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Side Event

Synthetic Biology and the CBD: Risks and Benefits - a panel discussion

Woodrow Wilson Center

Date and Time
24 June 2014 18:15 - 19:45

Eighteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

Synthetic biology aims to take genetic engineering to a new level, re-characterizing engineered organisms as programmable ‘machines’. It, as a field, is characterized by rapid rates of change and by the novelty and breadth of applications. Market research indicates that the global market for synthetic biology is likely to grow to over $16 billion by 2018 . While synthetic biology has so far been associated with a few high profile projects such as creating minimal life-forms, synthesizing artemisinin or developing biofuels, many other products are now entering the market across multiple sectors, including foods and flavorings, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and energy. The starting point for many of these products will be existing genetic resources that have been accessed, digitized and then redesigned. The impact of this technology could be felt directly by the ecosystems that come into contact with these novel organisms and/or indirectly on agricultural and forestry communities who steward biodiversity and utilize its resources. While some argue that the livelihoods of certain tropical farmers will be displaced and biodiversity loss will be accelerated. Others claim that the very tools of synthetic biology might help in re-claiming biodiversity loss and provide opportunities for economic growth. Join four international speakers with very differing views drawn from science, business and civil society for a lively discussion on how synthetic biology may be impacted by the CBD and whether it will bring risks or benefits for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center and ETC Group.