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Side Event

Climate Change and Biodiversity: Report of the Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group

World Bank/SCBD

Date and Time
11 February 2004 18:30 - 20:0

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 7)

<p>The key results of the Report of the Ad-Hoc Group on Biological Diversity and Climate Change will be presented by several of the authors (Bob Watson, Habiba Gitay, Braulio Dias, and Horst Korn and Kanta Kumari) on the following topics:</p> <li>Biodiversity and Linkages to Biodiversity <li>Climate Change and Biodiversity: Observed and Projected Changes <li>Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Options: Links to, and Impacts on, Biodiversity <li>Approaches for Supporting Planning, Decision-Making and Public Discussions <li>Selected Case Studies <p>The key conclusions include:</p> <li>Human activities are changing the Earth¡¦s climate primarily with adverse impacts on biodiversity <li>There are a range of energy and land-use, land-use change and forestry policies and projects that can reduce carbon emissions or sequester carbon and have beneficial effects on biodiversity, if appropriately designed <li>A range of tools and processes are available to assess the economic, environmental and social implications of different climate change mitigation and adaptation activities within the broader context of sustainable development. <p>In addition, the impacts of climate change on wetlands, in particular peatlands, will be discussed by Faisal Parish and Rocio Lichte will discuss the issue of climate change and biodiversity from the perspective from the UNFCCC secretariat.</p>