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Bt Cotton web around Food, Farming and Livestock Systems CONTINENTAL PERSPECTIVES FROM AFRICA AND ASIA
Worldwide, specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources, using locally adapted management practices. Building on local knowledge and experience, these ingenious agri-cultural systems ...
This workshop will discuss the interaction between agrobiobiodiversity, food sovereignty and Indigenous economies in the context of cross-sectoral topics related to seed management, food security and sustainable agriculture. Special attention will be given to biocultural approaches to the conser ...
Report of the First Session of the Ad Hoc Technical Working Group (of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) on Access and Benefit-Sharing for Genetic Resources for Food And Agriculture
Progress Report of FAO on the Implementation of the International Pollinators Initiative
11 - 13 September 2012, Svalbard, Norway
11 - 15 June 2012, Hameenlinna, Finland
The event will offer very concrete examples of how farmer-led experimentation and resilience strategies are helping farmers to build seed security, feed their families, and stay on their lands, despite unpredictable and challenging climate events. If we are to build food security in vulnerable ...
The evidence from many parts of the world shows how the push for biofuels and biomass for energy is having serious, often irreversible impacts on indigenous peoples, local communities and biodiversity. Furthermore biofuels incur a carbon debt at a time when we should sharply reduce emissions and ...
Biofuels and biodiversity
Reports on collaborative work on biodiversity and agriculture, forests, and biodiversity and health
12 - 14 March 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
21 - 25 November 2011, Rome, Italy
10 - 14 October 2011, Antalya, Türkiye
8 - 12 September 2011, Kuching, Malaysia
Montreal/Rome 18 July 2011. The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Convention on Biological Diversity will strengthen their collaboration for achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, through common actions that will pr ...
16 - 22 July 2011, Rome, Italy
4 - 5 July 2011, Rome, Italy
25 June - 2 July 2011, Rome, Italy
Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/DCO/76500 (2011-121)
To: CBD national focal points, SBSTTA focal points and relevant Organisations
I invite Parties, other Governments and relevant organisations to submit any relevant information, in any appropriate form, to the Secretariat at secretariat@cbd.int or by mail, with the subject title "Notification – Biofuels and Biodiversity"). Submissions will be accepted at any time but not l ...
English Spanish French4 December 2010, Cancun, Mexico
New Models to Share Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Sustainable produced biomass is being addressed as part of the Agriculture Programme of Work under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The side event will help to - Provide an opportunity for discussions among the Parties, the private sector, government and civil society the challenges ...
Various cases using rice paddies wisely and sustainably and to promote biodiversity in agricultural land and suggestions for the policies from many regions and various institutions will be disclosed. It will propose a forgotten role of agricultural land for the biodiversity.
OISCA International, has approximately 50 years experience as the NGO involves an international cooperation and rural development in the Asia-Pacific region. Among the OISCA experience, especially the rural development of sustainable agriculture and human resources development with training of o ...
Presentation of the function of rice paddies to preserve biodiversity. Rice paddies can develop peculiar ecosystems, enable sustainable agriculture for several thousand years, and provide ecosystem services such as watershed protection, prevention of soil erosion and local climate stability, as ...
CIFOR and FFPRI, as development-oriented research organizations, have joined forces with conservation and development agencies operating in tropical multifunctional landscapes of high biodiversity value. CIFOR, FFPRI, WWF, IUCN, Intercooperation, Ecoagriculture partners and many others have exch ...
Timeless and resilient practices and new initiatives presented by indigenous communities and their partners to achieve agrobiodiversity and food security
This side event will showcase the different food cuisines from rice, ranging from hors d’ vors, appetizers, main course and desserts that are so delicious and tempting that one cannot imagine living without rice. The different rice varieties and food cuisines will be exhibited to the negoti ...
Study of cases and signal new tendencies in management of agriculture in Brazil.
Presentation of community based management of agricultural biodiversity from different regions. Special focus on Community Seed Banks, and a launch of a report on Community Seed Banks.
Worldwide, specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources, using locally adapted management practices. These systems have resulted in the maintenance and adaptation of globally signifi ...
At the side event we intend to present the so-called Pannon Seed Bank Project started in January 2010. The main goal of the project is the long-term seed preservation of the wild vascular flora of the Pannonian biogeographical region in order to assist and complement in situ species conservation ...
Presentation of activities for biodiversity conservation in agricultural sector in Japan. Agriculture is an essential production activity on supplying necessary food and daily commodities for human lives, and also on the viewpoint of food security. For the maintenance and development of sustaina ...
The objective of this event is to present the outcomes, information generated and technical assistance provided to developing countries by UNEP GEF projects on conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. This side event will provide an opportunity to demonstrate the tools, pra ...
In 2008, MAFF started to recommend the utilization of a voluntary eco-label called the “living creature mark”. It applies to agriculture, forestry and marine products produced by the measures which conserve local living creatures. (e.g. rice with oriental white stork mark.). These brands may hel ...