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Climate Change and Geopolitics: Monitoring of a Thawing Permafrost

Permafrost thaw is one of the world’s most pressing climate problems, already disrupting lifestyles, livelihoods, economies, and ecosystems in the north, and threatening to spill beyond the boundaries of the Arctic as our planet continues to warm.

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Rare Arctic Walrus Spotted In Ireland, Likely Drifted Away After Falling Asleep On Iceberg

An Arctic walrus was spotted on the Atlantic coast of Ireland for the first time since 2004. It was seen by a 5-year-old girl who was walking with her father.

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Plan for Indigenous Protected Area in Canadian Arctic Clears Key Hurdle

The diverse and rich ecosystems of Arqvilliit (Ottawa Islands) are a refuge and feeding and breeding ground for northeastern Hudson Bay species, from polar bears and marine mammals to the thousands of eider ducks that nest here.

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Study shows how varying climate conditions impact vulnerable species

New findings on the diet of Arctic foxes, determined by the condition of their teeth, show how varying climate conditions in the Arctic affect the animals that live there.

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Polarstern expedition investigates massive calved iceberg

Roughly two weeks ago, a massive iceberg calved from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. As the only research vessel nearby, the Polarstern took the opportunity to enter the area between the iceberg and the Brunt Ice Shelf.

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Scientists Discover Tropic‑Like Glowing Fish in the Arctic

Tropical waters are known for their bright sunlight above and their richly colorful biodiversity below. These two things aren’t unrelated; for the many tropical species that exhibit biofluorescence — that is, the ability to absorb light energy and reemit it as different colored light — the sunli ...

News Headlines

Climate Change May Double The Number Of Lighting Strikes In The Arctic

Lightning strikes are an extremely rare phenomenon in the Arctic Circle – but as the global climate has begun to warm, these events have become more common. Just in 2019, lighting hit 483 kilometers (300 miles) of the North Pole, the northernmost instance on record.

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Arctic sizzled in 2020, the warmest year for Europe too

Europe endured record heat and rainfall last year while temperatures in Arctic Siberia soared off the charts, the European Union's climate monitoring service reported Thursday.

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Mysterious ocean-floor trails show Arctic sponges on the move

The aquatic animal known as the sponge is often described as entirely sessile: once they've settled in a spot and matured, they aren't generally thought of as moving around. But, according to a new study in the journal Current Biology on April 26—in which researchers describe mysterious trails o ...

News Headlines

Lesson from Arctic sea-ice prediction in 2020: Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction remains challenging

As an indicator and amplifier of global climate change, the Arctic's health and stability is the cornerstone of the stability of our climate system. It has far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, coastal resilience and human settlements in the middle and high latitudes.

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Arctic biodiversity at risk as world overshoots climate planetary boundary

Today, bowhead whales still transit the fringes of Arctic waters. Polar bears hunt blubbery ringed seals from rafts of ice. And ivory gulls ride gale force winds, plucking juvenile polar cod from the roiling sea. But for how much longer?

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A Greener Arctic Will Not Halt Climate Change

The image of the Arctic as a frozen wasteland could soon be a thing of the past thanks to climate change, with the region warming at double the rate of other areas of the planet.

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The Role of Businesses in Environmental Efforts

With decennial arctic ice drops of 13.1 percent and rising temperatures, per NASA figures, more countries and businesses have deemed it imperative to stop or slow down climate change. While adopting ecologically mindful practices would require spending from the private sector,

News Headlines

Climate crisis behind drastic drop in Arctic wildlife populations – report

A drastic drop in caribou and shorebird populations is a reflection of the dire changes unfolding on the Arctic tundra, according to a new report from the Arctic Council.

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World Biological Diversity Day: Young climate leaders are speaking out

This year has already seen its fair share of unsettling climate news. For the first time, the Amazon rainforest was recognised as a net emitter of greenhouse gases. The increased melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic is causing the earth’s poles to drift.

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Arctic Sea Ice Succumbs To Atlantification

Scientists with the European Space Agency (ESA) said on May 25, 2021, that satellite data have revealed how much warming Atlantic waters are intruding on Arctic sea ice. They said they made their announcement “with alarm bells ringing about the rapid demise of sea ice in the Arctic.”

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First Person: The ‘Human Swan’ inspiring climate action

Australian biologist Sacha Dench has been nicknamed “the Human Swan”, in recognition of her record-breaking, 7,000 kilometre, paramotor (motorized paraglider) flight, tracking Bewick swans across 11 countries, from Arctic Russian to the UK. Ahead of International Day for Biological Diversity, Ms ...

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Climate explained: why is the Arctic warming faster than other parts of the world?

What is Arctic amplification? Do we know what is causing this phenomenon? What effects is it having, both in the region and for the world? Is Antarctica experiencing the same thing?

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Biden administration halts oil drilling in Alaska wildlife refuge

US President Joe Biden's administration announced Tuesday it was halting petroleum development activity in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, reversing a move by former president Donald Trump to allow drilling.

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Newly identified atmospheric circulation enhances heatwaves and wildfires around the Arctic

Scientists have uncovered a summertime climate pattern in and around the Arctic that could drive co-occurrences of European heatwaves and large-scale wildfires with air pollution over Siberia and subpolar North America.

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Arctic open-water periods are projected to lengthen dramatically by 2100

A team from the Centre for Earth Observation Science at the University of Manitoba has published a paper in the Nature journal Communications Earth & Environment that addresses a large gap in our understanding of Arctic Sea Ice coverage.

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Global warming may have already passed irreversible tipping point

Global warning may have already passed an irreversible tipping point, the scientist who led the biggest-ever expedition to the Arctic has warned.

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Can Arctic Animals Keep Up With Climate Change? Scientists are Trying to Find Out

New studies suggest that rising temperatures may prove disastrous for species of birds, fish and other animals that are adapted to the cold of Arctic climes.

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High concentrations of 'forever' chemicals being released from ice melt into the Arctic Ocean

Known as 'forever' chemicals due to the fact they do not break down in the environment, poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used in a wide range of products and processes from fire proofing to stain resistant surfaces.

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The fight to preserve the last quiet places on a noisy planet

Natural silence -- the kind when you hear nothing but the sound of nature around you -- is becoming increasingly scarce. The rumblings of man-made noise can be heard even in the remote corners of national parks and deep in the Arctic Ocean.

News Headlines

Ice lenses may cause many Arctic landslides

Climate change is driving periods of unusually high temperature across large swaths of the planet. These heat waves are especially detrimental in the Arctic, where they can push surface temperatures in regions of significant permafrost past the melting point of ice lenses.

News Headlines

The Arctic Ocean's deep past provides clues to its imminent future

As the North Pole, the Arctic Ocean, and the surrounding Arctic land warm rapidly, scientists are racing to understand the warming's effects on Arctic ecosystems. With shrinking sea ice, more light reaches the surface of the Arctic Ocean. Some have predicted that this will lead to more plankton, ...

News Headlines

Smoke seasons aren't new but our efforts to control wildfires are, and should change

Like many people, I will remember this summer in shades of gray and red. As snapshots of a dull orange sun circulated social media, "zombie fires" rose from the Russian permafrost, entire towns were wiped off the map and Southern Europe became a scene of the apocalypse.Satellites tracked enormou ...

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Landmark Arctic fisheries agreement enters into force

In June, the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement entered into force, bringing to fruition a diplomatic effort that began more than a decade ago.

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Warming Arctic linked to polar vortex outbreaks farther south.

Warmer air weakens the vortex, which normally keeps cold air trapped in Arctic, letting it go south. Warming of the Arctic caused by climate change has increased the number of polar vortex outbreaks, when frigid air from the far north bathes other parts of the Northern Hemisphere in killer cold, ...

News Headlines

Russian icebreaker fleet poses as a warning on climate change

A massive Russian icebreaker ship clears a path to the North Pole, cutting through the thin ice of the Arctic Ocean. Even in this far-flung region, the impact of climate change can be seen.

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Melting of polar ice shifting Earth itself, not just sea levels

The melting of polar ice is not only shifting the levels of our oceans, it is changing the planet Earth itself. Newly minted Ph.D. Sophie Coulson and her colleagues explained in a recent paper in Geophysical Research Letters that, as glacial ice from Greenland, Antarctica, and the Arctic Islands ...

News Headlines

Carbon dissolved in Arctic rivers affects our world—here's how to study it

In a pair of recently published papers, Michael Rawlins, a professor in the University of Massachusetts Amherst's geosciences department and associate director of the Climate System Research Center, has made significant gains in filling out our understanding of the Arctic's carbon cycle—or the w ...

News Headlines

Five facts to help you understand sea ice

One way that scientists monitor climate change is through the measure of sea ice extent. Sea ice extent is the area of ice that covers the Arctic Ocean at a given time. Sea ice plays an important role in reflecting sunlight back into space, regulating ocean and air temperature, circulating ocean ...

News Headlines

The heat is on: from the Arctic to Africa, wildlife is being hit hard by climate chaos

Sweating, headaches, fatigue, dehydration – the ways heat exhaustion affects the human body are well documented. As temperatures inch up year by year we need to change the way we live, creating cooler places that provide refuge from heat.

News Headlines

Arctic Terns arrive in the thousands to Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

The annual migration of birds from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve, has begun with an enormous flock seen swarming the Manoli Islands inside the park last weekend.

News Headlines

Climate Change Is Affecting Polar Bear Diet

Climate change is disproportionately affecting the polar regions. In a paper published earlier this year, researchers from the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) revealed that in the last just the last 50 years, the Arctic warmed up by nearly three times quicker than the rest of t ...

News Headlines

Walrus leaves Arctic comfort zone for snooze on Dutch submarine

The disruption from the climate emergency being experienced by marine wildlife reached a new high in the first week of Cop26, when a female walrus was discovered sleeping on a submarine in a naval base in North Holland.

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A father and son’s Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw

In one of the planet’s coldest places, 130 km south of Russia’s Arctic coast, scientist Sergey Zimov can find no sign of permafrost as global warming permeates Siberia’s soil.

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EU's Arctic policy is not 'convenience' but necessity

The reason for the increased attention is that the Arctic is becoming a new stage for some of the most defining issues of our time: climate change, the urgent need for inclusive and sustainable development, and geopolitics.

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The Arctic Ocean began warming decades earlier than previously thought, new research shows

The Arctic Ocean has been warming since the onset of the 20th century, decades earlier than instrument observations would suggest, according to new research.

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Climate tipping points: The Arctic is a bellwether for irreversible change

The warship HMS Terror lies at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the Northwest passage, lost in 1848 after two grueling years stuck in the Arctic ice. Rescue missions launched to recover the ship in 1851 suffered the same fate, crushed under the year-round ice that encased Northern Canada and th ...

News Headlines

Why increased rainfall in the Arctic is bad news for the whole world

While a reduction in frozen ocean surface is one of the most widely recognised impacts of Arctic warming, it has also long been anticipated that a warmer Arctic will be a wetter one too, with more intense cycling of water between land, atmosphere and ocean.

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Arctic heat record is like Mediterranean, says UN

The highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic, 38C (100F), has been officially confirmed, sounding "alarm bells" over Earth's changing climate.

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Climate change has destabilized the Earth’s poles, putting the rest of the planet in peril

The ice shelf was cracking up. Surveys showed warm ocean water eroding its underbelly. Satellite imagery revealed long, parallel fissures in the frozen expanse, like scratches from some clawed monster. One fracture grew so big, so fast, scientists took to calling it “the dagger.”

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Climate change could mean some Arctic animals will be more vulnerable to disease spread by insects: researcher

The field of pathogens in northern wildlife is ripe for further study, according to some scientists

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Tracking of nearctic seabirds surprises scientists with diverse migratory paths from shared breeding site

As the Arctic and the oceans warm due to climate change, understanding how a rapidly changing environment may affect birds making annual journeys between the Arctic and the high seas is vital to international conservation efforts.

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The Arctic’s climate challenge spurs tech innovation

As the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) called on nations to cooperate on mitigating climate change, nowhere is this call more urgent than in the Arctic region.

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We saved the puffins. Now a warming planet is unraveling that work.

I stepped onto the battlefield of climate change, sidestepping carcass after carcass. In the grass were the remains of Arctic terns, common terns, and roseate terns. Along the boulders, researchers pointed out dead puffin chicks.

News Headlines

Dam it: beavers head north to the Arctic as tundra continues to heat up

The transformation of the rapidly warming Arctic is being accelerated by a wave of thousands of newcomers that are waddling and paddling northwards: beavers.

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Result 151 to 200
Results for: arctic
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme