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  • Side Events (32)


  • SBSTTA 11 (32)


Aichi Targets


Side Event

Sustainable Use Indicators: Needs and challenges

(IUCN/SSC/Sustainable Use Specialist Group)

Date and Time
30 November 2005 13:15 - 14:45

Eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 11)

This Side Event is designed as a public forum to examine and discuss the needs and challenges faced in the development and application of indicators of sustainable use. The experience of the European approach to development of sustainable use indicators will be shared. Attempts at developing sustainable use indicators for use in the context of the Global Environment Fund (GEF) will be highlighted. Perspectives on factors that should be considered in the development of indicators of sustainable use will be reviewed. How indicators of sustainable use relate to other CBD 2010 indicators will be assessed – especially those related to species status, extent and abundance. The CBD Secretariat will provide their perspective on the value of indicators of sustainable use. To help us plan development of effective sustainable use indicators participants are invited to contribute to open discussions on three broad questions: - Will indicators to monitor sustainable use change depending on the temporal and spatial scale of the use? - Is it possible to measure changes in “… production areas [that are] managed consistent with the conservation of biodiversity” in regards to monitoring sustainability of uses? - Are sufficient baseline data available to assess trends in sustainability? The Session will conclude with a brief summary of the key conclusions/insights reached during the session. Participants will receive a summary record of the session and be invited to join and contribute to a global network which will be developing and testing effective sustainable use indicators.