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  • Side Events (11)


  • WG ABS 6 (11)


Aichi Targets


Side Event

Priorities in Discussions on a Certificate – Practicality, Feasibility, and Decision Making Processes

Japan Bioindustry Association

Date and Time
22 January 2008 13:15 - 14:45

Sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WG ABS 6)

What do we gain by a certificate? What do we lose by it? Who are the beneficiaries? What kinds of cost do we have to bear? The presentation will try to answer these questions by using economic tools. The presentation will try to specify issues to which priorities should be given for certificate discussions. Through this process, desirable decision making processes will be proposed. In discussing them, practicality and feasibility will be highlighted. Regarding feasibility, the roles of costs and benefits will be explained. Processes that would be inevitable to maximise the benefits for the stakeholders will be presented.