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  • Side Events (2627)



Aichi Targets


Side Event

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land and Water Degradation and Persistent Organic Pollutants

Scientific Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility

Date and Time
12 February 2004 13:15 - 14:45

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 7)

<p>Reliable scientific knowledge is a necessary condition for informed policy formulation. Habiba Gitay, Ivar Baste, Walt Reid and Bob Watson will discuss four assessment processes that will provide critical information for all stakeholders involved in the conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits of biodiversity. </p> <li>The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel to the Global Environmental Facility is preparing an assessment of the inter-linkages among the global environmental issues and the implications for GEF interventions<i> Habiba Gitay</i> <li>UNEP, in conjunction with the Multilateral Environmental Conventions, is considering an international assessment of the inter-linkages among the global environmental issues and implications for sustainable development<i> Ivar Baste</i> <li>The scope and status of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment<i> Walt Reid</i> <li>The World Bank, FAO, WHO, UNEP, UNDP and UNESCO are proposing an international assessment of the role of agricultural S&T for development ¡V including the environmental and social implications <i>Bob Watson</i>