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Side Event

Contemplation of Nature

Foundation for Contemplation of Nature

Date and Time
9 October 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11)

The event would highlight the significance of connecting deeply with nature and offer a tool. There will be a presentation on scientific aspects and a practice session on the technique of Contemplation of Nature. It will be followed by a discussion and beginning of a formation of network for people interested in evolving and sharing knowledge in this area. The importance of conducting this side event in COP 11 is that contemplation of nature practice in various forms is practiced across the world in many cultures; and it is being lost. The significance of the contemplation of nature is that recent scientific research has revealed the multiple benefits flowing to the human body and mind from a deep and sustained experience of nature and the natural world. Studies have shown how exposure to the natural world decreases negative behaviours and states (e.g. aggression, anxiety, depression, psychosomatic diseases) and enhances positive ones (e.g. good physical health, improved cognitive capacity and attention span, empathy, compassion). How it relates to conservation is that consumerist trends in society are considered as one of the root causes of environmental degradation. The contemplative practice creates naturalness orientation and inner motivation for a simpler and richer life more in line with the biological and agricultural roots of human civilisation. The transformative power of contemplative practices is explained with recent research in neurobiology.