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  • Side Events (42)



  • Biodiversity for Development (42)

Aichi Targets


Side Event

Poverty Alleviation and Biodiversity Conservation

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Date and Time
27 October 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)

May 22nd this year provided a unique opportunity for the world to reflect on the particular role biodiversity plays for poverty alleviation. The fact that CBD selected “Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Alleviation” as the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity 2010 was not a mere incident: rather, 2010 is the very year for thought on this topic, as the year marks the International Year of Biological Diversity; as it hosts COP10; and more importantly, the year reviews progress toward the attainment of “2010 Biodiversity Targets”. Taking COP10 as an opportunity, JICA will host an interactive forum to call attention of its partners on “Poverty Alleviation and Biodiversity”, inviting four distinguished international speakers to share their hands-on experiences of biodiversity conservation contributing to poverty alleviation.