Side Event
Northern Workshop on Access to Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge and Benefit-sharing: ABS as a Sustainable Development Opportunity for the North
Government of Canada
Date and Time
31 January 2006 13:15 - 14:45
Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS 4)
The Government of Canada, together with the Arctic Athabaskan Council and the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, hosted a workshop on access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and benefit-sharing, in Whitehorse, Yukon, from March 15 to 17, 2005. The objective of the workshop, was to raise awareness about ABS and associated TK among Northerners. The meeting proved to be a great opportunity to explore many topics – ranging from the biotechnological potential of non-timber forest products, the potential role ABS can play as a tool for economic development in the North, how ABS can improve biodiversity conservation, the interface between ABS and traditional medicines, the mechanisms for protecting TK. Discussions held at the workshop are indicative of the complexity of the North when it comes to addressing social, environmental and economic considerations and their relationship with ABS. The workshop demonstrated a clear interest in the North to learn more about ABS and understand the role this region can play in the development of ABS frameworks that will adequately reflect and promote the interests of Northern stakeholders and indigenous peoples.