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Side Event

Sustainable Ocean Initiative: An Integrated Approach for Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

CBD Secretariat, Ministry of Environment of Japan and Agence Française des Aires Marines Protégées

Date and Time
2 May 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

This side-event will highlight the key results of the Meeting on Sustainable Ocean Initiative Programme Development, held 2-4 August 2011 in Kanazawa, Japan, consolidate ways and means to implement the vision and specific goals of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative, and articulate specific messages to be delivered at the SOI High-level meeting to be held 5 June 2012 in Yeosu, Republic of Korea. This event is being convened jointly by the CBD Secretariat, the Ministry of Environment of Japan and Agence Française des Aires Marines Protégées.