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This event will describe and analyze the latest mechanisms to support the financial sustainability of the Brazilian Protected Areas’ System. Environmental compensations, as described in Brazilian law, are demanded when infrastructure projects generate significant environmental impacts. Compensat ...
Review and discussion of existing information on costs of achieving the Aichi Targets.
GEF Secretariat will provide an overview of: 1) the GEF-5 biodiversity strategy; 2) programming of resources during the first two years of GEF-5; and 3) how this support is contributing to the achievement of the Aichi Targets.
Forest insect diversity is also an important component of the forest biodiversity. At most of the occasions, only plant biodiversity is discussed. Most of the workers have carried out the plant biodiversity work in different parts of India. Now a days, an emerging need and trend has been observe ...
This side event intends to introduce a research activity titled above. Furthermore, this introduction is intended to provide useful information especially for decision makers in provider country(ies) when they are required to revise or establish new institutions. The information includes: 1) an ...
Free and open access to the worlds biodiversity data is critical to monitoring progress towards and ultimately achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. To date, efforts to provide such access have concentrated largely on data published by individual researchers or their institutions. Rece ...
GEF will provide an overview of the GEF-SFM REDD+ program and its implementation during GEF-5 with examples from the GEF portfolio.
An overview will be provided on GEF's strategy to support the establishment and management of MPAs in support of Aichi Target 11 with examples from the GEF portfolio.
Element 2 of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) on Governance, Participation, Equity and Benefit Sharing was identified in decision X/31 as an issue in need of greater attention. The Executive Secretary , the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and other relevant organizat ...
The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety will showcase innovative activities for integrating business in successfully implementing the goals of the Strategic Plan and Germany’s National Strategy on Biological Diversity. Theyare a contribution to CoP 10 dec ...
This event will allow delegates to COP 11 to get a better understanding of the Global Partnership, how it interacts with the various national and regional initiatives for business and biodiversity, and the longer term goals of the Partnership.
The Food and Agriculture Organization recognizes the enormous contributions and important role of family farmers, indigenous peoples and local communities in managing, conserving and sustaining our biodiversity. Ten years after its initiation by FAO in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainabl ...
This event will discuss how the Green Economy approach for sustainable development can address some key biodiversity issues and also work towards biodiversity targets.
International Finance Panel
During the side event, the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in collaboration with WWF - India aims to bring together the national and regional experts working on high altitude wetlands. The purpose of the side event is to: 1. Share experiences and lessons learn ...
International Finance Panel
In the context of the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, UNWTO in collaboration with the CBD will host a side event on Tourism and Biodiversity, in which the most significant contributions of sustainable tourism to the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity wi ...
Building upon lessons learned from a series of DGCS-IUCN development projects in different continents, the side-event supports the contention that systemic and objective approaches are essential to consolidating such significant processes as the those launched by the Biodiversity Indicators Part ...
Orée is a French non-profit organization which leads for ten years a prospective thinking about biodiversity issues for companies of all size. In this context, a guide and a special issue – available in English and French – have been published on the subject "Integrating biodiversity into busine ...
This side-event will discuss the impacts of underwater noise on marine and coastal biodiversity and habitats in the view of facilitating international and regional cooperation on addressing this issue within the overall context of marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
The Secretariat is currently implementing the pilot phase of the ABS Clearing-House in accordance with guidance provided by Parties during the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol. The purpose of the side-event is to demonstrate progress made in the implementa ...
IPBES, the Integovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, was established in April 2012. However, there is much work to be done for the Platform to be operational. This event will update on the work underway to operationalize IPBES, including on the interessional work in prepa ...
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) was formally established in Panama on 21 April 2012. Capacity building is a key component of IPBES. The upcoming first Plenary Meeting of IPBES which takes place early in 2013 will consider the Platform’ ...
The IUCN's World Conservation Congress, the highest decision-making body of the Union, took place in the island of Jeju, Republic of Korea, from 6-15 September, 2012. Hundreds of events were held during these days featuring numerous issues of interest to the environmental community. IUCN carried ...
Dams, Hydroelectric projects, diversions and unregulated water abstraction have majorly affected aquatic, riparian, estuarine and coastal biodiversity in South Asia, specifically in India. Dams have a multi-pronged impact on biodiversity by submerging forests, changing the natural hydro graph of ...
The presentations and discussions in the event will look at the various impacts on biological diversity, both on land and aquatic /marine, of the choice of coal as a major energy source. The reality of India today is the large dependence on coal as energy source for both heating and electrici ...
This side event presents different aspects of how the EU is implementing its committment to the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 through the EU's Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. After a general introduction of the strategy itself, the EU will reflect upon its common implementation framew ...
Opportunities for GEF financial and technical assistance in support of the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol will be presented along with experiences and challenges of implementing the Nagoya Protocol and ABS regimes in selected countries.
A panel discussion to address the legal, political, cultural, economic, historical and ecological implications of biopiracy for conservation and wise use of biodiversity, and protection of local community rights. The panel will also present case studies on key efforts to tackle biopiracy in In ...
The Side event will share experiences and design implementation strategy for celebration UNDB in local level i.e. village, community and in student and youth institutions or organisations. The event also shows importance of celebration United Nations Decade on Biodiversity in local level. A shor ...
BIOPAMA (Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management) is a project financially supported with Intra-ACP (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific countries) resources from the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). Targeting the long-term conservation of biodiversity in ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacif ...
Following Decisions at CBD COP 10, Parties have been working to revise their NBSAPs, aligning them with the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. UNEP-WCMC and IEEP, with financial support from Defra, and in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat, are undertaking a project to examine the le ...
India's grasslands are amongst the most neglected landscapes although they are important both for wild floral and faunal biodiversity as well as for livestock and pastoral groups .This side event will host discussions and debates on the future of these grasslands where both wildlife experts and ...
This workshop will discuss the interaction between agrobiobiodiversity, food sovereignty and Indigenous economies in the context of cross-sectoral topics related to seed management, food security and sustainable agriculture. Special attention will be given to biocultural approaches to the conser ...
The International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) will share perspectives from each of the regions specifically regarding traditional knowledge and the sustainable use of biodiversity.
The Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) will share their experiences and lessons learned as stewards of traditional knowledge.
Global environemental assessments, whether for biodiversity or climate change, should be based on the best avaialble knowledge. Today there is broad recognition that indegenous and local knowledge must be part of that core data set. We provide an update on recent efforts to bring indigenous an ...
Supported by UNEP, the Multilateral Environmental Agreements Information and Knowledge Management Initiative (InforMEA) aims to assist Parties to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and the environment community at large, to access MEAs information from one central location. The Initia ...
The Nagoya Protocol on ABS leaves considerable discretion to the Parties in determining the types of measures to adopt to fulfill their obligations. A number of countries are currently spending substantial time on the consideration of appropriate domestic measures in order to ratify and implemen ...
Co-organisers - BirdLife International, Government of the Philippines (Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources-Protected Areas & Wildlife Bureau), Bird Conservation Nepal, the Haribon Foundation in the Philippines, [the Government of Nepal and the CBD Secretariat]. The event will focus on the ...
The International University Network on Cultural and Biological Diversity (IUNCBD) will present pilot cases that propose communication, education, public awareness and capacity building objectives integrated in a unique, dynamic, long-lasting strategy and action plan that can really feed the 'li ...
National reporting to multilateral environmental agreements constitutes a substantial burden for Parties. The GEF/UNEP project 'Piloting integrated processes and approaches to facilitate national reporting to Rio Conventions' (FNR_Rio) has over the past three years tested approaches to integrate ...
WWF-India with support from SEED launched a project in 2007 on "People and Protected Areas:Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Partnership with Local Communities" to coordinate and support the efforts of local and grassroots VOs promoting innovative mechanisms to enhance local livelihood ...
Presentation on the national biodiversity strategy of Vietnam with mentioning key challenges and the results obtained to date: integration of REDD+ into NBSAP; Broader HB-REDD+ initiatives and biodiversity safeguards in Vietnam.
This event will describe the role of International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and their ability to influence biodiversity management practices of the private sector through the implementation of Environmental and Social Standards and compliance requirements. The main focus will be on the Inter ...
Forests are a natural resource of global concern. They offer a range of ecosystem services including carbon sequestration having benefits that cross borders. Forests have been an issue of priority for international and national policy and a subject of much debate and discussion for the past 20 y ...
Young people all around the world take action to halt the loss of Biodiversity. This side event will present outstanding projects and the work of youth organizations on the local, national and international level in all regions of the world. Participants will have the chance to discuss with youn ...
This side event will provide guidance on the different elements of Target 11 and launch the Protected Planet Report 2012. The report, the first in a new series of regular reports prepared by UNEP-WCMC, IUCN and a wide range of partners, summarizes global progress towards Target 11. The side eve ...
The event includes presentations by Royal Bank of Scotland and some of their NGO partners of their work done in the space of providing sustainable livelihoods to communities that are located in the buffer zones or corridors of our wildlife protected areas and so, dependent on their resources. Th ...