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Side Event

Conserving Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: Challenges and Priorities for the CBD

Ecoagriculture Partners

Date and Time
27 March 2006 18:30 - 20:15

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

The event will convene a panel of leaders representing international conservation NGOs, agricultural agencies and community-based organizations to present a range of innovative strategies focused on ecosystem-scale approaches that are jointly addressing the challenges of sustaining agricultural productivity and improving rural livelihoods, while also conserving biodiversity – not only crop/livestock genetic diversity, but also wild biodiversity and associated ecosystem services (for example pollinators, soil organisms, wild species and ecological communities) found in and around agricultural landscapes. Issues addressed by panelists will include forging new partnership with farmers for biodiversity conservation, transboundary ecosystem co-management strategies, payments for biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes, research priorities, legal and regulatory challenges. Discussion will be structured to identify key priorities and strategic actions to inform preparations for the CBD COP-9 on agriculture.