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Side Event

RedLAC and its contribution to the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Latin America and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds

Date and Time
24 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

RedLAC is a network composed of 21 Environmental Funds located in 14 countries of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region. This network currently manages a combined budget of US$ 700 million, channeling nearly US$ 70 million per year into projects. Up to date, RedLAC members have financed over 3000 projects in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. One of RedLAC’s primary roles is to serve as a learning community that facilitates information sharing and exchange on best practices among its members with the goal of enhancing the impact of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development initiatives and to increase their capabilities for improved conservation finance management. The main target of the session is to share with the participants how RedLAC contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean region via the generation of knowledge through comprehensive, permanent and proactive processes of analysis, synthesis and dissemination of information among its members, all carried out in an aggregate manner where the sum of all parts becomes a fully-fledged operational body. Furthermore, RedLAC’s activities, like information exchange about critical topics and their solutions; horizontal technical cooperation activities; exchange experiences regarding project negotiation; the mutual support in the design of investments and fundraising strategies; among others, provide to its members a meaningful contribution towards the effective and efficient resolution of problems and to acquire new abilities and knowledge. Inside RedLAC’s plans, there exists the commitment to provide support for the sharing of knowledge and replication of successful experiences in Africa and Asia, improving dissemination tools and strengthening the knowledge network for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. In addition, RedLAC is an integration model and a suitable means for conservation alliances not only to improve the performance of its members, but also to develop regional programs. Finally, RedLAC would like to show the importance of promoting the strengthening and establishment of new Environmental Funds worldwide, as they are innovative financing mechanisms that cover the recurrent costs of parks and protected areas, support the conservation of biodiversity, promote the sustainable use of natural resources and/or strengthen local institutions engaged in conservation and sustainable development.