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Side Event

ABS and non-commercial research: Benefits and lessons learnt from collaborations

Union of Biological sciences (IUBS) & German Research Foundation (DFG)

Date and Time
14 October 2014 18:15 - 19:45

Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

How to account for the multiple benefits derived from projects on basic research, can be challenging, as the benefits do not necessarily fall into the typical idea of monetary benefits. But there are immediate and long-term benefits that contribute both, to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. To learn about the spectrum of benefits we present some results from surveys applied to researchers, to gain their perspective. We also feature in this side event the example of a long – term collaboration between the University of Goettingen in Germany and several institutions in Indonesia. Through this example, we analyze the positive impacts of research and its remaining challenges, for both, governments and researchers. With the public, we hope to get into some practical recommendations for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, for users and providers.