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Side Event

<a href='/doc/side-events/sbstta/sbstta-12/summary-15-en.pdf'>The SeaLifeBase database and its SeaLife Portal</a>

Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia

Date and Time
3 July 2007 18:15 - 19:45

Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12)

This event is dedicated to a global database and portal that our project, the SeaLifeBase Project, are presently developing for all marine organisms. This database called SeaLifeBase and the corresponding Internet portal called SeaLife Portal will eventually do what FishBase presently does for fish, i.e., become a global source of key information used by the global community (FishBase gets between 20-30 million hits from 2-3 million visitors a month). Like FishBase, SeaLifeBase will thus assist in the mission of the CBD in that it allows parties to the convention to establish an authoritative list of marine species occurring in their EEZ with links to other databases, e.g., the IUCN red list. The session will consist of a 15 minute oral presentation of the database and the portal with hands on demonstration for the rest of the time. We may also distribute brochures and a poster which provides a description of the database may also be put up by the demonstration table.