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Side Event

SCALING UP BIODIVERSITY FINANCE: Summary from a Dialogue Seminar held in Quito, Ecuador 6-9 March 2012

The Resilience and Development Programme (SwedBio) at Stockholm Resilience Centre and SCBD

Date and Time
9 October 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11)

The issue of financing for biodiversity has for a long time been an important issue in the negotiations. At COP 10 it was recognized that this issues would need to be dealt with further during the two years leading up to COP 11 in Hyderabad, India in October 2012. A dialogue seminar on "Scaling up biodiversity finance" to facilitate the formal negotiations towards and during COP11 was therefore held in Quito, Ecuador 6-9 March 2012. The purpose was to clarify convergence and divergence and enable a deeper understanding of the reasons behind these, as well as to clarify and remove ambiguity and contradictory use of key terms and concepts. The conveners were the five governments of Ecuador, India, Japan, Norway and Sweden and the CBD secretariat, with the Resilience and Development Programme (Swedbio) at Stockholm Resilience Centre as main organizer. Participants were approximately 80 participants ranging from government negotiators to representatives of civil society organizations and social movements, academics, indigenous peoples, business and UN officials. At this side event the co-chair’s summary of the seminar will be presented that provides accounts of the presentations, group and plenary discussions that together helped provide a constructive atmosphere for clarifications, insights and framing of these important issues.