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Side Event

Cocktail Reception - launch of resources for a workable liability regime

Global Industry Coalition

Date and Time
21 February 2006 18:0 - 19:30

Second meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Liability and Redress in the context of the Biosafety Protocol

We would like to have an evening reception on the first or second evening of the week (on a night that does not conflict with the Secretariat's plans for a reception - if they will have one) to launch the publication of a number of materials on the issue of liability & redress related to the Biosafety Protocol. The event will start with a brief introduction of the materials and will be followed by a cocktail reception with food and beverages. We would like to have the reception in the hallway outside the room where the plenary session will take place if possible (like the event we held at MOP-2).