation of the Inter-Sessional Meeting on the Multi-Year Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010 that an in-depth review of ongoing work under the Global Taxonomy Initiative be included in the agenda of the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties,

Noting that to successfully achieve the strategic goal of reducing the current rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, greater taxonomic knowledge and capacity will be required for many of the indicators and activities that are being developed to guide policy makers and resource managers in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity,

1. Recommends that the Conference of the Parties at its seventh meeting:

(a) Notes the progress and commitment being made in implementing the programme of work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative;

(b) Requests Parties, other Governments and regional and international organizations to take full account of the importance of taxonomic capacities in achieving the goals of the Convention, to support taxonomic activities to attain the 2010 target, and to provide all necessary support to national and regional taxonomic centres of research and expertise;

(c) Requests Parties to appoint national focal points for the Global Taxonomy Initiative as called for in decision V/9, and urges all Parties to ensure that those focal points work with their taxonomic communities taking into account the programme of work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative;

(d) Requests Parties to appropriately include and give full support to the taxonomic work needed to accomplish the thematic and cross-cutting programmes of work and activities under the Convention;

(e) Requests Parties to provide technical and financial support for the operations of the Coordination Mechanism of the Global Taxonomy Initiative;

(g) Requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonomy Initiative to:

        (i) Ensure that appropriate taxonomic expertise is included in inter-sessional meetings and expert groups convened by the Secretariat as appropriate;

        (ii) Develop the process and guidelines for the in-depth review, including mechanisms for monitoring progress in the implementation of the programme of work for the Global Taxonomy Initiative, to be finalized during the tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice for consideration at the eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body; and

        (iii) Undertake a gap analysis of the existing programmes of work with respect to taxonomic components, in order to more effectively build taxonomy into the work programmes and to develop an understanding of the taxonomic capacity necessary to accomplish the targets of these programmes of work;

2. Further recommends that Parties give clear and specific guidance to the financial mechanism regarding adequate funding to developing countries for implementing the Global Taxonomy Initiative and for integrating taxonomic capacity-building activities with thematic and cross-cutting programmes, including both enabling activities and other projects.