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Side Event

<a href='/doc/side-events/sbstta/sbstta-12/summary-21-en.pdf'>Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indicators</a>

NASA-NGO Biodiversity Working Group, GEO

Date and Time
4 July 2007 13:15 - 14:45

Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12)

Several members of the international conservation community, SCBD, NASA and UNEP/WCMC have created a technical guide to the use of remote sensing for monitoring indicators relevant to biodiversity. Simplifying the technical language commonly used in the remote-sensing field, the book discusses the opportunities and limitations for incorporating remote sensing into biodiversity monitoring and assessment. At this side event, presenter-authors will discuss some of the highlights from this book, including: • What exactly does the information from a particular satellite sensor represent? • How can this information be translated into a useful indicator? • What are the common indicators associated with 1) each major biome? 2) for protected areas 3) for species 4) for connectivity and fragmentation and 4) for invasive species • What range of accuracy might one expect from a particular remotely sensed indicator, and what conditions affect this accuracy?