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Result 1301 to 1350

News Headlines

Africa: Healthy Oceans, Healthy Societies

Over recent years, there have been shocking reports of marine endangerment and plastic pollution. The threats are clear, and now urgent action is needed more than ever.

News Headlines

Scientists Discover an Ancient 'Superhighway' at The Bottom of The Ocean

Half a billion years ago, the ocean floor was thought to be completely void of life, an ancient dead zone without the necessary oxygen for survival.

News Headlines

If you don't like eating fish, you might be a fan of global warming

Most know that climate change is changing the world today and will change it more tomorrow. But what’s not always as well-examined is how much it’s altered already. A new study out of Rutgers University gazes back at shifts that have taken place since the 1930s in global fish stocks, finding los ...

News Headlines

Bird extinctions 'driven' by global food trade

About 100 bird species are predicted to go extinct based on current farming and forestry practices, according to a new global analysis. This number has increased by 7% over the first ten years of this century alone, say scientists.

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L'Elysée lance le One Planet Lab, le "laboratoire à idées" pour la transition écologique

Après le One Planet Summit, le One Planet Lab. Ce groupe de travaille rassemble de nombreuses personnalités du secteur de la transition écologique pour soumettre au président des idées et appliquer les engagements du One Planet Summit.

News Headlines

Colombie.Quand les chasseurs de crocodiles sauvent une espèce

Après une quasi-extinction de l’espèce pour cause de chasse intensive, la population de crocodiles d’une région de grande biodiversité a retrouvé un équilibre. Grâce à une initiative qui a transformé les chasseurs en protecteurs.

News Headlines

Nouvelle-Calédonie : la technique de l'ADN environnemental pour la protection de la biodiversité sous-marine

Les êtres humains laissent un petit bout de peau ou un cheveux en passant quelque part. Les poissons abandonnent aussi quelques cellules en nageant. Laurent Vigliola, chercheur en biologie marine, traque des traces d'ADN sous l'eau pour mieux protéger l'écosystème du récif calédonien.

News Headlines

Thirteen mammal extinctions prevented by havens

A stocktake of Australia's animal havens – conservation areas free of cats and foxes – has found that they have already prevented 13 mammal extinctions.

News Headlines

University of Utah biologists experimentally trigger adaptive radiation

When naturalist Charles Darwin stepped onto the Galapagos Islands in 1835, he encountered a bird that sparked a revolutionary theory on how new species originate.

News Headlines

Climate change is leading to unpredictable ecosystem disruption for migratory birds

Using data on 77 North American migratory bird species from the eBird citizen-science program, scientists at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology say that, in as little as four decades, it may be very difficult to predict how climate change will affect migratory bird populations and the ecosystems the ...

News Headlines

Girls’ Love of Science Takes Root in Rural Colombia

In an isolated part of Colombia better known for rice, pineapples, and paramilitaries, something else is taking root: the next generation of female scientists. In 2016, Colombia’s government signed a peace treaty with the FARC guerilla group to bring an end to the country’s 50-year civil conflic ...

News Headlines

Disappearing rice fields threaten more global warming

All over China, a huge change has been taking place without any of us noticing. Rice paddies have been (and are being) converted at an astonishing rate into aquaculture ponds to produce more protein for the worlds growing populations. This change risks creating an unexpected impact on global war ...

News Headlines

Landmark study finds tackling inequality is key to realising UN goals

A landmark study of the relationship between each of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has found that tackling inequality in rich countries could unlock the prize of a better and more sustainable future for all.

News Headlines

Beaches are banning sunscreens to save coral reefs

Many families will soon escape the winter to seek warmer, sunnier climes. Swimsuits and sunglasses will invariably find their way into suitcases, but one common item might be giving people a little more pause than it once did: sunscreen.

News Headlines

Droughts, extreme weather and empowered consumers mean tough choices for farmers

The National Farmers Federation wants to lift the value of Australian agricultural production to $100 billion by 2030.While that might be possible – on the current trajectory it is forecast to reach $84 billion by 2030 – we should be mindful of the substantial, and sometimes painful, reforms tha ...

News Headlines

For the first time, we can measure the human footprint on Antarctica

Most people picture Antarctica as a frozen continent of wilderness, but people have been living – and building – there for decades. Now, for the first time, we can reveal the human footprint across the entire continent.

News Headlines

How new species arise in the sea

For a new species to evolve, two things are essential: a characteristic—such as a colour—unique to one species and a mating preference for this characteristic. For example, individuals from a blue fish species prefer blue mates and individuals from a red fish species prefer red mates.

News Headlines

Czech honey production lowest in four years

The Czech Republic’s honey production in 2018 was the lowest in the past four years, according to data released by the Czech Statistics Office this week. Production of honey was four percent lower than in the previous year, dropping below 9,000 tonnes for the first time since 2014.

News Headlines

We Need Radical Thinking on Climate Change

I was bored over the weekend and got into a Twitter convo about climate change. We were chatting, of course, about the Green New Deal, and the basic arguments in its favor were:

News Headlines

There Really, Really Isn’t a Silver Bullet for Climate Change

When the fate of the planet is at stake, a single precedent starts to seem like a blueprint. Most Americans, as far as pollsters can tell, want the United States to honor its commitment under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

News Headlines

The blue economy – ocean of opportunity or sea of troubles?

For centuries, we have thought of the ocean as unimaginably vast and unchangeable, as a sea of opportunity, spawning fishing fleets and shipping lines, building the wealth of maritime nations. The ocean fundamentally underpins the populations and food of many coastal and island states, and alway ...

News Headlines

Global analysis of billions of Wikipedia searches reveals biodiversity secrets

Researchers have found that the way in which people use the internet is closely tied to patterns and rhythms in the natural world. This finding suggests new ways to monitor changes in the world's biodiversity.

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Growing need for food is reason for more biodiversity

Deep within southern Ethiopia’s agroforestry landscapes, where farmers grow grain and keep cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys, researchers counted more than 4,100 birds as part of an assessment on agricultural productivity and biodiversity.

News Headlines

Could bioenergy crops be worse for biodiversity than climate change?

Raising crops to turn into energy is a big part of some plans to reduce climate change. Yet those crops have their own impacts — and, depending on how they’re grown, could be as bad for biodiversity as climate change itself.

News Headlines

In protecting their forests, these women transformed their futures

Had it not been for the women of the Roro tribe, things might look bleaker in their lush corner of Papua New Guinea.Set upon by companies unsustainably extracting the fish and timber that provide the indigenous group’s livelihoods and food security, the Roro saw an already difficult existence be ...

News Headlines

Nestlé outlines plan to support Cocoa & Forests initiative

Nestlé has laid out an action plan to help end deforestation and restore forests in its cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. It says the plan is part of the company’s commitment to support the Cocoa & Forests Initiative, a new public-private partnership bringing together the government ...

News Headlines

Ocean floor listening posts reveal secrets of blue whales

Underwater recorders attached to the ocean floor are revealing new information about endangered blue whales off the coast of Atlantic Canada. It turns out the biggest animals on the planet — and the loudest — are present year round.

News Headlines

Some Species Of Corals Are Becoming Resilient To Warming Ocean Temperatures

Hope and joy are rarely words we come across reading about climate change. But new research has dug up just such a gem about the rainforests of the sea — coral reefs. Some species of corals are getting acclimatised to the rising temperature of water in oceans.

News Headlines

Climate change: Satellite fix safeguards Antarctic data

Europe's quarter-century-long satellite data record of ice sheet changes in the Antarctic is secure into the future. It's possible because a new spacecraft tasked with observing what's going on in the polar south is finally producing very serviceable data.

News Headlines

Last chance to see? Five species under threat in the age of Trump

The Trump administration is eroding protections for America’s endangered species. Here are five species under threat in the age of Trump.

News Headlines

Adders now active all year with warmer UK weather

The adder, Britain’s only venomous snake, has for the first time been confirmed as being active in every month of the year. Adders normally hibernate underground from October to March, a strategy designed to enable them to survive a cold winter, but with warmer weather have now been seen through ...

News Headlines

Sustainable trade as a means to protect biodiversity

“There’s a rang-tan in my bedroom and I don’t know what to do,” the small girl says. The rang tang replies, “there’s a human in my forest and I don’t know what to do.” Does this ring a bell? It originates from an advertisement of a British supermarket chain, subsequently banned from television i ...

News Headlines

Insect food webs

The decline in biodiversity and the associated loss of plant species are greatly affecting our ecosystems. Thus far, this has been shown by studies in the so-called grassland, i.e. in areas that are not covered by buildings or are dominated by woody vegetation.

News Headlines

Italy’s olive oil crisis: extreme weather and disease caused last harvest to drop by 57%

Italy’s olive oil production could be drying up and supplies exhausted within a month, after the industry experienced a concerning 57 per cent drop in production last year.

News Headlines

Africa: Act Fast to Halt the Declining Insect Numbers

Researchers, policymakers and donors should act fast to halt the diminishing insect numbers, writes Wei Zhang. Insects are among the most diverse and successful organisms on our planet, and their significant contributions to vital ecological functions including pollination, pest control and main ...

News Headlines

Africa's green agenda to feature at UN Environment Assembly

The fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA4) to be held in Nairobi next week is expected to stimulate conservation on revitalizing Africa's green agenda, an official said on Wednesday.

News Headlines

More Than 300 Species in Myanmar Endangered: Report

Myanmar is home to 331 endangered species, according to the latest report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), including birds, orangutans, elephants, deer, freshwater turtles, pangolins and tigers.

News Headlines

UN Environment Acting Executive Director issues forceful appeal ahead of UN Environment Assembly

UN Environment Acting Executive Director Joyce Msuya has issued a forceful call to action ahead of the Fourth UN Environment Assembly, which will gather in Nairobi from 11-15 March.

News Headlines

Obama in Calgary: Climate change chaos making politics more toxic

Former United States president Barack Obama called on global leaders to pay attention to the ways the world is rapidly transforming, urging action on climate change and wealth inequality in speeches in Western Canada on Tuesday.

News Headlines

How climate change is fueling extremism

Across the Sahel, a semi-arid region between the Sahara desert and Sudanian Savannah in Africa, temperature increases are projected to be 1.5 times higher than the global average, according to the United Nations.

News Headlines

Scientists find worms that recently evolved the ability to regrow a complete head

An international group of researchers including biologists from the University of Maryland found that at least four species of marine ribbon worms independently evolved the ability to regrow a head after amputation.

News Headlines

Biological diversity stabilizes species interactions

The decline in biodiversity and the associated loss of plant species are greatly affecting ecosystems. Thus far, this has been shown by studies in the so-called grasslands, i.e. in areas that are not covered by buildings or are dominated by woody vegetation. A team of biologists from the Univers ...

News Headlines

New technologies could help conservationists keep better track of Serengeti wildebeest herds

New methods of counting wildlife could provide conservationists with fast and accurate methods for estimating the abundance of natural populations.

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Earliest animals developed later than assumed

Sponges belong to our earliest ancestors. However, fossils, molecules and genes disagree on the rise of these early animals. A large international team of researchers around Christian Hallmann and Benjamin Nettersheim from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry now found new molecular clue ...

News Headlines

Seawater bacteria provides leads to fight melanoma

Malignant melanoma can be a particularly dangerous form of cancer, and more therapeutic options are needed. Now, researchers report in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters that a bacteria from seawater has inspired promising leads for an entirely new way to treat the disease.

News Headlines

Tropical forests naturally regrow quickly, but without species variety

Tropical forests are threatened by high levels of deforestation, mostly driven by agricultural expansion. But, once agricultural fields are abandoned, they tend to naturally regrow, leading researchers to ask whether that process reverses species loss and brings native species back.

News Headlines

[Commentary] A ‘people’s manifesto’ for the 2019 national elections in India

In late February, about 50 movements and organisations from various parts of India released a ‘People’s Manifesto for a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable India’. This was sent to political parties for their consideration in the run-up to the upcoming national elections, but was also intended to b ...

News Headlines

Ecological vineyards help protecting bird population in the environment

Ecological farmlands help protecting bird populations and reducing the effects of global change on the environment, according to a study published in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment by the experts Joan Real, Àlex Rollan and Antonio Hernández-Matías, from the Conservation Biol ...

News Headlines

When coral reefs change, researchers and local fishing communities see different results

Results of a new study looking at coral reef disturbances, fish abundance and coastal fishers' catches suggest that ecologists and community anglers may perceive environmental disruptions in very different ways.

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Heatwaves are destroying ocean ecosystems like wildfires

The first study to look systemically at marine heat waves — periods when ocean temperatures spike for five days or more —found that they are happening more often, and are having a devastating impact on marine life, The Guardian reported.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1301 to 1350
Results for: ("News Headlines")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme