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  • Side Events (16)



  • Inland Waters Biodiversity (16)

Aichi Targets


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16 Results
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Result 1 to 16

Side Event
COP 10

"Wetlands, Water, Livelihoods and Biodiversity linkages in a global water crisis"

Ecosystems and the global water crisis- diminishing ecosystem services. This side event by Wetlands International and some of our partners from the development sector will illustrate the critical role of wetlands ecosystems for water – food, attenuating some of the impacts of climate change, th ...

Side Event
COP 11

A Policy Brief Launch: Securing the Future of Mangroves

Mangroves are extraordinary ecosystems that offer countless goods and services to the human population. Their importance and value both economically and ecologically are largely known; despite this nearly all mangrove nations have experienced net losses in mangrove cover in recent decades as a r ...

Side Event
COP 10

Biodiversity of inland waters

In this session, nature-oriented river works, which started 20 years ago in Japan, will be reviewed first with various examples for the purpose of sharing knowledge among international participants. Then the discussion will cover how the works can contribute to the post 2010 Strategic Goal B, “r ...

Side Event
COP 10


Contribution of artificial satellites to biodiversity survey and climate change monitoring (the second part). Current plan on the topic is as followed: Lecture on highlighting the contribution of artificial satellites to climate change and water circulation monitoring and global, regional and Lo ...

Side Event
COP 10

Investing in Biodiversity and Economic Prosperity: An Integrated Approach to an economically and environmentally prosperous Greater Mekong Subregion

In 1992, the governments of the six countries that host the Mekong River formed the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program, a platform for promoting investments in key priority sectors through stronger economic integration. As with economic development challenges, threats to biod ...

Side Event
COP 11

Lagoons, Lives & Livelihoods

The prime focus of this side event is on the significant interrelationships between lagoon ecosystem biodiversity and the socio-economic development of the local communities. The intrinsic management issues existing between a network of communities surrounding a lagoon system and their ecosystem ...

Side Event
COP 10

Long-term sustainable development and management of the Iraqi Marshlands

The session will address UNEP-DTIE-IETC's efforts on the Iraqi Marshlands since 2004 to present. UNEP-DTIE-IETC has been working on the restoration of the Iraqi Marshlands since 2004, taking the ecosystem management approaches and community-based approach during the post-conflict period. UNEP-U ...

Side Event
COP 12

North-East Asian Cooperation on Migratory Bird and Habitat Conservation

The North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) is an intergovernmental mechanism of six North-East Asian countries, supported by UNESCAP. As part of NEASPEC's Nature Conservation programme, it currently carries out field surveys and studies for conservation an ...

Side Event
COP 11


Inland water ecosystems encompass one of the most threatened world’s habitats. In some areas, depletion and pollution of important water resources have gone beyond the point of no return. Demands placed by people on natural resources in and around inland waters, particularly the unsustainable us ...

Side Event
COP 10

Space agencies support to Ramsar/CBD for inland and coastal wetland observation and reporting

The overall objective of the Ramsar convention is the conservation and wise use of wetlands by national actions and international cooperation as a means to achieving sustainable development. According to the UN-CBD, inland water ecosystems are amongst the most threatened ecosystem types. Physica ...

Side Event
COP 10

The Current Situation and Biodiversity of Korea's Wetland

Biodiversity of Korea's Important Wetlands including the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project and the Reality of the Korean Government's Biodiversity Conservation Policies

Side Event
COP 10

UK Peatlands; Habitat Restoration Delivering Ecosystem Benefits’

This talk will cover water, carbon and biodiversity benefits, and ties in with the focus of the EU biodiversity policy.

Side Event
COP 11

Water Harvesting and its importance to Dry Lands and relevance to biodiversity sustenance.

The A.P. State Biodiversity Board and the A.P. State Ministry for Minor Irrigation wishes to impress the need for the conservation and use of the Rain Water which should be harvested for sustaining agriculture and in maintaining biological diversity in Dry Land areas.

Side Event
COP 11

Water, Wetlands and Aichi targets

Wetlands, inland as well as coastal, provide a range of ecosystem services to support human well-being , yet are one of the most rapidly degrading ecosystems. Fragmentation of hydrological regimes and ineffective integration in water management planning and decision making are one of the major d ...

Side Event
COP 10

Wet Carbon: Using carbon finance to restore wetlands, conserve biodiversity and secure livelihoods

Several recent initiatives are exploring the benefits for biodiversity, climate and livelihoods of conserving and restoring wetlands. This event includes presentations from experts involved in the science, practice and financing of wet carbon projects, including on-going work by IUCN and its par ...

Side Event
COP 10

Wetlands and Urbanisation

This side event will illustrate the linkages between the issues of urbanization, inland waters, biodiversity, public health and resilience to climate change. This side event will be organised by Wetlands International with the involvement of the secretariats of the Ramsar Convention, CBD and the ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 16
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("Inland Waters Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme