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  • WG8J 6 (13)


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Side Event

Traditional Sami building technology: Transmission of Sami traditional knowledge through building of a Sami turf hut

Sami University College

Date and Time
4 November 2009 13:15 - 14:45

Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (WG8J 6)

The Sami University College is leading a pilot project on documentation, protection and transmission of Sami traditional knowledge (TK). The use of a Sami concept of árbediehtu (árbi for ‘heritage; inheritance’, diehtu for ’knowledge’) allows to see TK both as information and as a process which connects the past, the present and the future. In our view, the main objective of documentation is to keep tradition alive through active use of traditional knowledge. Web-site of the project: www.arbediehtu.no Exclusively indigenous institutions are involved in the pilot project. Each partner institution has its sub-project, for example ”Building of a Sami turf hut” is a project of the RiddoDuottarMuseat, Sami museum in Northern Norway. The aim is to document the Sami building technology and the philosophy of interaction with natural materials and environment. Younger Sami participate in documentation together with the elders and traditional experts. Side-event consists of a film (12 min), short presentation of the pilot project and slide show. Side-event is a lunch event including catering.