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Side Event

Strengthening Scientific and Technical Cooperation in support of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020

Government of the Republic of Korea, United Nations Development Programme and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Date and Time
16 June 2014 13:15 - 14:45

Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention

Scientific and technical cooperation is a key mechanism necessary for a functional Convention on Biological Diversity. In its guiding principles, Article 18 of the Convention calls for cooperation in the development and implementation of national policies, in human resources development and institution building, training of personnel and exchange of experts, the establishment of joint research and joint ventures. At its eleventh meeting, the COP requested the Executive Secretary to develop “a coherent, consistent and coordinated approach to technical and scientific cooperation”, building on existing mechanisms, to develop operational options and proposals, and to report to WGRI at its fifth meeting (decision XI/2, paragraph 15). The decision also requested the Executive Secretary to identify ways to act as a convenor to build partnerships and capacity, and thereby facilitate implementation of the Convention (decision XI/2, paragraph 16). WGRI 5 paper (UNEP/CBD/WGRI/5/3/ADD1) on “Technical and Scientific Cooperation and Technology Transfer”, provides, among other things, initial operational options and proposals aimed at improving technical and scientific cooperation under the Convention. This side event explores some potential options to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation including the elements of a needs-based match making platform for scientific and technical cooperation integrated with the clearinghouse mechanism and coordinated with BESNET (the capacity building initiative for IPBES) and the NBSAP forum. The side event will furthermore present how the Republic of Korea, the upcoming president of the Conference of the Parties will support scientific and technical cooperation. Finally, the side event provides an opportunity for Parties and partners to reflect on the proposals discussed and contribute their views.