Financial Mechanism and Resources

“Dialogue Workshop on Assessment of Collective Action of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Mobilization", 11-13 June 2015, in Panajachel, Guatemala
Together with International Training Workshop on Community – Based Monitoring, Indicators on Traditional Knowledge and Customary Sustainable Use and Community Protocols, within the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, 8-10 June 2015; Expert Meeting on the Repatriation of Traditional Knowledge Relevant to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity, 14-15 June 2015

Report of the Workshop
Report of the Dialogue Workshop on Assessment of Collective Action of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Mobilization, also in Spanish

The primary aim of the workshop is to promote and facilitate the implementation of decision XIII/3, paragraphs 29-31, and XII/1, paragraph 18, and XII/12, paragraph 7. The decisions call for the contribution of collective actions of indigenous and local communities for the achievement of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

  • Government of Guatemala
  • CBD Secretariat, and
  • SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Financial support:
  • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), through SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • European Union, and
  • Japan Biodiversity Fund

Expected results:
  • Workshop report for wide circulation, as per decision XII/3, paragraph 31;
  • Summary information for inclusion in the pre-sessional document on financial resources for the first meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, as per decision XII/3, paragraph 31;
  • Summary information for inclusion in the pre-sessional document on the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, as per decision XII/1, paragraph 18

Selected participants

Following the notification, over 150 nominations with good qualifications were received. Due to the limited capacity of the workshop, only a quarter of the nominees have been selected to attend physically, and an online forum was created to facilitate the exchange of information, experience and perspectives more globally.

^Group Photo

Working documents for the Workshop

1. UNEP/CBD/RM/WS/2015/2/1
Provisional Agenda: English, Español

2. UNEP/CBD/RM/WS/2015/2/1/ADD1
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda: English, Español

Report of the Dialogue Workshop on Assessment of Collective Action of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Mobilization: English

Information Note for Participants: English, Español

In-session presentations
Session I
Message from Mr. Braulio Dias, Executive Secretary
Welcome and introduction of agenda, Ms. Maria Schultz, Director, Swedbio
Rules for the dialogue, Mr. Edgar Selvin Pérez and Ms. Maria Schultz

Session II
Contributions of IPs and LCs and community conservation to Global Biodiversity and the Aichi targets, John Scott, CBD Secretariat
Collective Action and Financial Reporting under Convention on Biological Diversity, Yibin Xiang, CBD Secretariat
Conceptual and Methodological Framework for Evaluating the Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation, Ms. Sorka J. Copa Romero, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bolivia. Also Framework

Session III
Valuation of ecosystems and biodiversity in relation to collective action, Erik Gomez Baggethun, Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Norway
Experience of national indicators in Bhutan, Thinley Dorji, Bhutan, National Environment Commission
Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in Communal Forests of the 48 Cantons of Totonicapán, Guatemala., Valentin Dagoberto Sic, Guatemala

Session IV
Bottom up panel
Multiple Evidence Base Approach to ensure legitimacy, credibility and usefulness while scaling up outcomes by collective action, Pernilla Malmer, SwedBio at SRC, Sweden
Eco-cultural mapping for mobilization of knowledge in a collective action for recovering Kathita river including its natural sacred sites, and its further recognition in local planning and national biodiversity conservation, Gathuru Mburu, ICE, Kenya. Also see Eco-cultural maps and calendars: Tools for mobilization of local knowledge and connecting diverse knowledge systems
Bottom up tools, methods and communication used by ICCA Consortium for documenting and visualizing indigenous peoples and local communities contribution to biodiversity conservation by their collective action in Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs), Carmen Miranda, ICCA Consortium and SAVIA, Bolivia. See aslo Word document
Collective action in local biodiversity governance, Celia Mahung, Toledo Institute for Development and Environment, Belize, representing the Equator Initiative, UNDP

Scaling up and aggregating panel
Comparative experiences on customary sustainable use and data aggregation, Maurizio Ferrari, FPP and IIFB Working Group on Indicators
GIS mapping and modelling as a top down method for aggregation of data related to collective action in biodiversity conservation, Sarah Cornell, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
Contributions of Indigenous peoples to biodiversity conservation and global biodiversity targets. A pilot process of aggregation, including ethic considerations, Beau Austin, Charles Darwin University, Australia. Also see Word document
Scaling up local community-based monitoring and incorporating it in national management programs on biodiversity, Pedro Constantino, Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership, Brazil. Also in Word document

Session VI
Strategy for Resource Mobilization and Financial Reporting under Convention on Biological Diversity, Yibin Xiang, CBD Secretariat

Documents available to the Workshop

UN Statistics Division
The UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting and its implementation in pilot countries
An overview of the SEEA with emphasis on Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts

The Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN)

World Bank
Climate Change Expenditure Reviews: Insights from World Bank Experience

OECD DAC Statistics on Biodiversity-related Development Finance

Eurostat activities related to biodiversity (EU SEEA reporting)

European Commission
Tracking biodiversity-related expenses in the EU budget

European Investment Bank Group
Biodiversity Finance Tracking - the Joint MDB Approach

FAO work related to collective action of indigenous peoples and local communities
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: A legacy for the future, FAO - Land and Water Division (NRL)
Mainstreaming Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems into existing policies and programmes, Biodiversity Management Bureau, Bureau of Soils and Water Management, National Commission on Culture and Arts, Policy Working Paper, March 2014

Indigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Areas (ICCA) Consortium
Submission including: Indigenous peoples’ and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs); the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative; and Mapping Indigenous Peoples’ and community land and tenure rights.

Australia’s Submission on Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation, including Green Army, Landcare, Carbon Farming Initiative, TUMRAS, Indigenous Protected Areas, Joint-Management of Protected Areas, Australian Business and Biodiversity Initiative

Contribution des valeurs traditionnelles endogènes à la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, écosystèmes et sites sacrés, Par Patrice SAGBO, Actions pour le Développement durable- ADeD-ONG Cotonou- République du Bénin
Benin’s experience in the management of sacred forests for biodiversity conservation

The Role of Collective Actions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities for the Protection of Biodiversity
Conceptual and Methodological Framework for Evaluating The Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation

Biocultural Community Protocol for Cerrado Raizeiras: the customary rights of healers in the Cerrado biome of Brazil, 1st Edition, Turmalina, MG - Brazil, September 2014.

Manual de Gestion de sitios SIPAM, by Carlos Venegas and Andrés Lagarrigue, from FAO

Experience of collective action in the field of agriculture to maintain environmental public goods; Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program; Salmonid Enhancement Program; Salish Sea Marine Survival Project; Beaufort Sea Partnership; The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk Program; Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management Program; Canada's Network of Marine Protected Areas

Notification of Ministry of Agriculture on Exploration of China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS), from FAO
Case Study of Dong People's Rice-Fish-Duck Symbiotic System in China
Collaborative Planning and Management of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes: a Rice Paddy Cultural Landscape Conservation in an Indigenous Community
Integrating community development with the management of grasslands and wetlands at Ke’erqin nature reserve

Acciones Colectivas para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad: Reporte 2010 - 2015, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt

Recovery of Mouthless Crab (Cardisoma crassum) Populations in Mangrove Forests of the Chone River Estuary

Germany’s approach to measuring its international biodiversity commitments implemented through Official Development Assistance (ODA)

Building and Supporting Resilient Biocultural Territories in the Face of Climate Change
Tropical forests for local people
The use of agrobiodiversity by indigenous and traditional agricultural communities in: Adapting to climate change

Biodiversity Financing National Assessment
Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM), Impacts on Biodiversity and Child Malnutrition: A Case Study of Tribal Belt in Western Part of India

Creation and Management of Diverse Secondary Forest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Promoting co-management of socio-ecological landscapes in flood dependent agroforestry, pastoral and fishery systems of eastwards flowing rivers of Eastern Africa through scientific research and indigenous knowledge

Forest management through community-based forest enterprises in Ixtlan de Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico

A Biodiversity Expenditure Review using the BIOFIN Assessment Methodology in Namibia
Namibia’s Submission on Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation
Community-based adapatation in Namibia – a tool to enhance conservation tillage practices

Indigenous and Local Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Nepal, including case studies of understanding indigenous and local practices in water management for climate change adaptation, indigenous and local practices in forest and pasture management for climate change adaptation, indigenous and local practices in rural transport infrastructure for climate change adaptation, indigenous and local practices in settlements and housing for climate change adaptation, indigenous and traditional social institutions for climate change adaptation in Nepal
Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Practices for Climate Resilience in Nepal, Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE), Kathmandu, Nepal
Governance at Community Level for Conserving Himalayan Lake Rupa in Kaski District
Community Forestry in Nepal

New Zealand
Kete Tangariki - Pilot Tuna Enhancement Project, Tui Shortland, Nga Tirairaka o Ngati Hine, 21 September 2013
Catchment Management Programme Report, 24 April 2015
Kauri Cultural Health Indicators – Monitoring Framework, Report, November 2013
Cultural Indicators for Kauri Ngahere, Tui Shortland, Repo Consultancy Ltd

Diagnosis of climate change in Nicaragua, by Myrna Taylor, Consejo Indigena de Centroamerica (CICA)

Sustainable Agro and Community forestry in localities around Ayubia National Park, Western Himalayas, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK Province)

Acciones Colectivas de Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Campesinas para la Conservación y Utilización Sostenible de la Diversidad Biológica en el Territorio Peruano: Experiencias y Estudios de Caso. Proyecto Lomas de Asia; Acuerdos de conservación para la caza sostenible
Utilization of natural pastures in Huascarán National Park by local Andean ‘pasture users’ and ‘campesino communities’
The Ayllu System of the Potato Park, Cusco, Peru

Role of Traditional Knowledge in Strengthening Socio-ecological Production Landscapes
A review of policy actions for more resilient land management in the upper watersheds of Davao
Use and Management of “Muyong” in Ifugao Province, Northern Luzon Island in the Philippines

Sri Lanka
Agro biodiversity festivals and ceremonies for Strategic Resources Mobilization through local community collective action: A case of an eco-mango festival in Sri Lanka.

Assessing Private Sector Investments for Biodiversity

Timor Leste
Local Knowledge of Timor, Based on the national workshop on “Promoting LINKS and SIDS Programmes in Timor Leste”, Dili, Timor Leste, 7 – 8 June 2011. Editor: Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho

Planting seeds for rooted change, towards community rights in flourishing forests

Forest Peoples Programme (Dr Maurizio Farhan Ferrari) on Community-Based Monitoring and Information Systems (CBMIS)
Developing and Implementing Community-Based Monitoring and Information Systems: The Global Workshop and the Philippine Workshop Reports, Tebtebba Foundation

Thinking together for those coming behind us: An outline plan for the care of Wapichan territory in Guyana Full plan (English), Summary brochure in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, A document of the indigenous peoples of the South Rupununi

Guide simplifié d’observation externe des forêts à l’usage des communautés (A Simplified Guide to Forest Monitoring for Local Communities), The Centre for the Environment and for Development (CED)

Global conference in Lake Toba, Indonesia, highlights multiple benefits of community mapping and CBMIS for indigenous peoples, Forest Peoples Programme E-Newsletter article

Indigenous communities deploy high-tech mapmaking to staunch global land grab, article

Training Kit on Participatory Spatial Information Management and Communication CTA, The Netherlands and IFAD, Italy (ISBN: 978-92-9081-446-7)

Video: Association Okani participatory mapping video showing the impacts of illegal logging on forest peoples' customary use of resources in Cameroon, Association Okani