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Side Event

Benefit-sharing and the Law: Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol and Mapping Other Opportunities for Benefit-sharing

University of Edinburgh School of Law

Date and Time
27 February 2014 13:15 - 14:45

Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

This event will provide an opportunity to discuss the main findings of academic research conducted by the University of Edinburgh School of Law on the interpretation of the Nagoya Protocol, including its interactions with other areas of international law - notably human rights. The event will also be an opportunity for stakeholders to express their views on and provide inputs into a new 5-year research programme on benefit-sharing as a legal tool to ensure equitable, constructive and culturally appropriate legal arrangements "beyond" ABS. Namely, the new programme will investigate opportunities for using benefit-sharing to address the special circumstances, cultural preferences and vulnerabilities of developing countries and of indigenous peoples and local communities in addressing climate change and sustainably managing forests, oceans and lands.